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It is possible to have multiple salespersons assigned to a customer. This feature must be turned in the Order Entry setup screen by checking the, "Multiple Salespersons" tabs. When this feature is turned on a tab is displayed in the Order Entry screen. Each of the salespersons listed on this tab will then receive commission for sales orders to this customer. For each salesperson you indicate the percentage of the total commission to be paid to the individual salesperson. This should not be confused with commission percent, which is used to calculate the commission on a sales order. 

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The Multi-Com tab will only become available when the "Multiple salespersons" box is checked in the Order entry setup. You will enter an order as normal and a default salesperson will populate in. Before processing the order if you would like to take advantage of the Multi-commission tab you will need to open and enter the sales people that will get commission on this order and the percentage of the commission they will get. In the example above the order had a $18o.oo commission on it. But Ron and Glen split that 80/20. 
Note: When using the Multi-commissions tab the salespeople's percentages have to equal up to 100%.
On our Commissions report we will break the commission out buy customer and salesperson. So when you print out a commission report for Ron Fox you will only see his portion of this commission. But if you print by customer you will see both salespeople and their commission percent.

Commission report by customer


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Commission by sales person

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Dual Sales persons Codes

The alternative to using the multiple sales person option in Order entry set up is to create dual salespeople. As an example: if user A runs the register and there are four salespeople in your organization. To split commission between the register user and the sales person you could create a salesperson code that was user A and Sales person B together. This would separate the sales on the commission reports for Salesperson A-B from the rest. The register user would need to change the salesperson on the POS sales screen and management would be required to figure the split manually from the commission report totals but this will be quicker than running all orders manually and figuring the totals out. This method is used by many users.

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The same order from the first example could have been run with salesperson code G/R which is the Glen Ron Split. The commission report would have listed the sale under salesperson G/R for $180 commission. The user would then have to calculate the 80/20 split manually.