Quick Add Items
This next screen was designed to increase the speed and ease of which items can be entered into your system. If you are not using the AQ interface to create new items, your next best option is use the inventory quick add screen. This screen will allow you to create template items or use existing like items as templates.
INV > Quick Add Item
- Copy from - This field allows you to select an item to copy the information from.
Note: If the item that you are copying does not have a vendor marked as preferred in the vendor tab, the vendor will not be copied into the new item. If the item has multiple vendors marked as preferred then you will get an error message about unique constraints and no vendor will populate into the vendor field.
After selecting your item press the enter button, at this point all the data in the setup of the master item will populate into the default settings of the new item and it will be editable. The parent item will disappear from the copy from screen.
- Item - This field allows you to enter the name of the item. From here you can tab through the rest of the item header information. There are a few fields that will probably be unique to this item and they should be changed before saving.
Field Descriptions
- Description – This field is where you type the description of the item. This is the description that will show up on reports, orders and purchase orders.
- Super Category - The super category allows the user to have a higher level of categorization over category. The name of the field is set by the user under the Defaults tab in Inventory Setup
- Category - This field allows you to categorize your inventory and drives what the Attributes and GL accounts are going to be. If you do not see the category you need, you can set a new one up at INV > INV Special Functions > Categories.
Note: Category setup is extremely important, as the categories populate the GL codes for sales, costs, inventory and accrual. Having the non-stocked item labor post to your inventory would not be good.
- Class – This is a non-mandatory field that some users define and some do not. Classifications have been used as codes for price rules, as markers for customers or to define categories further. Classes can be setup at INV > Inv Special Functions > Classifications. EXAMPLE: Category is Small wares but the Class would be Utensils.
- Manufacturer – This is where you can select the manufacturer of the item. The manufacturer is usually the AQ Vendor number. Having the manufacturer declared for your items is not mandatory for regular or POS sales orders. You can F9 for a list of manufacturers or set up a new one in INV > Inventory Special Functions > Manufacturer setup.
- Manufactures Part # - This is also not a mandatory field. If you have the "use manufactures part number when no vendor" box checked in Purchasing Setup, this number will be used on purchase orders in lieu of the non-existent vendor part number.
- AQ Category – This is where you can apply an AQ category. AQ Categories are mostly used for special tax setup.
- Selling Price – This is the selling price of a standard unit of the item. This price will default into POS and orders for a standard selling price as long as there are not any contract pricing, price rules or minimum margins affecting the item. Since TRX works through a Price Rules structure, the Selling Price should be the List price of your Selling Unit.
- Standard units - The standard unit represents the lowest common denominator of an item. It is with this unit that inventory will be tracked. A vendor may sell glasses by a case, but if at some point you could conceivably break that case, then the standard unit should be each. However if a box of napkins has two hundred napkins in it you would set the standard unit to box. For it is highly unlikely you will break a box and sell ten napkins.
Note: The Standard Unit should be the Lowest Common Denominator, although TRX may be able in some cases to handle decimals in inventory it was not developed to do so. TRX recommends its users do not use decimals in inventory. You will eventually have Unit of Measure issues and correcting them will not be covered under Support Contract.
- Selling Unit – The selling unit will be the default unit that the item is sold by. When creating a sales order or POS order this is the Unit of Measure that will default into the UOM fields. This does not have to be the same as the standard unit and can be changed on the orders, it is merely a default. This UOM does need to be defined in the unit of measure tab. The QTY is the number of standard units that make up a case.
- Case pack - This represents the number of standard units that make up a case, this will be defined in the unit of measure tab. Not all items are sold in cases so in those situations you can set case to your standard unit of measure. The QTY is the number of standard units that make up a case.
- Vendor – The vendor number of the preferred vendor for this item; you can press F9 for a list of vendors.
- Vendor Part #- If a vendor has a part number you will want to fill it in here. These part numbers will show on Purchase Orders.
- Vendor Price – This is the cost of the item when you purchase it from this vendor. Since you are creating items on this screen, it will also be the starting warehouse cost.
- Specific warehouses – this is where you will declare which warehouses the item will be stocked in(by stocked we mean have transactions, whether you stock it or not does not matter) under most circumstances you would choose all, but if you need to you can choose "list choices" and individually list which warehouses will have this item in their database.
- Comments – If there need to be comments on this item you can add them here.
- User defined fields – TRX has flex fields that are user defined fields this is an example of that.
Note: for listing of Item Attributes and what they do please see the Enter/Edit Inventory item menus Attribute Tab.
Enter/Change Item
Inventory can be entered into TRX Enterprise™ by many different means: Auto quotes import, manual entry, and the Quick Add Screen. In this section we will concentrate on manual entry from the inventory items entry screen. We will cover all the fields and how they affect the items as well as some of the setup issues that affect order creation. The inventory items entry/query screen is essentially the same screens as the Query Items blue screen with the exception that this is where you can update and create fields. During the creation process you will not default through all the fields and tabs, but they will be explained.
INV > Enter/Change Items
Header Record
- Item field - If you were looking for an item that was already created you could press the F7 button and then the F9 to get to the Find Item Screen. OR if you know the item number you can type it in directly and press tab
- The Description – this field is where you type the description of the item. This is the description that will show up on reports, orders and purchase orders.
- Short Description - The Short Description is managed manually and will be used based on setup under Attributes.
- Total on Hand – System generated field that tallies the total items on hand. Items can be added and removed from On Hand through PO's, Transfers, Issues, Receipts, RMA's, and Shipments. This is a drill down field that takes you to the issues/receipts tab
- Total on Order – System generated field that tallies the total items on order. Items can go on order by being on a Purchase Order or by being in transit for a Warehouse transfer. This is a drill down field that takes you to the on order tab.
- Total Allocated – System generated field that tallies the total items Allocated. Items are allocated when they are placed on an Order to be fulfilled. This is a drill down field that will take you to the allocations tab.
- STK OO – Stock on order. This box was created so that you could see how many items were on order for inventory. If you had 4 items in inventory but you saw 11 on order you might not order any more, however if you could see that 10 of those 11 on order were for drop ship orders and would never come into inventory you may decide it was time to replenish your stock. This box gives that visibility into inventory replenishment.
- STK Alloc – Stock Quantity allocated. This box show how much of your current inventory is allocated for other jobs. Much the same as stock on order you may see 11 items in inventory and think you are okay, but this box would let you know that 10 of those were already earmarked for sales orders so you only really had one in stock and you should order right away.
- This icon will change the current entry edit screen to strictly a query screen. This will have no benefit when entering an item as it will take you to a screen you cannot change or edit.
Note: Query screens are denoted by a blue color throughout TRX
After entering the description and pressing the tab button you will be moved to the middle of the entry screen to the "General Tab" and into the Category field. You can choose your category by pressing the F9 button and choosing from the options available. If you do not see the category, you can set a new one up at INV > Inv Special Functions > categories.
General Tab
- Super Category - The super category allows the user to have a higher level of categorization over category. The name of the field is set by the user under the Defaults tab in Inventory Setup.
- Category - You can choose your category by pressing the F9 button and choosing from the options available. Category setup is extremely important, as it is the categories that will populate the GL codes for sales, costs, inventory and accrual.
Note: Category setup is extremely important, as it the categories that will populate the GL codes for sales, costs, inventory and accrual. Having the non-stocked item labor post to your inventory would not be beneficial.
- Class – is a non-mandatory field that some users define and some do not. Classes can be setup at INV > Inv Special Functions > Classifications. Classifications have been used as codes for price rules, as markers for customers or to define categories further. EXAMPLE. Category is Small wares, but the class would be utensils.
- Subclass – is another non-mandatory field that will give you further definition of what the item is. Subclasses are used the same way class is used. You can F9 for a list of values or you can setup a new subclass at INV > Inv Special Functions > Classifications.
- Status – An item can have one of four statuses assigned to them
- Active – Active is the basic status. This means that the item is still tracked in your reporting and can be ordered, sold, issued and received at any given time. All active items are available for reports and updating via AQ updates.
- Planned – Planned items are items that have the manufactured button checked and can simply be made on demand through the production module. This Status is seldom used by our Food Equipment users.
- Obsolete – Obsolete means it is no longer considered a database item that should have any activity. The item could no longer be stocked or could be a one shot custom item that had to be created for one sale, but does not need to show up on any reporting. If this item shows up on an AQ file to be imported, it will be switched back to Active.
- Discontinued - If an item is marked discontinued it will behave like an Obsolete item but will not reactivate if imported from AQ.
- Manufacturer – This is where you can select the manufacturer of the item. The manufacturer is usually the AQ Vendor number. Having the manufacturer declared for your items is not mandatory for regular or POS sales orders. You can F9 for a list of manufacturers or set up a new one in INV > Inventory Special Functions > Manufacturer setup.
Note: The manufacturer is mandatory for projects, but those will be added through the cross reference table in PA > PA Special Functions > PA setup. Currently these tables are separate, but in the future will be linked as the same. Any order or project brought in through AQ Import or item updated from AQ updates will override the order entry setup.
INV >INV Definitions>Manufacturers
P/A>P/A Special Function>AQ Setup > Manufacturers
- Manufactures Part # - This is also not a mandatory field. If you have the "use manufactures part number when no vendor" box checked in Purchasing Setup, this number will be used on purchase orders in lieu of the non-existent vendor part number.
- Standard weight – this would be the standard weight of a single unit in pounds. This number will be used in the dimensions tab of the Purchase order.
- Shipping weight – This is the standard weight of a single unit in pounds including the packing material. This number will be added to the shipping record of an order and can be pushed out through the TRX shipping interface to third party shipping software like UPS World Ship.
- Minimum Margin –This field will force a minimum gross margin on all orders of this item. If a minimum margin is set and a salesperson were to try and sell the item below cost or below margin the price would automatically set back to the lowest price possible that satisfied the margin requirements. The min margin will overwrite price rules and even contract pricing so they should be used carefully and sparingly.
- PO receipt tolerance percent- Setting a percentage in this field will set a cap on the amount of overage that can be received on a PO. If a 10 were placed in this field then receiving would not be allowed to receive more than ten percent over what was ordered. Leaving this blank will allow the receipt of any amount.
After entering through the PO receipt tolerance amounts, your cursor will move to the to the General Ledger Code setups. Most of these defaulted based on your category setup. If any happen to be missing, they will be auto-populated by the default setups in order entry, Inventory and purchasing.
- Sales – The GL sales account the item will post.
- Cost – The GL cost of goods sold the costs will post to when received and sold.
- Inventory – The inventory account that the item value is assigned.
- Accrual – The GL account that is the inventory accrual account.
- Phy Cnt Var – The physical account variance account. When items are received or issued through transactions or entered or removed by Physical count they will post to this account.
- Xfer GL Acct – The transfer GL account is the account that is affected when inventory is transferred from one warehouse to another via Transfers.
Note: Physical Count Variance and Transfer Variance accounts are setup as defaults in inventory setup.
After entering the GL accounts that the item should post to the next stop is the standard units.
- Standard unit - This is the lowest common denominator of an item. Inventory will be tracked using this unit. A vendor may sell glasses by a case, but if you, at some point, could conceivably break that case, then the standard unit should be each. However, if a box of napkins has two hundred napkins in it, you would set the standard unit to box. For it is highly unlikely you will break a box and sell ten napkins.
Note: We stress that the Standard Unit should be the Lowest Common Denominator, although TRX may be able to handle decimals in inventory to some capacity, it was not developed to do so. TRX recommends you not use decimals in inventory. You will eventually have Unit of Measure issues and correcting them will NOT be covered under the Support Contract.
- Selling Unit – The selling unit will be the default unit that the item is sold by. When creating a sales order or POS order, this is the Unit of Measure that will default into the UOM fields. This does not have to be the same as the Standard unit and can be changed on the orders - it is merely a default. This UOM does need to be defined in the unit of measure tab.
- Case pack - This represents the number of standard units that make up a case, this will be defined in the unit of measure tab. Not all items are sold in cases so in those situations you can simply set case to your standard unit of measure.
- Selling Price #1 – This is the selling price of a standard unit of the item. This price will default into POS and orders for a standard selling price as long as there are not any contract pricing, price rules or minimum margins affecting the item. Since TRX works through a Price Rules structure, the Selling Price should be the List price of your Selling Unit.
- Selling Price #2 – This field is controlled by a setup function in Inventory setup, and not all systems will have it active. If this is active for you we advise you turn it off, as it is no longer a supported function.
- Item Search order – When you search for an item using the F9 function the items will display in alphanumeric order based on the item number. By entering an item search order number you can alter that display. (We had a distribution company that had many different sizes of boxes and they wanted their F9 search to be in size order so they were able to order them by applying numbers in these boxes)
- Picture name – The cursor will not enter the Picture name field but if you have a picture for this item you can place the file name in this box. In inventory setup there is a default picture path, as long as that picture file is in the folder that the default picture path points to it will display during item query. (picture size should be no larger than 225x225)
After entering the selling prices for your item you will next be sent to the User Defined Fields these are fields that are created by you in Inv > Inventory Special Functions > Inventory setup > User Defined Tab #4. You can create up to five of these fields and they can be anything that the user wants.
The last stop on the General tab is the comments field; it is here that you can add the extra description that did not fit into the description box. You can also add general comments about the item, there are check boxes in attributes that will allow you to choose where they print.
Attributes Tab
The Attributes are the rules that define the item, how it can be used, what can be done to it, how it must be stored and so on. Some items' attributes can be imported when the item is added through Auto Quotes or entered manually. Some attributes have to be set manually and some can be exported and then imported en masse.
- Tangible – Check this box if the item is tangible. Tangible items are items that are real and can physically be touched. Examples of non-tangible items are warrantees and labor. You need these items as line items but you will not be storing boxes of labor in the warehouse. Non-tangible items will not affect inventory or have to be purchased – they get tracked through a separate set of transaction GL accounts for visibility.
- Keep in Stock – This box will allow you to define if the item will be a stocked item or special order. The choice you make here will interact with the PO generator and several reports. Check for Keep in stock.
- Always include in PO generator – Some users had used this attribute to show items on the PO generator every time to allow them to decide if the item is close to reorder point. Our PO Generator now has a way of showing items close to reorder point, rendering this check box useless. Because of this, it is no longer supported by TRX.
- Manufactured – Check this if your company is in the business of manufacturing items and this is one of those items.
- Purchased – If this item can be purchased from a vendor this item will need to have this box checked. Without this box checked this item will not show up on purchase orders.
- Sold – If this item can be sold to customers this must be checked. Without this box checked this item will not show up on Sales Orders, POS, or Projects.
- Serialized – Items that have serial numbers attached to them can have this box checked. When this box is checked more options for where you would like to the serial number to be entered will appear. There must be at least one check box for point of entry and one for point of exit. This is only mandatory for items you want to track the serial numbers of.
- Lots – If this item will be tracked and sold in productions lots then this box must be checked. Much like serial numbers checking this box will trigger a sub panel that will prompt you to enter when the lot number should be attached to the item.
- Stock Outs – This item is for tracking and recording stock outages. With this checked, anytime you run out of an item, a notation will be made in the warehouse tab. It is important to note that TRX will not start tracking until this attribute is turned on, therefore you cannot turn on the attribute and plan to see data on the report for that item right away - there will not be any historical data to display.
- Taxed When Sold - As it sounds, if an item can be taxed when sold this box should be checked. If a customer has tax-exempt status it will override this setting when it is checked. Food would be an example of when this box would not be checked.
- Tax-Exempt Override – There are some instances when an item will be taxable regardless of a customer's tax-exempt status.
- Sold By Weight – If an item can be sold by weight this box needs to be checked.
- Contract Items – If an item is sold on contract to only one client it must be checked here.
- Obsolete when out of stock – when this box is checked, as soon as this item is out of stock it will become obsolete and not show up to be ordered anymore. If it was reset to active by an AQ import, it will wait until an item went in and out of inventory before marking it obsolete again.
- Print Label – This toggles whether the item should be included in item label printing.
- Backorder Allowed – If an item is not in stock when an order is placed checking this box will enable it to be placed on backorder. Otherwise, you would not be able to place that item on an order until some were in stock again.
- Drop Ship – By checking this box anytime this item is used on an order a Drop ship Purchase order will automatically be created at processing. The vendor and buyer can be changed on the PO tab on the line item detail box.
Note: If your default orders type is regular this will over write that default for the line item and make it a drop ship line item.
- Auto PO – Will check the inventory value and if it drops below a set point it will automatically create a PO to replenish stock. This was made obsolete with our Daily Work, PO Generator, and Purchasing Assistant, so this is not supported by TRX.
Note - If you are going to take the time to set inventory stock and reorder levels you should use the po generator and purchasing assistant screen instead of creating a bunch of single PO's. Use this sparingly if at all.
- Gen PO – The Gen PO will automatically create a Purchase order any time this item shows up on an order. It will be de-noted in the PO tab of the line item detail section of the order.
Note: Drop ships, Auto PO and Gen PO's must have a vendor assigned to them in the PO tab of the order line item detail. If there is not one assigned you will be prompted to add one. The vendor will default from the preferred vendor in the item set up, vendors tab. If there is more than one preferred vendor you will also be prompted to choose.
- Comments on Pick list – This will print the item's comments (set on the general tab) on Pick Tickets.
- Comments on Pack list - This will print the item's comments (set on the general tab) on Packing Slips.
- Comments on invoice - This will print the item's comments (set on the general tab) on Invoices.
- Comments on PO - This will print the item's comments (on the general tab) on PO's.
- MSDS - When an item is marked as an MSDS item we create a second item on the order and pick ticket with MSDS after the item number. This way we can track sending MSDS sheets to the customer. On the pick ticket you get an extra line item to remind the guys in the warehouse to include the MSDS sheet. After shipping, we update the customer record with the last date MSDS sheet was sent.
- Ignore Price Schedule – In some cases, you may not want price rules to affect an item. This checkbox will cause price rules to be ignored when determining the sell price.
- Obsolete when out of stock – When checked, the item's status will be changed to Obsolete when it is out of stock. If the item was marked active from an AQ project import, it will be marked obsolete once inventory has come in and gone back out.
- Length, Width, Height, Cubic Feet and Freight Class – These will be the dimensions and classes that will be used when calculating freight.
- AQ Category - The AQ category can be used as an alternate description in some reports in TRX, this field will let you know what that AQ category is. The AQ Category is used to setup special tax codes for items.
- Master Pack & Master Pack Qty - The Master Pack was designed to allow for the tracking of broken cases, but our UOM design already handles this function. Since even the people who originally had this commissioned don't use it, this feature is not supported.
- Vendor Purchase Desc/Discount - This field is used for setting your Vendor discount.
- Kit Item – Certain items can be sold together as Kits. The kit item itself is not a real item, just the compilation of items sold as a bundle. It should be "non-stocked" and the kit box should be checked. When this box is checked another tab (Kit) will open up and will show the items in the Kit. There will be an icon to calculate the item cost based on inventory costs and amount of items in the kit. Unlike a regular inventory item, the costs do not automatically update. If you need to update cost, you must recalculate.
- Use Short Description On:
- Orders - Item will use the Short Description on Orders. This will print on the Acknowledgment, Proformas, Invoices, and Packing Slips
- Quotes - Item will use the Short Description on Quotes. This will print when printing the quote, and it will end up on the order if it is converted. If it is set for Order and not Quote, the order created by the quote will use the Long Description
- Labels - Item will use the Short Description on the Item Label
Note: Not all attributes can be changed at any time. If an item has inventory, allocations, or orders some of the attributes will be frozen until the stock has been depleted. Examples of this would be serial number and Tangible items. You obviously could not mark an item as intangible if you have some in inventory. Nor is it good for an audit trail if half an item in stock are serialized and the other half are not.
Units of Measure Tab
Items can be sold, purchased, issued, or received to and from Inventory based on units of measure. Each item has what is known as a standard unit of measure, also referred to as the stocking unit of measure. The value of this standard unit of measure should always be one. The standard unit is entered on the General tab. Other units of measure for an item - such as dozen, gross, case, etc. - are defined on the Units of Measure tab. They should be defined based on their relationship to the Standard unit. These are essentially multipliers of the standard unit. "DZ" represents 12 of the standard unit of measure "EA" in the screen below.
Any possible unit of measure of an inventory item should be entered on this tab. Each unit should be a whole number multiplier of the standard unit. The standard unit is also defined on this tab and it should always have a Unit Quantity of 1. All other units of measure for the item should have a Unit Quantity of 1 or higher.
- UOM – This is the unit of measure code. It should be recognizable as this code will not have a description.
- UOM QTY – This is the quantity of standard units that this unit of measure will equal for this individual item.
- Use for Orders – If you ever sell using the UOM, you will need to have this checked. It allows the UOM to be used on Orders.
- Use for PO's – If you ever purchase using the UOM, you will need to have this checked. It allows the UOM to be used on Purchase Orders.
Note: The standard unit of measure always should equal one but it does not have to equal each, and this can lead to confusion. The standard unit of measure should be considered the lowest common denominator that you will ever sell or purchase of an item. Some clients will choose never to break a box of a dozen spoons or glassware cases. In those instances DZ or CS can be the standard unit of measure and equal to one.
Variable Units of Measure
There are some cases in which a variable unit of measure is needed. A variable unit of measure is one in which the Unit Quantity can vary slightly from transaction to transaction. An example of this would be steel banding. If the steel banding is stocked by the pound but is purchased and received in coils or rolls. Each roll of steel banding is approximately 100 pounds, but the actual weight can vary slightly by roll.
To use the variable unit of measure, enter ROLL or COIL as the unit and 100 as the unit quantity. Check the Variable checkbox. This will prompt the user to enter the actual quantity, in pounds (or the standard unit of the item) for the transaction.
Auto Quotes Unit of Measure
If an item can be quoted on Auto quotes and has its price updated through Auto Quotes price updates it needs to have an Auto Quotes Unit of measure. This is the UOM that auto quotes is basing their pricing and stocking off of and it must be defined in TRX correctly in order for price updates to work.
Note: If you create an item through order or project import an AQ UOM will not be created until you update that manufacturers pricing.
The Vendors Tab
- Vendor - Use this field to enter Vendors you purchase this item from. If you do not know the vendor number press F9 for the Vendor find screen. As you create Purchase Orders, any vendor used that isn't on this tab will be added for you. The vendors listed on this screen here will also factor into the Purchase Assistant and PO Generator.
- Purchase Unit - This is the unit of measure that the vendor sells the item in. Press F9 for a list. If you do not see what you need here, you will have to set it up in the unit of measure tab.
Note: These Purchase units DO NOT have to be the same as the standard unit that was set up in the general tab, but it does have to be defined in the Unit of Measure tab.
- Vendor Part Number – The part number that was assigned to the item by the vendor. This is not a mandatory field, but if it is defined here the part number will print on Purchase orders.
- Current Price STD UOM – The Current price of the Standard Unit of Measure is the price that you are paying your vendor for the purchase unit of the item.
- Last Price Purchase UOM - This is a system field that will update from PO's as soon as some are received.
- Last Price Stock UOM - This can be added by you on initial setup as long as the vendor was not created by a PO, but this field will auto update as PO's are received.
- Last Price Date – This can be entered on initial setup but will update as the prices change.
- Last Price PO - This field will be populated by TRX when PO's are received.
- Minimum Order Quantity – If this vendor has a minimum order that can be placed for this item you should enter it here. This will be enforced on Purchase Orders with an error message saying you cannot order less than XXX. This is also scheduled to factor into the purchase assistant's calculations of minimum order quantity, but at the current time does not.
- Lead-time – This is the lead-time in calendar days that the vendor says will take to get you the item.
Note: This lead-time field is not used by the purchase assistant or the PO generator they will calculate the lead-time based on data stored in TRX and time parameters entered.
- Preferred Vendor Check Box – This sets the Vendor as the preferred Vendor. The preferred Vendor is the one that will show up on drop shipments and be used by the PO generator. You can have more than one preferred vendor, but it will require you to select the Vendor every time you create a dropship.
Warehouse Tab
Warehouses are the places in which items are stocked. Each item can be stocked in one or many warehouse locations. For each warehouse location there is a quantity on hand, on order, and allocated. Additionally, the cost of items is tracked per warehouses as the cost of stocking an item in each warehouse can differ. There is also a minimum, maximum, and order quantity for each warehouse location.
INV > Enter Change Item > Warehouse Info tab
- Warehouse - This is the warehouse(s) that will stock the item you are viewing. You can stock this item in a new warehouse by typing in the warehouse code on an empty line or press F9 to select the warehouse from your list of options. This section will list all the selected warehouses for an existing item. When a warehouse is highlighted for an existing item, the rest of the tab's information will be specific to that warehouse and will automatically change when the next warehouse is highlighted.
- B/O's Create Requisitions - A check in this field will cause a purchase requisition to automatically generate any time an item creates a backorder on a sales order.
Note: You will only see the Backorders create requisitions option if the attribute "B/O's create requisitions" is checked for the item you are viewing.
- Building, Room, Row, Shelf, Bin - These are all descriptions to precisely and quickly locate where the item is stored in the warehouse.
- Stock-Out Date - This is the date an item has run out of stock.
- Stock-In Date - This is the date the item is received back into inventory.
- Days Out - This is the number of days the item was out of stock. The system does track day and time for the number of days an item is out of stock. This is why items will appear as 3.91 rather than 4 days or 24.29 rather than 24 days.
- Count Code - Cycle Count Codes are used to group inventory items for physical counts. Count Codes allow the option of performing a physical count on a portion of the inventory rather than counting the whole inventory at one time. For example, a vendor used frequently for multiple, large orders could be set up as a count code. This would allow for an easy count of the vendor.
- Freeze Date – When an item is frozen for physical count, we put the date in this field.
- Freeze Qty – This denotes the quantity that is currently frozen.
- Avg Cost (Calculated Cost) - In this case, Avg Cost is the total cost of the item in the selected warehouse divided by the total number of items. The cost will show LIFO, FIFO or Avg Cost depending on the costing method selection made in Inventory setup. The system generates this information automatically. Calculated cost is the cost used for G/L transactions.
- Standard Cost - This is the standard cost of the item. Standard cost is only changed by the system during AQ updates and this cost can be changed manually by the user. It can be used for margin, commissions and price rules calculations. This information does not have to be entered. Standard cost is not used for G/L transactions.
- Last Cost - This is the cost of the most current item received into the selected warehouse. The system generates this information automatically. Last cost is not used for G/L transactions.
- Quantity on Hand - This is the total number of items in the selected warehouse. The system generates this information automatically. The activity that makes up this number can be found on the Transactions tab.
- Quantity on Order - This is the total number of items on order for the selected warehouse. The system generates this information automatically. The activity that makes up this number can be found on the On Order tab.
- Quantity Allocated - This is the total number of items allocated for the selected warehouse. The system generates this information automatically. The activity that makes up this number can be found on the Allocation tab.
- Minimum Quantity - This number does not have to be entered. If used, it is used in concert with the purchase advice report, the Daily work screen, and the PO Generator. If the minimum quantity is 5 and item activity causes this number to drop to 5 or less, an entry will appear on the purchase advice report, Daily Work screen, or PO Generator to purchase this item.
- Maximum Quantity - This number does not have to be entered. Currently this number has no effect on any reports or automated processes.
- Order Quantity - This number does not have to be entered. If used, it is used in concert with the purchase advice report and the PO generator. This is the number of the item that should be ordered for the selected warehouse. Assume the minimum is 5 and order quantity is 40. If the inventory level is 4 and the maximum is 40, the purchase advice report will show 36 items need to be ordered. In another example, assume the minimum is 5 and order quantity is 20 - if the inventory level is 0 and the maximum is 40, the purchase advice report will show 20 items need to be ordered.
One of the true strengths of TRX Enterprise is our audit trail; every transaction you ever make for an item will be recorded and able to be tracked. The transactions tab of the enter/change item screen will be your guide to finding the history of the item.
INV > Enter/Change Item > Transactions Tab
All transactions for this item will be listed on this screen and you will be able to search through your data by using any of the white query fields on the top half of the screen.
- Start and End Date – You can enter the range of transactions you would like to view or use the drop down list to select a predetermined range.
- Warehouse - Enter a warehouse code to view transactions for that warehouse only.
- Date/Time - Enter a date and time to only list transactions for the specified period.
- Quantity - Enter a quantity to only list transactions with the specified quantity.
- Unit Cost - Enter a Unit Cost to only list transactions with the specified cost.
- Reference - Enter a reference to list transactions with the specified reference.
The transaction screen will track the transaction and stocking unit changes, unit cost, timestamp and warehouse that the transaction occurred in. The transaction box will also give a reference for every transaction so you know what caused the inventory movement.
Stocking Quantity VS Transaction Quantity
There is an important distinction between stocking and transaction quantities: Stocking Quantities are the quantities based on the Standard Unit of Measure. Transaction Quantities are based on the actual UOM used in the transaction.
TRX Enterprise Tracks inventory in units of one.
TRX tracks inventory by an item's lowest common denominator, the standard unit of measure, and it will base all transaction tracking costs off this unit of measure. On this screen the unit cost is the standard or stocking unit cost. So If you sell a case of an item and the Unit of measure tab says a case equals ten "EA" (EA = std/stocking unit of measure) the transaction tab will show a transaction unit of 1 - CS, a stocking unit of 10 – EA and a unit cost of .1 * (the cost of a case).
Alternate Numbers
Alternate item numbers allow an item to be represented by more than one item number or for better terminology establish alias names. For example, the item number is the number by which your company references the item. Then there can be UPC numbers, old item numbers from previous software packages or barcodes. Each item can have an unlimited number of alternate items but must be unique for all items; no two items can have the same alternate item. When an alternate item number is used on a transaction, TRX Enterprise will convert it to the actual item number.
INV > Enter edit Items > Alternate Numbers tab
- Alternate Item number – this is the alias number that the item could be known as, you can type this number into an order or PO item field and the correct item will populate, barcodes are alternate numbers, if you know the numerical value of the numbers under the barcode font it will scan correctly.
- UOM for barcode – Barcodes are nothing more than a string of number printed in a special font, barcode readers will decipher that font and send the numbers to the TRX. Manufacturers can have different barcodes per packaging size so now you can define the UOM from the barcode when setup correctly.
Price History
The Price History tab will track any time the selling price of this item changes. This screen will update when the price is changed manually or by Auto quotes update and it tracks a time stamp the old and new price as well as the user ID that changed the price.
This screen is just a report screen and cannot be altered in any way.
On Order
For every order we will calculate the total on hand the total available the total on order and stock Amount on order, and the total allocated and stock amount allocated. The on order tab is linked to the general tab's total on order box. By double clicking in the outlined box below you will be taken directly to the on order tab to see the break down and detail of what is on order for this item.
INV > Item enter/change | On Order/Allocations tab
- Shipment Type filter – there is a small drop down menu with a couple filters for you, all will show all orders pending or you can see just drop ships or just regular ship orders.
Note: The importance of seeing drop ship orders and regular orders separate of each other is for inventory purchasing purposes. A drop ship order will not cause inventory levels to drop as they are shipped directly from the manufacturer to the site. So you may be close to your reorder point and you can see 6 orders on the horizon, but if those orders are all drop ship there is no urgency to replenish your inventory stock.
Note: The STK OO box is a "stock on order" box which gives you an at a glance look at items that will directly affect your inventory stocking levels.
The Purchase Order, work order and order origination boxes all are darker grey boxes; which throughout TRX means that you can drill down into the information in that box and pull up a screen with the original document for viewing purposes.
For every order we will calculate the total on hand the total available the total on order and stock Amount on order, and the total allocated and stock amount allocated. The on order tab is linked to the general tab's total on order box. By double clicking in the outlined box below you will be taken directly to the allocated tab to see the break down and detail of what is on order for this item.
INV > Enter Change Items | On Order/Allocations tab
- Shipment Type filter – there is a small drop down menu with a couple filters for you, all will show all orders pending or you can see just drop ships or just regular ship orders
Note: The importance of seeing drop ship orders and regular orders separate of each other is for inventory purchasing purposes. A drop ship order will not cause inventory levels to drop as they are shipped directly from the manufacturer to the site. So you may be close to your reorder point and you can see 6 orders on the horizon, but if those orders are all drop ship there is no urgency to replenish your inventory stock.
The Customer Order, Project and Purchase Order boxes all are darker grey boxes; which throughout TRX means that you can drill down into the information in that box and pull up a screen with the original document for viewing purposes
Substitution items are items that can be sold when the regular item is out of stock. On the Sales Order Entry screen users can pop up a list of substitute items when the item being ordered is out of stock or will be backordered.
INV > Enter/Change Items | Subs/Companions tab
- Substitute item - This is the item that is being sold as a substitute item, it must be a defined inventory item you can use the F9 key to go to the find item screen to choose items. Substitute items can also be sold alone.
- Item Description – The items description it cannot be changed for companion purposes.
Companion Item
Companion items are items that are typically sold along with another item. These might be accessories, support contracts or POS up sales. When an item that has companion items is entered on the Sales Order Entry screen, a window will pop up for the user to choose which companion items to include on the order. Companion items must be set up in inventory prior to being entered on the Companion Items tab for another inventory item.
INV > Enter Edit Items | Subs/Companions tab
- Companion Item – This is the item that is being sold as a companion item, it must be a defined inventory item you can use the F9 key to go to the find item screen to choose items. Companion items can also be sold alone.
- Item Description – The items description it cannot be changed for companion purposes
- Companion Price - Items can have a different price when they are sold as a companion item rather than as a stand-alone item. For example, a computer monitor sold along with a computer system, might have a reduced price, but it is sold at full price when sold separately.
- Always Include – checking this box will make this item a mandatory attachment to the base item, leaving it blank will make it optional.
- Quantity Required – if there is a specific amount of an item that is required to sell you can will that amount in here, an example might be a table with 4 casters.
- Display Sequence – each companion item will have its own popup, this field will tell which order appears in.
Kit Item
Kit items are non-stocked phantom items that present a way of grouping items together under one master item number. When that master item is sold, the actual items that make up the kit are issued from inventory instead of the master item. The components of the kit are actual inventory items. Kits are a great way to bundle items together under one, possibly discounted price.
When a non-stocked item has the attribute "Kit Item" checked a new tab will appear called kit, it is here that you will add the components that make up the kit item both the item and quantity.
Kit Rules
- Kit items may only be used on a sales quote, sales order or POS entry.
- Kit items cannot be used on projects, purchase orders, bills of material or work orders.
- Since kit items cannot be placed on purchase orders they cannot be drop shipped nor have the attribute Auto-PO or Gen PO turned on.
- If a kit contains non-stocked items, the entry to debit COGS and credit inventory are made when the item is invoiced. The cost will be the current cost of the item at the same warehouse as was entered on the sales order.
- When a kit item is entered on a sales order the component items of the kit are allocated.
- Component items of a kit must be non-serialized, non-lot numbered items and kits cannot contain items that are also kits.
- They must also be active items.
- When a kit item is shipped on a sales order, there must be enough inventories on hand for each of the component items or the shipment will fail.
- Kit items may contain stocked or non-stocked inventory items.
Calculate cost
The cost of a kit item is the sum of the costs multiplied by the quantity of the component items. The calculate costs button on the Kit tab can be used to set the cost of a kit item. Costs of kit items are used to calculate the commission of the item when it is sold. However, when a kit item is shipped as part of a sales order, the individual items that make up the kit are issued from inventory using the G/L accounts of the individual items, not the kit item's accounts. The cost of each component item is also used, not the cost of the lit item.
If you a scenario where you can contractually only sell an item to certain customers you enter those customer into this screen. As long as this screen is blank you can sell to anybody but as soon as you add a customer the item will be locked into whoever is entered on this screen.
Type in a customer or press F9 for a list of options.
Issues Receipts
The issue receipt screen will give a quick overview of the items ins and outs of this item. The item transactions screen is a considerably better choice for tracking this information.
The Notes tab on the Item Enter Change screen is where you can place notes that will travel with this item. You will be able to see when they were created and from which department they originated. You can check the public box so that all may see them, however if the notes are only for you they will only show up when it is your user ID that is accessing the record. Certain reports will report the notes that are public.
Web tab allows you to setup customer Web add-ons. All have access to this screen, but it will not be functional if the module is not turned on.
Please consult your Web Add-on manual if this model is active for your organization.
Edit Item Warehouse Detail
Global Price Change
The Global Price change screen allows for quick and easy changes to the selling price of inventory items. Items can be selected for price changing based on the item's super category, category, class, or item number range. Each item that falls within the criteria is displayed along with the current selling price and a field for entering the new price. Prices for all displayed items can be changed by using a percentage or dollar amount change. Prices of items can also be changed individually.
Note: The price of inventory items are not actually changed until the Apply to Inventory button on the toolbar is clicked. A report is printed showing the items with the old and new prices.
INV > Global Price Change
- Starting and Ending category – This report can be pulled by a items category or range there of
- Starting and Ending Class – The Class or range of classes that you would like to look at
- Starting and Ending Item – You can choose an item or range of items to report on
- Price not changed since – we allow you to add a date in this box so you can see the items that have not had a price increase over X amount of time. Good for making sure items do not go to long without a price increase, this can be caused by discontinued items or bad price rules
- Start – This icon will bring up the screen to make changes on.
- Percent Change - To change prices based on a percentage, enter the amount of the price change or percentage change in the appropriate field at the top of the window and click on Apply. The new prices are calculated and displayed. No actual prices in inventory have been changed yet.
- Dollar Amount – To change the whole subset by a set Dollar amount you can enter the dollar amount in this box and press the apply icon. No actual price changes have happened at this point.
- Reset – This icon will roll back any changes you made that have been applied but not finalized.
- Calculation – We can make calculated changes based on parameters of your choice. There is a pull down menu that lists choices available to you.
- Cost indicator – Some calculations are based off of costs this pull down menu allows you choose which cost basis is applied.
- Warehouse – Prices can be set via warehouse, this is needed for calculated prices as each warehouse tracks its own costs.
- Percent – an amount of an increase
Once you have set your prices you can press the "apply to inventory" icon (lightning Bolt) on the tool bar to apply changes to the database. A report will be printed with the same information as is displayed on the screen.
If all of the new prices are correct for the items on the report, click OK when the system asks "OK to apply prices to Inventory?" This will update the inventory. Selecting NO will not update inventory and further changes can be made. Exiting the screen without using the Apply to Inventory button will cause any changes to be lost and inventory is not updated with any new prices.
AQ Inventory Interface
AQ Update Inventory (File)
You can export the FEDA data or a Project from AQ to Add new items or to update their pricing.
Use the “Add New Items” and “Update Prices” checkboxes to select if you are adding or Updating. If you are adding, the Item Category field, Class field, and Attributes checkboxes will appear. If you are updating, checkboxes to select which item details get updated will appear.
Select the correct file type: “AQ Project” or “AQ FEDA” before hitting Browse to select the file. Otherwise, you will receive an error.
After New/Update and Project/FEDA is selected, hit Browse to find your file. If you get an error when you select the file, you may need to move the file to another folder on your machine.
After everything is selected and correct, hit the Lightning Bolt to process.
AQ Sync Inventory
AQ Sync Inventory Update Procedure
The AQ Sync function allows you to pull the data directly from AQ. This saves the need for moving files around, but does require upkeep/management before you can run the update. At one time, part of this process was automated, but it was causing issues. We have a new/cleaner way of doing this in the latest, so we will not be correcting this older method.
This guide assumes your inventory is properly setup and linked with AQ.
Please see the AQ Sync Troubleshooting guide if you are having issues seeing your manufacturers or items.
Updating Last Updated Date / Manufacturer List
The “Last Updated Date” used to be updated with the automated process. Now that it is not running, you will need to use the “Pull Manufacturers” button under the API* tab of the SYS>DBA Admin screen.
*If your version does not have the API tab, then it is under the INV tab
Update Pricing
After updating the Manufacturer header data, we still need to sync the Manufacturers with updated items.
Under INV>AQ Interface>AQ Sync Inventory, it lists of your MFG’s. Hit the Sync button on any you want to update. Another pop-up will come up. Select “AQ API”.
This may take a few minutes, so if it is spinning, just let it run. If you start clicking, it may seem like the page froze, but it is likely still running.
Once it says it finished, the prices should be up-to-date.
If Syncing the “AQ API” didn’t update the price, it is possible the Manufacturer had updated their UOM data. Try running the “AQ UOM” sync on the Sync Pop-up, then running the “AQ API” once again.
If you are still having issues, consult the AQ Sync Troubleshooting guide to make sure the inventory is setup correctly.
If the change was very recent, it is possible that the change hasn’t been sent to us from AQ. Until they update that information, there isn’t anything we can do. May just want to check tomorrow.
AQ Add Inventory
Maintain AQ Data
Create Items in TRX
Category Cross Reference
Updating TRX Pricing
Create Vendors from AQ
Update Inventory from AQ
Inventory items can be updated using an export file from AutoQuotes™. Use Update Inventory from the Update inventory from AQ screen to update the inventory selling prices and/or create new inventory items from AutoQuotes™.
INV > Update Inventory from AQ
Update Items
Every month Auto Quotes will send out a newsletter that contains a listing of all the manufacturers that have price increases over the last month. Once you get this you should go to Auto Quotes and download that manufacturer's price update file. This file include all the manufacturers items but when you run this through the TRX price update we will only take into account what is in your database and not add new items. You have the option of choosing which item components you would like to update by checking their corresponding boxes.
- Update Prices – checking this box defines wheather you are updating prices or adding new items.
- Import From – This is the file format you will be importing. There is an option for importing from AQ Net File or AQ Project, AQ project was for Auto Quotes Version 5 or Less you whould not be using this option or Auto Quotes 5 any more. Always choose AQ net File.
- Browse – this icon will point you to a directory to load the update file you downloaded from AQ. It will remember the last place it looked so you whould make it a point to always save your AQ export files in the same place. We recommed the Imports/AQ/AQ price updates folder we create for you at go live.
Attributes for Updating
- Price – the selling price of the the item, box is found on the general tab of the item edit change screen.
- STD Cost – the standard cost found on the warehouse tabs
- Vendor cost – the vendor unit cost found on the vendor record of the vendor tab
- Memo Cost – will update the memo cost on the warehouse tab this is an optional setup function that is rarely used if this option is not turned on the update will have no effect
- FOB Cost – will update the FOB cost on the warehouse tab this is an optional setup function that is rarely used if this option is not turned on the update will have no effect
- Picture Name – this will update the picture AQ sends out, these picture files will get stored in the AQ picture path file usually found on the TRX root drive.
Caution: this will greatly increase the length of your update time.
- Vendor – updates the vendor on the item's vendor tab.
- Description – will update the item description on the Inventory tab, do not check this box if you have created you own item descriptions
- Height-Wieght – the height and weight of the item is found on the attributes tab.
- Vendor Pack – vendor pack is found on the vendor tab
- Selling unit – is the vendor selling unit found on the vendor detail of the vendor tab
- Category –
- Tax – this updates the taxability of an item, taxability an item specific attribute basically should tax be charged on this item when sold.
- Model number – update the manufacturer model number
- Case Pack – the case pack is on the general information tab. (All case packs must be defined on the items UOM tab to update)
- Manufacturer – This will add the manufacturer on the items general tab.
Once you have selected your file and the components that you would like to update press the lightning bolt icon.
Once TRX finishes comparing the items in the file against the items in your database we will pop up a screen showing you all your database items with pertinent information such as cost list and selling UOM. If there are any price or cost changes (and there should be) we will tell you in yellow on top of the detail screen. There will also be an icon to review those changes "Review Errors" press that icon to go to the review changes screen.
All the items that had a price change will appear in this screen you will see the old sell and cost as well as the new sell and cost. You have the option editing either of the new cost or new sell prices. Also if there is a deviation in either of the sell or costs of over 15% we will highlight that field as yellow to draw your attention to. You will have to manually check the update box on those items. The "ALL" and "NONE" icon will check all or none of the boxes respectivly. It is also important to note the error message column; this will tell you what the change was for the record. After making all your corrections press the "Return to Update" icon.
You will be take back to the first update screen where you can choose
- Process Transactions – which will update only the items with changes
- Update all Records – This icon will update all the records in your data base with the component updates that you checked off in the update screen.
Select yes to update and you will get notification of the update results.
Add New Items
TRX will also allow you to create items from this screen by creating a file in AQ of new items and exporting as you would a price update.
Note: It is very important not to try and create new items from a price update file, this will create an item for every item the manufacturer lists in AQ and this is a less than ideal situation to have in your Database.
- New items – Check this box to create new items in trx.
- Browse - Use this icon to select the AQ file that you have already saved on your server just as you did the price update file.
- Category – when creating items in TRX you can choose which TRX Inventory Category that the item will be created under, you must select a category
- Class – You can also select the class that the item will be created in but this is not a mandatory field
- Attributes – the items can be created with several attributes predefined – For a list of what these attributes are please see INV > Enter/Change Items > Attributes tab
Once you have filled out this screen press the lightning bolt icon to create the items, you will be notified when the process is complete.
Item Configuration Setup
Copy Configuration
Print Configuration
Query Item
Existing inventory items can be viewed without any changes being made using the Item Query screen. This screen shows all of the same information as the Item Entry screen but does not allow users to make any changes.
INV > Query Items
To Query an existing inventory Item…
- Choose Query Item from the INV menu. This will open the Item Query screen.
- Enter the item number of the inventory item to be viewed and press enter. Press F8 to pull up the first inventory item and use the arrows on the tool bar to navigate to the next item. Or press F9 to go to the find item screen.
- The item search screen is activated when F9 is pressed while the cursor is in the Item field. This can help locate a specific inventory item, since a description, brand, category, etc. can be queried.
Note: All of the item's information is displayed but cannot be changed. If the user has access to the Item Enter/Change screen, a button on the toolbar
Note: If you need any information on the Query screen please consult the Enter Edit Item section as they are the same screens.
Serial Number Inquiry
The serial number inquiry screen is used to determine how a specific serialized item came into and was issued from inventory. Searching can be done with just the inventory item number or serial number.
INV > Serial Number Inquiry
- Item – This is the item that you are inquiring about, if it is not serialized you will get a notice letting you know this. This screen does not have an F9 Function
- Serial Number – If you have the serial number and have to find the item you can enter it here.
- Only show serials currently in stock – checking this box will limit items shown to what is currently in stock – it will remove the historical items.
If an item has a serial number you can track the date that it was received into TRX on this tab. Any items that were received via Purchase Order will have the PO number so you can drill down into the PO itself. If not entered into inventory through a PO the means entered will be displayed on the comment tab.
The means by how the item left your inventory will be on the issues tab. If by sales order you will be able to drill down into that sales order, any other means will be shown in the comment box. The customer that item was sold to will be shown here as well but if there is no information in the Issued box that means it is still in your inventory.
Lot Number Inquiry
The Lot Number inquiry screen is used to determine how a specific lot item came into and subsequently was issued from inventory. Searching can be done with just the inventory item number or lot number.
Note: Lots pre-date TRX Integrations dedication to the Food service dealer industry. This screen was developed for an organization that sold medical equipment, some of that equipment was radioactive and used in testing and calibration. The element isotopes would decay a known rate and you could not mix and match batches when calibrating machinery. Lots were developed so that items in the client's inventory could not be sold to anyone else and only used on specific machinery. To date we have not seen this correlate to Food service dealers.
INV > Lot Number Inquiry
- Item – This is the item that you are inquiring about, if it is not lotted you will get a notice letting you know this.
- Lot Number – If you have the lot number and have to find the item you can enter it here.
- Salesperson – Lots can be salesperson Specific, so you can search all lots that are associated to that sales person
- Sell By – All lots have a sell by date you can search by this date
- Expiration Date – All lots also have an expiration date that you can search by.
There are two sections showing Inventory receipts and Inventory issues. Each shows the date and document and comment about the receipt and subsequent issue. If no issue information is shown, the lot number is still in inventory. If a purchase order number is displayed on the receipt section, double-click on the purchase order number to drill down to the Purchase Order Query screen to view details about the purchase order the lot item was received on. If a sales order number is displayed on the issues section, double-click on the sales order number to drill down to the Order Shipping Inquiry screen to view details about the sales order the lot item was shipped to.
TRX is an abbreviation of the term Transaction Processing. When sales orders are shipped, a transaction is recorded for each item on the shipment. Purchase order receipts create transactions showing the receipt of items. Work orders, projects, and point of sale transactions also create item transactions within the Inventory module. These transactions include the date, document (sales order number, purchase order number, etc.) quantity, cost, etc. of the transactions. All of these transactions get recorded in TRX and saved for audit trail purposes.
The transactions menu is home to a few transactions that are outside of the normal flow of business. These transactions include Receive Inventory and Issue Inventory and POS override adjustments. Processes can be used to create beginning balances of items or make adjustments due to entry errors. Inventory transactions that are entered on the Receive Inventory and Issue Inventory screens must be processed in batch mode on the Process Receiving's and Process Issues screens, respectively.
Receive / Issue Inventory
Receive Inventory
The Receive Inventory screen is used to enter receipts of inventory items outside of any normal transactions such as a purchase order, project, or work order. Corrections to inventory quantities, average costs or entering beginning balances are reasons for using this screen. The inventory receipts is a batch process screen so all processing must be done through the process receipts screen
INV > Transactions > Receive / Issue Inventory
- Item – this is the item that you want to receive into inventory
- Debit account – this is the GL account that will be debited for this item in this transaction, this will be an inventory account and is the default account for the item as defined in inventory set up – this field can be changed
- Credit account – the credit account is the physical variance GL account that is defined in Inventory setup – this field can be changed.
- Quantity received – this is the amount of the item that you are looking to receive
- Date received – the date the items are to be received, this field can be changed but the actual transaction date will be applied when the receipts are processed.
- Unit – Unit of measure that is being received into inventory
- Unit cost – This is the cost of this unit of measure of this item, the cost is very important as it will affect your average inventory cost.
- Warehouse location – the warehouse that the items are being received into
- Reference – this will default as inventory receipt but can be changed to something more descriptive.
After adding the items that you would like to receive to this screen you can press F10 to save them or press the save icon. These items will remain on this screen and not affect inventory until they are processed.
Process Inventory Receipt
The Process Inventory Receipts screen is used to process entries saved on the Inventory Receipts screen. Options allow processing by item range, date of entry, warehouse location, or the User ID of the user who made the entries. After processing a report is printed that should be reviewed for accuracy before answering OK to actually process the transactions.
INV > Transactions > Receive / Issue Inventory
Once processed, transactions cannot be changed. Incorrect receipts can be reversed only by issuance of the item out of inventory and then receiving the item back in with the correct information.
- Starting and Ending Date - The first and last date of the range of transactions to process. Leave blank to process transactions for all dates.
- Starting and Ending Warehouse - A warehouse or range of warehouses for which transactions are to be processed. Leave blank to process transactions for all warehouses.
- Starting and Ending Item - The first item number of the range of items for which transactions are to be processed. Leave blank to process transactions for all items.
- User ID - This is the user id of the user who entered the transactions. Leave blank to process entries from all users.
Issue Inventory
The Issue Inventory screen is used to enter issues (sending out) of inventory items outside of any normal transactions such as a sales order shipment, project, or work order. This screen is used to correct inventory Quantities, Average cost errors, or Entering beginning balance. The cost of the items issued is based on the current average cost of the items and this is a batch process screen so all issues must be processed in the Process Issues screen.
INV > Transactions > Receive / Issue Inventory
- Item - This is the number of the item being received. Press F9 to use the Item Search screen.
- Debit Acct - This is the General Ledger account that will be debited for the total cost of the transaction. The default value is the item's Inventory G/L account.
- Credit Acct - This is the General Ledger account that will be credited for the total cost of the transaction. The default value is the item's Inventory Accrual G/L account.
- Quantity Issued - This is the actual quantity being issued.
- Unit - This is the unit of measure in which the quantity is being issued. It defaults to the item's Standard Unit. Press F9 for a list of valid units of measure for the item.
- Warehouse Location - This is the warehouse location in which the item is being stored. Press F9 for a list of warehouse locations.
- Reference - This is a comment field in which a short comment about the transaction should be entered. Up to 30 characters are allowed.
Process Inventory Issue
The Process Inventory Issues screen is used to process entries made on the Enter Inventory Issues screen. Options allow processing by item range, date of entry, warehouse location, or the User ID of the user who made the entries. A report is printed which should be reviewed for accuracy of the transactions before answering OK to actually process the transactions. Once processed, transactions cannot be changed. Incorrect issues can be reversed by receipt of the item back into inventory and then issue out the correct items and quantities
INV > Transactions > Receive / Issue Inventory
- Starting and Ending Date – Enter the first and last date of a date range of transactions to process. Leave blank to process transactions for all dates.
- Starting and Ending Warehouse - A warehouse or range of warehouses for which transactions are to be processed. Leave blank to process transactions for all warehouses.
- Starting and Ending Item - The first item number of the range of items for which transactions are to be processed. Leave blank to process transactions for all items.
- User ID - This is the user id of the user who entered the transactions. Leave blank to process entries from all users
POS Override Adjustments
The POS override screen allows you to make inventory adjustments that are needed due to the POS override function. When a person walks up to your counter with an item in their hand and you scan it, you really cannot have a pop up screen tell you that you are out of this item, when they are holding it in their hands. The override function will automatically complete the sale and make an entry into this screen and inventory that will need to be adjusted when the item is finally received or the count is adjusted.
INV > Transactions > POS Override Adjustments
Till Date – this date is the date to show items that need to be cleared to. So any items that had a transaction prior to this date will show on the consolidated or detail screen.
Warehouse – the ware house that you would like to see overrides for. POS overrides need to be warehouse specific.
Once you have entered the Till Date and a warehouse you can press the lightning bolt icon see all the POS override items that need to be cleared.
Views Detail VS Consolidated
You have your option of seeing the items in a detail view or a consolidated one. The consolidated view will roll up all like items in on line item and give you a total of the overrides for an item. The detail view will not roll up the items but instead list the total per transaction and it will include a description. Other than those few differences the two views are the same and perform the same functions
What Causes Overrides
A POS override in its most basic form is caused by your inventory counts being incorrect in your system. That terminology is rigid and can be misleading; the reason for the count being wrong is something that needs to be evaluated when there are many instances of POS overrides. There could be a large occurrence of shrinkage or theft, possibly item set up issues with the unit of measure that need to be addressed or something as benign as the item was received and placed out on the floor but the PO receipt has yet to be recorded into TRX. There are many reasons that items go on the override and corresponding report it is good to clear these transactions on a regular basis and make sure it is not happening too much.
Benefits to the Override Process
There are many benefits to handling this process in the background and dealing with it later, not the least of which is customer satisfaction at the register. You do not want a customer waiting while you receive an item into inventory so you can sell them the item they have in their hand. Also you would never make a customer wait while you tried to figure out why the item is not in stock so you would never fully evaluate any potential problems.
When an item is goes through the override process we create a negative entry in inventory GL account, but we do not create a negative entry in you inventory physical counts. The reason for this is it would create a negative inventory valuation which you should never have, as it skews your valuation report. So when an override happens you have a discrepancy between your GL and your inventory valuation as well as your TRX count and physical count, this will not be corrected automatically when items are received it must be done manually.
To manually clear this discrepancy; populate the consolidated and detail screens by choosing a warehouse and till date and pressing the lightning bolt. To choose which items to adjust highlight an Item from the top half of the screen and then double click to bring it down to the current availability detail section. If you have items in your warehouses the amount will show under the on hand section. In the example above you see the highlighted item had 12 overrides and there are 20 on hand in warehouse 1. Choose the warehouse to issue items out of and the quantity to issue in the "Reduce QTY by" box and then press the issue icon. This will lower your quantity on hand by 12 to make up for the items that you sold when you did not have inventory.
A transaction will be made that will debit inventory and credit the physical variance account. This will reverse the original POS override entry that hit those same accounts. If you choose not to clear an entry the discrepancies will remain until you complete a physical count, then they will be captured by the same transaction that would have happened if you issued out inventory from the POS override adjustment.
If you choose not to make an adjustment and make adjustments through physical count (not advised) you will need to remove these items from the adjustment screen. The "clear" icon in the current availability box will only remove the item from the adjustment screen, it will not make any adjustments and it is not reversible. The "CLEAR ALL" icon will remove all items at once. This icon is only to be used immediately after a physical count. That is the only time you can be assured that all items on this screen have been accounted for.
- Reduce QTY in warehouse – allows you to choose which warehouse inventory you will want to reduce to account for the override adjustment
- Reduce QTY by – the amount of inventory you would like to take out of inventory.
Note: you do not have to clear out the whole amount that has been overridden but it does not make practical sense not to.
- Issue icon – The issue icon will issue the amount of items that you have selected to reduce inventory by out of inventory. This act of issuing will account for the items that you sold when you did not have any in stock.
- Clear Icon – The clear icon will remove the transaction from the adjustment screen permanently you will not be able to get it back and any discrepancies will wait until a physical count to be cleared.
- Clear All Icons – This will remove all items at once from the POS adjustment screen. This is very dangerous and should only be done immediately after completing a physical count when you know all items have been accounted for.
Re-cost Inventory Items
The re-cost inventory with freight screen was created as a means of adding shipping costs to the average cost of inventory. The average cost of inventory is the purchase cost that an item is received into inventory with, this does not include any freight that may be charged for shipping the items to you. This screen will allow you to recalculate the average cost of an item to include freight and adjust your inventory carrying cost (average costs of all of the like items) accordingly.
So if you had 9 items in inventory at an average cost of $10 apiece and you received 1 item at $10 apiece, you would have 10 items for $100 cost or an average cost of $10 apiece. However if the last shipment did not have free freight and there was a $10 shipping fee, you would take the total inventory carrying cost ($100) and add the shipping cost of one item you just received ($10) for a total inventory carrying cost of $110 and divide that by 10 items to get a new average cost of ($11.00). In this screen you can pull up the item and the warehouse it is stored at and the current cost will show in the grey boxes. Enter the new average cost of $11.00 and press the process transactions icon. Behind the scenes this screen will issue all of those items out of inventory at the 10.00 per cost and then receive 10 items back in at the new 11.00 cost. This will show on your inventory transaction tab so you will have an inventory audit trail and any variance will post to your AP variance account to cover the accounting audit trail.
INV > Transactions > Re-cost Inventory Items
- Re-cost date – this will be the date of the re-costing transaction, tabbing through will default to the current date.
- Item - the item that you are trying to re-cost
- Warehouse – the warehouse that the item is located in, each warehouse has its own set of average costs so you will want to specify the warehouse you are changing. If you leave the warehouse blank you will be prompted that you are updating all warehouses, this in most cases in not ideal so be cautious.
- Current cost – this will be the current costs in the warehouse that you chose
- New costs – this will be the new cost that you have calculated.
Transfers are used to move quantities of items from one warehouse location to another. TRX Enterprise supports two different types of transfers. Simple transfers are ones in which the items are moved rather quickly with little or no time lapse between the items being issued from one warehouse until the items are received at the destination warehouse.
The other type of transfer, a Procedure Transfer, is used when the items are being transported and may take time to reach the destination warehouse. Packing slips can be printed to accompany the shipment of items being transferred. This process also removes the items being transferred from inventory until they are received at the destination warehouse.
Both transfers cause G/L entries to be made as items are issued from one warehouse and received at the destination warehouse. Also, the calculated cost of the items can change since the cost of items is based on the quantities at each individual warehouse.
Simple Stock Transfer
Simple stock transfers are usually in house transfers for those who have multiple warehouses setup on the same physical property. A common occurrence is having a showroom setup as one warehouse and a second warehouse setup in the back to house inventory. This screen is used to make the journal entry and move the inventory all in one-step. If you have warehouses in different locations you will want to use Issue and receive transfers screens, the issue and receive transfers screen will give a two-step documented process and account for inventory in transit.
INV > Transfers
To use the Simple Stock Transfer screen to move items from one warehouse to another…
- Date – Enter the date the items are being transferred. This will be the transaction date that will show in the inventory audit trail. Use F9 to display a calendar or tab through for the current date.
- From Warehouse – this is the warehouse the item is being transferred from. Press F9 for a list of warehouses.
- To Warehouse - this is the warehouse the item is being transferred into. Press F9 for a list of warehouses.
- Item – This is the item to be transferred you will only be able to transfer one item at a time from this screen - Use F9 to search for inventory item numbers in the item find screen.
- Quantity - Enter the quantity to be transferred.
- Process Transactions button – Press this icon to transfer the items. After the transaction is completed the item number is cleared and the cursor remains on the item number so that another item can be transferred.
All transferred items can be queried from the INV > Inventory Transactions report you will receive a message telling you the transfer was completed.
Issue Stock Transfers
A more formal type of transfer is the Issue/Receive transfer procedure. This type of transfer is used when items are being transported between warehouses that are in different locations. This process uses picking and packing slips to remove inventory from one warehouse and ship and receive it at another. Much like shipping an item however you never loose possession it stays on your books. Picking tickets and packing slips can be printed for the items in transit and there is also the ability to close the transfer without receiving all of the items. They will either ship back to the origin warehouse or be written off as there could be times when items are lost stolen or damaged during the transit.
Issue/receive transfers also handles multiple items at a time but all items must transfer from and be delivered to the same warehouse. Receipt of the items into the destination warehouse can occur over time with separate receipt entries being made as the items arrive.
There is an accounting trail element to this screen that will track items in transit by transferring item from the inventory G/L account to the transfer GL account. Entries will also be made on the item's transaction history.
Once you have finished entering all the information for the transfer you can press the lightning bolt to process it. It is important to note you can save this transfer information without processing and pull it up the next time enter the screen by pressing the F7 key to go into query mode and then the F9 key to pull up a list of unprocessed transfer numbers.
INV > Transfers
- Transfer Number - Each transfer will be automatically numbered and will the transaction number will consists of the issuing warehouse followed by a sequential number, which ensures all transfers will have unique numbers
- Ship date – The day the item will ship, this will default to today but can be changed
- From Warehouse – The warehouse the items will be shipping from, this warehouse code will be used in the transaction number if you do not know it you can F9 to look it up.
- Ship Via – How the transfer will be shipped, press F9 for a list of options.
- Status of the Transfer – creating shipping or complete
- Received date – When fully complete there will be a date here from the final receipt.
- To Warehouse – Where the items are going
- Item – This is the item that you will be shipping out of this warehouse. Press F9 to get the find item screen to choose an item. You will not be able to ship more than you have at this warehouse and if the item has a serial number you will be asked to enter it upon tabbing through the quantity field.
- Prints Picking Ticket Icon – You have the option of printing a picking ticket for the items on the transfer. This is done by clicking on the Picking Ticket button on the toolbar. Picking tickets for transfers can be printed at any time.
- Issue the transfer – the lightning bolt icon this will cause items to be moved out of inventory and a GL transaction that put the value to a transfer account and out of inventory.
- Print the Packing Slip Icon – You can print a packing slip if it is desired
The Outstanding Transfers report is used to print and track items that are currently in transit. And you will have to go to the Receive Transfer screen to complete the transaction.
Receive Stock Transfers
Once the originating warehouse has issued inventory it presumably has been entered on to a track and shipped. At this point the physical inventory has been adjusted for the issuing warehouse as has the GL account. (Inventory GL was moved to the transfer GL). The inventory is on a truck now and the next step is to receive it into the destination warehouse which is done in the Receive Stock Transfer screen.
INV > Transfers
When the transfer was issued out of the originating warehouse it was given a transfer number, by placing this transfer number in the transfer number box all the items that were issued out will populate to be received in.
- Transfer Number – The number that was issued to the transfer when it was issued out of the originating warehouse.
- Date received - This will default to the current date but can be changed.
- QTY Received – This is the amount of the items that were received, this will default to the amount shipped but can be edited for lost or returned merchandise.
- QTY Returned – If any of the items are to be returned they can be entered in this box.
Note: Items returned will be received into the originating warehouse automatically upon processing this receipt.
Press the lightning bolt to receive the items in.
Outstanding Transfers
At any given time you can print a report of outstanding transfers that will list out what is currently in transit between warehouses
INV > Transfers
- Starting and Ending Transfer number – Enter a starting and ending transfer number for the range that you would like to print out or leave blank to fill them all.
Close Transfers
As is the case in life items will occasionally fall off a truck, when that happens the Close Transfer is used to record the transaction. Items that are put through the close transfer screen are considered lost in transit and will be written off as an inventory loss.
INV > Transfers
Closing a transfer does not affect inventory on hand quantities. Items on a transfer have already been issued from the originating warehouse and have not been received into the destination so they are considered on order and have a status of "in transit", therefore, the on order quantity of the items is updated and a General Ledger entry is made. This clears out the Transfer account and debits the physical count variance for a loss.
- Transfer Number – The number that was issued to the transfer when it was issued out of the originating warehouse.
This screen will only accept a transfer number, you will not be able to edit the information in any way so you will need make sure that all items that can be received have been received this screen will wright off any items left on the transfer and close the transfer out.
Physical Count
One necessary evil for all companies is the physical count, at least once a year the activity of counting the physical inventory on the floor to make sure it matches the books must be completed. In TRX Enterprise the physical counts are used to ensure that the actual quantities of inventory items in a warehouse stocking location(s) matches what TRX Enterprise says is in your database.
Physical counts are also performed as part of the implementation of TRX Enterprise to enter beginning balances of items. Items to be counted can be selected based on warehouse location, manufacturer item category or class, count code, building, room, row, shelf or bin location. The physical count process involves the following steps:
- Freezing the Inventory - Freezing the inventory is the first step. It is used to record the current on hand quantity of the items that will be counted. It is important that procedures be in place at the warehouse location to also record any receipts or issues of the items that have been frozen and to include the transactions as part of the count. This will not process will not stop transactions from occurring it only takes a snap shot in time to give you a reference point.
- Printing Count Sheets - This prints the items being counted in the order in which they will be counted.
- Counting the Inventory - Employees or contract workers actually count and record the quantities of each item.
- Entering the Count - The count of each item is entered. This is compared with the quantity of the item that was frozen to determine any overage or shortage of the item.
- Physical Count Verification Report - This report prints the items that were frozen for the count, the actual count that was entered and any discrepancies that will cause changes in the inventory when the Complete Count Processing is done. Many will print this report out and recount any items that seem to have a large difference.
- Completing the Count - This process produces a report showing any discrepancies between the quantity of items frozen and the quantity actually counted and makes inventory transactions so that the quantity on hand will match the quantity that is physical stocked at the warehouse location. Any GL difference will be stored in the Physical count variance GL account.
Freeze Inventory
Freezing inventory is the first step of the physical count process. Items to be frozen for a count can be selected based on count codes, category, class, warehouse location or location within a warehouse such as building, room, row, shelf, or bin.
INV > Physical Count > Freeze Inventory
Note: Once a count is frozen transactions can still be made, but the starting count that you froze will not change so you will to have a means of incorporating all transactions made during your freeze into your final count. So if you freeze with four widgets in stock and you count four, but you then sell one before you unfreeze your count. Your new count will need to be adjusted to three.
- Freeze Date – this is a computer generated date that that marks the time that inventory is frozen
- Starting and Ending count Code – You can enter a count code or a range of count codes to this selection screen. Count codes are codes that the user creates and assigns to items to create quick and easy small batch "Cycle Counts". Count codes are assigned to inventory items on the warehouse tab of item setup screen.
Cycle counting is the process of dicing up your inventory into small groups that can be frozen individually and counted quickly. It is common practice for many users to assign cycle count codes to their items that have the most volume and to count them on a regular basis to stay on top of any unforeseen inventory issues (shrinkage, missed receipts). Cycle counts are usually small enough groups that one or two people can get a full count in ten to fifteen minutes.
- Starting and Ending Category – This selection screen will accept inventory categories or a range of inventory categories.
- Starting and Ending Class - This selection screen will accept inventory classes or a range of inventory classes.
- Starting and Ending Warehouse locations – Physical counts can be done by individual warehouses or all of them if needed.
- Inventory Location – this selection screen will allow you to choose inventory locations as a selection item so you can add the Building, Room Bin Row Shelf if needed.
- Include Non-stocked items – this check box should never need to be checked for food service industry users
After filling out this screen and pressing the start icon TRX will make sure that the items that you have chosen to freeze have not already been frozen. If they have you will receive a message and will have to unfreeze them the old items before moving forward.
If items have been frozen incorrectly, inventory can be unfrozen without making changes by simply performing the Complete Count Process without entering any counts. Items that are not counted or no count entry is made are not modified during the complete count process.
After freezing the inventory, counts sheets should be printed if needed and they can be printed as part of the Physical Count process.
Print Count Sheets
After freezing the inventory for a physical count, count sheets are usually printed. Workers who actually physically count the items use these sheets. There is a place next to each item on the sheet to record the actual quantity found in the warehouse during the count. After counting, these sheets are used to enter the physical counts in the system
Count sheets can be printed for only those items that had a quantity on hand at the time the Inventory was frozen for the physical count by checking the Exclude Zero Quantity checkbox. When the inventory is frozen for counting, all active items that matched the criteria are frozen regardless of the quantity on hand. If many items have a zero quantity and are not likely to be found on hand during the physical count, the count sheets report can print a large number of pages. By selecting to exclude these items, there are fewer pages to the count sheets.
Note: It is important to note that TRX will count by the standard unit of measure for that item you must instruct counters to define other UOMs.
INV > Physical Counts > Print Inventory Count Sheets
- Freeze Date – this is a computer generated date that that marks the time that inventory is frozen
- Starting and Ending count Code – You can enter a count code or a range of count codes to this selection screen. Count codes are codes that the user creates and assigns to items to create quick and easy small batch "Cycle Counts".
- Starting and Ending Category – This selection screen will accept inventory categories or a range of inventory categories.
- Starting and Ending Class - This selection screen will accept inventory classes or a range of inventory classes.
- Starting and Ending Warehouse locations – Physical counts can be done by individual warehouses or all of them if needed.
- Inventory Location – this selection screen will allow you to choose inventory locations as a selection item so you can add the Building, Room Bin Row Shelf if needed.
- Exclude Zero Quantity items – If many items have a zero quantity and are not likely to be found on hand during the physical count, the count sheets report can print a large number of pages. By selecting to exclude these items, there are fewer pages to the count sheets.
Note: It must be noted, that when persons counting inventory find an item that is not on the count sheet, that it is written down so that when the counts are entered, they will be accurate.
Note: Printing count sheets is an optional procedure it is not mandatory for completing physical count.
Note: there is a setup function in Inventory to include or exclude freeze counts on Physical count sheets.
Enter Physical Counts
After the counts sheets have been printed and the items actually counted, the quantity counted must be entered. The counts need to be compared to the quantity frozen to determine any changes necessary in inventory so that the quantity on hand in TRX Enterprise matches the actual physical on hand quantity.
There are several ways of entering the physical counts. Two different screens are provided in TRX Enterprise. One displays the items in the same order of the count sheets and only the quantity for each item needs to be entered. The other screen does not display the items and the item number along with the quantity must be entered. This screen can be useful if the count sheet used has bar codes for the items printed.
Counts can also be uploaded from a text file. The text file can be created by any program or hand held scanning device that was used as part of the physical count. To choose between the two screens, the one that displays items and the one in which the item numbers must be entered, use the checkbox on the Inventory Setup screen.
When this checkbox is checked, the screen with the item numbers is used and only the quantity needs to be entered.
Using the Count Entry Screen (Query Items)
The first step in entering counts is to select which items will be displayed on the screen on which to enter the quantities. The first window is an item selection window on which a range of items is selected. The second window then displays the items in the range and the actual count quantities are entered.
- Freeze Date – this is a computer generated date that that marks the time that inventory is frozen
- Starting and Ending count Code – You can enter a count code or a range of count codes to this selection screen. Count codes are codes that the user creates and assigns to items to create quick and easy small batch "Cycle Counts".
- Starting and Ending Category – This selection screen will accept inventory categories or a range of inventory categories.
- Starting and Ending Class - This selection screen will accept inventory classes or a range of inventory classes.
- Starting and Ending Warehouse locations – Physical counts can be done by individual warehouses or all of them if needed.
- Inventory Location – this selection screen will allow you to choose inventory locations as a selection item so you can add the Building, Room Bin Row Shelf if needed.
- Exclude Zero Quantity items – If many items have a zero quantity and are not likely to be found on hand during the physical count, the count sheets report can print a large number of pages. By selecting to exclude these items, there are fewer pages to the count sheets.
After clicking start, the main count entry screen is displayed along with all of the selected items. The items are listed in the same order as the count sheets to make the entry process easier. Enter the actual count quantity of each item. The Counted By and Tag number fields are optional. The count date is automatically filled in using the Count Date that was entered on the Start window. You can change the count date for specific items by clicking on the date and changing it, or using shift-tab from the Count Quantity field.
After entering all of the counts, simply click on the exit button on the toolbar.
Note: Counts will remain in the system until the Complete Count Processing is performed. This allows item counts to be entered over a period of time. You can return to the screen and continue entering counts with all of the previous counts displayed.
You can use the white Item search box at the top of the Item column to search for specific items. Simply enter part of the item number and press TAB. All items that match are displayed. To display the whole list again, remove the item number you entered in the Item search box and press TAB again.
Importing Counts from a File
Data collected in hand held scanners, such as a scan pal, could be downloaded into the counts. The file format that needs to be created is a simple text (.txt) file with two fields, item number and count quantity. The fields in the file can be delimited by either a TAB or a comma. The download process will automatically determine which delimiter was used. Each record must be separated by a carriage return and display on a separate line.
Use of the scanner and retrieving the data into a text file should be covered in the manual for the scanner. After using the Start window of the Enter Physical Counts screen, click on the Import button at the top of the screen. Select the file to be imported from the standard window open dialog box. The data will be imported. The count quantities will be added to any existing count entered for the item. Any items in the file that are not actual inventory items are written to a .bad file. The .bad file can be found in the same directory as the original file. After entering the items via file import you must still tab through each line to trigger the add serial number function. Failure to do this will slow down the unfreezing process considerably as you will have to add them as you go. If we find a missing serial we display an alert then highlight all items missing a serial with a raised bevel effect.
Physical Count Verification
The Physical Count Verification report is used to verify the count data that was entered. Use the report to see which inventory items will be adjusted due to the freeze quantity and the count quantity being different. By default the report only prints counted items that have a discrepancy noted. The report can be printed for any range of frozen items. This report is also used to verify the accuracy of the counts that were entered.
The Add No Counts button will create a count entry of zero for each item that did not have any count entry made. If no count entry was made for an item, it can be assumed that there is no on hand quantity of the item and therefore the count quantity should be zero.
- Freeze Date – this is a computer generated date that that marks the time that inventory is frozen
- Starting and Ending count Code – You can enter a count code or a range of count codes to this selection screen. Count codes are codes that the user creates and assigns to items to create quick and easy small batch "Cycle Counts".
- Starting and Ending Category – This selection screen will accept inventory categories or a range of inventory categories.
- Starting and Ending Class - This selection screen will accept inventory classes or a range of inventory classes.
- Starting and Ending Warehouse locations – Physical counts can be done by individual warehouses or all of them if needed.
- Inventory Location – this selection screen will allow you to choose inventory locations as a selection item so you can add the Building, Room Bin Row Shelf if needed.
- Add No Counts - The Add No Counts button will create a count entry of zero for each item that did not have any count entry made. If no count entry was made for an item, it can be assumed that there is no on hand quantity of the item and therefore the count quantity should be zero.
Note: It is very important you understand what the "Add No Counts" icon does before using it.
- Print Exceptions only – Checking this box will make the report only print out items that have had an inventory change. This report is good for pointing out what may need to be double-checked.
Complete Count Processing
The Complete Count Processing function is the final step in the physical count process. This screen will unfreeze inventory as well as make adjusting entries for counted items that have a counted quantity that is different from the freeze quantity. The range of items frozen to be completed can be specified using the same criteria as both the freeze and enter count quantities steps. No report is printed during this process. For a report on the counts that were entered, use the Physical Count Verification report.
- Starting and Ending count Code – You can enter a count code or a range of count codes to this selection screen. Count codes are codes that the user creates and assigns to items to create quick and easy small batch "Cycle Counts".
- Starting and Ending Category – This selection screen will accept inventory categories or a range of inventory categories.
- Starting and Ending Class - This selection screen will accept inventory classes or a range of inventory classes.
- Starting and Ending Warehouse locations – Physical counts can be done by individual warehouses or all of them if needed.
- Inventory Location – this selection screen will allow you to choose inventory locations as a selection item so you can add the Building, Room Bin Row Shelf if needed.
Pressing the process transactions icon will unfreeze the inventory make the corresponding GL entry and adjust the inventory counts accordingly.
Post Inventory to GL
All general ledger entries made in the Inventory module are posted in batch to the General Ledger. When posting the Inventory to the G/L a report prints indicating all of transactions that caused the entries and a summary page which shows the actual journal entry that will be made. You can post the Inventory to the General Ledger as often as necessary but we recommend no less than once a week, daily is preferable. Working with smaller subsets of data when trying to track the occasional issue that arises is always a better option. Financial statements from the General Ledger will reflect the inventory entries only after Inventory has been posted to the General Ledger.
INV > Post Inventory to GL
Note: Like all posting screens in TRX the user can choose to print just the posting report without actually posting the entries to the General Ledger by clicking on the Print icon on the toolbar. Since you can only post to the current period you may want to print a report using all as a date so you can see prior posting that you need to make.
- Starting and Ending Date - Choose the period to post INV transactions from. Only un-posted transactions that occur during that time period will be posted. The Start and End Dates must both be in the same period and that period must be an open period in the General Ledger.
- G/L Post Date -This will be the date of the journal entry in the General Ledger and will default to the ending date of the time period chosen. The G/L postdate must fall between the start and end date and it must be an open period in the General Ledger.
Re-Print GL Posting
This report reprints a posting report that is generated when posting Inventory to the General Ledger. A date range and/or batch number can be selected to reprint. The report only lists transactions that have previously been posted to the General Ledger.
INV > Reports > Re-print GL Postings
- Starting and Ending Posting Date – The date range of posted transactions that you would like to see reported on.
- Batch Number – you have the option of printing this report by GL batch number to get an exact reprinting if needed.
Inventory Master
The Inventory Master report is a listing of inventory items. Extensive options allow for a wide variety of criteria to be used. When looking at your items as a whole this screen will give you the ability cull down your report to just about and variable that you would like. The General, Warehouse and Attribute tabs of the Inventory master report screen can be used to determine which items will appear on the report and the sort order will determine how they are displayed.
There are four formats for the report.
- Items w/GL Codes, this report shows each item and description along with the G/L codes assigned to the items.
- Vendor 1, this version shows each item and description along with the preferred vendor, vendor cost and vendor part number
- Vendor/Qty, this report prints each item and description with the preferred vendor, current quantity on hand, cost, extended cost and selling price
- User Defined Fields, this report prints each item and description with the user defined fields for each item
Inventory Valuation
The Inventory Valuation report shows the current dollar value of inventory. The report can be printed for any range of warehouse location, item category, item class, or item number. The dollar values and quantities are based on the current quantities and costs at the time the report is printed.
There are four formats for the report. There are 3 different summary reports, which summarize the value by G/L account, warehouse location, or item category. There is also a detail report, which prints the detail for each item. All stocked inventory items that are shown on the report have a quantity other than zero regardless of the item's status. This report must be printed out as part of the month end close process and compared against the subledger inventory accounts.
INV > Reports > Inventory Valuation
- Starting and Ending category – This report can be pulled by a items category or range there of
- Starting and Ending Class – report can be pulled by class or range of classes
- Starting and Ending Item – You can choose an item or range of items to report on
- Starting and Ending Warehouse - You can choose a warehouse or range of warehouses to look in for reporting. This report has a list functions for warehouses that will allow you to create a list and save it for later use.
- Using cost method – the report is a cost-based report you can chose to print the report using the moving average standard or last cost.
- Detail – checking this box will give you the items detail
- Summary versions – This report can be printed in summary version by inventory Account, Warehouse or item category
- Include non-stocked items – There is no reasonable explanation for having this as an option other then there was one instance that a client needed this so it is there. If an item has an attribute of stocked unchecked it will not show on you inventory valuation, nor should it – you will need to correct the item if it does.
- As of Date – this is an important part of this report TRX tracks when items move in and out of your inventory. So if you print this report with an as of date of last week you will get the inventory valuation of what was in stock on that day. Three years from now if you use the same date you will get the same valuation.
- Quantity on Hand – this will display a traditional valuation report that is needed for accounting purposes. This will show the entire inventory you have in stock.
- Allocated Quantity – For some inventory management purposed you may need a report of items that are in inventory but allocated.
- Un-Allocated quantity - again this report can be used for inventory management purposes it will give you the total inventory minus any items that are allocated for a job.
Item Allocations
The item allocations report will give a detailed view of the items that you have in inventory that are currently allocated to projects or orders. After choosing items and the warehouse to look at the report will give you the amount allocated as well as the date it was allocated and the order/project it was allocated to.
INV > Reports > Allocation Report
- Starting and Ending Item – You can choose an item or range of items to report on, this report also has a list function that will allow you to build and save predefined lists.
- Starting and Ending Warehouse - You can choose a warehouse or range of warehouses to look in for reporting.
- Freeze code – If you have created a freeze code in the inventory physical count process you can use it to pull a report.
POS Over Ride Report
The POS override Report was created to aide in increasing the visibility of POS overrides and adjustments. See the section on the POS Override Adjustment for more detail on what these entries are. This report serves two functions; one to list all override items that need to be adjusted and two, by checking the POS Override History box, you can get items that were adjusted over a time period.
POS > POS Reports | Overrides tab
- Warehouse – this box allows you to choose which warehouse you would like to pull this report for.
- POS Override History - checking this box will enable the date range box and let you see the items that have already been cleared in a certain time period.
- Override till date – placing a date in this box will show you all overrides that have happened up till this date.
- Order by – You can choose to print this report sorted by Item or by Date.
Report by history
Report by Till Date
Price List
The Price List report prints the item, description, quantity on hand, and selling price of items. Criteria allow for choosing items based on a range of item numbers, warehouse locations, categories, Classes or even selling price. A checkbox also controls whether only items that are on hand will be printed on the price list. By checking the Use price rules for selling price box you are able to get a listing.
This is a very versatile report that has many uses:
- Verify margins and make sure you are not selling items below cost. The option to print costs allows additional fields of cost, margin, and markup to be printed. The cost is the cost specified by the GM Cost Indicator on Order Entry Setup. The margin and markup also use that cost in their respective calculations.
- Confirm AQ price updates – Choose to include the last price change date; and any price change that does not equal the last AQ update date is an obsolete item that is no longer in the AQ update file or at the very least a potential update problem
- List items on hand by category – several ways to see what you have in inventory and what the margin for them is.
- Confirm pricing on the Sales Floor – By checking the use Price rules for selling price the default POS Customer price rule will be applied so you can verify margin in the showroom.
- Create a file for excel spreadsheet – Choose your parameters and then press the "Export Report" icon to get .txt a file that can be open in Excel for data manipulation and specialized reporting. A link will appear below the icon to let know where the file that was created was stored.
INV > Reports > Price List
- Starting and Ending Item – You can choose an item or range of items to report on
- Starting and Ending Warehouse - You can choose a warehouse or range of warehouses to look in for reporting.
- Starting and Ending category – This report can be pulled by a items category or you can make a list of categories with the list function
- Starting and Ending Class - This report can be pulled by a items category or you can make a list of categories with the list function.
- Starting and Ending Price – you can choose a price range of items to print.
- Manufacturer – this report can be run by manufacturer
Note: one would usually run this report by manufacturer with the "include last price change date" checked after an AQ price update to see which items have be discontinued.
- Price not changed since – we allow you to add a date in this box so you can see the items that have not had a price increase over X amount of time. Good for making sure items do not go to long without a price increase, this can be caused by discontinued items or bad price rules
- Include costs – checking this box will include the item cost, margin and mark up. You have your choice of which cost calculation you would like to choose.
Note: this report should be printed with costs on a regular basis and examined if you have items in your inventory that have a zero cost you generally will have an issue to deal with.
- On Hand Only – checking this box will only print out items in your inventory that are on hand and will not print zero quantity inventories.
- Include last price change date – prints the report and includes the last time this items price was updated.
- Use Price rules for selling price – When this box is checked any price rules that were created to a default POS cash customer will be applied to the selling prince and factored into the margin calculations.
Item Transactions
The Transaction report prints a summary of each inventory transaction and there are checkboxes so you may choose which transactions you want to be printed. All transactions for items are printed except for those types of transactions that are to be excluded from the report. Other criteria allow selection of which warehouse location, item category, date range and item number range for the transactions to be printed.
This report is useful to view unusual transactions that are occurring for inventory items. The unit cost on the report is normally the cost of the item used during the transaction. A drop down list allows use of the item's current cost, standard cost, last cost, or the current calculated cost of the item
INV > Reports > Inventory Transaction Report
- Starting and Ending Item – You can choose an item or range of items to report on
- Starting and Ending Warehouse - You can choose a warehouse or range of warehouses to look in for reporting.
- Starting and Ending category – This report can be pulled by a items category or range there of
- Start and End Date – the time period that you would like to check inventory usage in.
- User ID –
- Cost By – The report will display the costs of items that are in the report this drop down box. This will default to the cost of the items when the actual transaction occurred but can be changed to standard, last, or average.
There are check boxes for different types of transactions that you can exclude from the report they include:
- Shipped orders
- PO receipts
- Transfers
- Physical Counts
- Project Issues
- Project Receipts
Each transactions excluded allows the report to be used in a different way.
Item Usage
The item usage report prints the actual usage of each item over a specific period of time. Options allow for choosing which types of transactions to use in calculating the usage. Usage of items is useful in determining future needs and purchases of items.
INV > Reports > Item Usage Report
- Starting and Ending Item – You can choose an item or range of items to report on
- Starting and Ending Warehouse - You can choose a warehouse or range of warehouses to look in for reporting.
- Starting and Ending category – This report can be pulled by a items category or range there of
- Starting and Ending Class – report can be pulled by class or range of classes
- Start and End Date – the time period that you would like to check inventory usage in.
- User ID –
- Exclude Shipped orders – Excluding shipped orders will tell you any open orders that you currently have.
- Exclude Transfers – checking this box will not include transfers as used items. Preference some may consider transfers just moving of items because it has not sold other will want to include them because they did relieve the local warehouse inventory levels.
- Exclude Project Issues – checking this box will ignore any items that have been issued to projects.
- Exclude Physical counts – checking this box will exclude any physical count movement from this report essentially ignoring shrinkage.
- Print Warehouse Detail – checking this box will add a warehouse breakdown of the total amount of items.
Item Labels
Item labels can be printed for any item in any quantity. Printing labels is a two-step process, first you will choose the parameters that you would like to print and then a second screen will allow you to choose the quantities and UOM's of the items that you have chosen.
A variety of options allow for choosing items based on warehouse location, item category, item number, purchase order, inventory transfer and price change date. If purchase order or inventory transfers are used as criteria for the labels, labels are created for the items on the purchase order or transfer and in the quantity specified by the purchase order or transfer. If you chose a date range for price change then only the items that have had a price change during that date range will print out.
If warehouse, item category, or item number range is used, the quantities are based on the current on hand quantity of the item. Only items with a quantity on hand greater than zero are selected.
INV > Reports > Item Labels
- Starting and Ending Manufacturer – you are able to print labels by manufacturer or range of manufacturers
- Starting and Ending category – This report can be pulled by a items category or range there of
- Starting and Ending Class – Labels can be pulled by class or range of classes. Classes are optional setup field in inventory not everybody will use them.
- Starting and Ending Item – You can choose an item or range of items to report on
- Starting and Ending Warehouse - You can choose a warehouse or range of warehouses to look in for reporting.
- Starting or ending Purchase order - you can print labels for items that were on a purchase order, the amount of labels that defaults in will be based on the amount that were on the PO. This is just a default and can be changed.
- Starting and Ending price change date – TRX tracks when a price changes either from manual change or AQ price update. So you are able to print labels just for items that have had a price change in a specific date range.
Note: This fits in very well with our AQ update procedure. After updating a price you can put in the current date as a price change date and print labels for only those items that had a price change. This will save time changing price tags and money in ink and labor.
- Transfer Number – All inventory transfers get assigned a number, much like orders and Purchase orders, so if you are at a receiving warehouse you can print just labels for items that are being transferred in.
- Building Room, Row, Shelf, and Bin – you are able to print labels for an inventory section at a time.
- Force quantity to one - This check box will print one label for any item that falls under the parameters that you chose. If you label shelf and bin locations and not every item you would check this box so you did not print extra labels.
- Include price on label – option to include price on labels when checked
- Items marked Keep in Stock only – check this box to only print labels that have the attribute keep in stock checked
- Print 4 x 6 Labels – Prints on a flat sheet 4 x 6 label format for larger shelf tags
- Print Shelf Labels – Prints on shelf tags that fit in a standard tag holder for a second shelf label format.
- Use Price Rules – If you have a certain customer type price rule for your showroom floor you can check this box and a second box will appear asking which customer the price rule is for it will then calculate the correct price and print them on the tag.
- Inventory on hand – By checking this box you can print labels for only items that you have in inventory.
After choosing the parameters for the tags you would like to print you should press the continue Icon and a secondary screen will appear that has you label selections and it will allow you to edit the print run one last time before printing.
- Item – you can add or delete any items to the print run.
- Descriptions – this is a non-editable field that has the item description that will print out on the label.
- Label quantity – This is the amount of labels that will print out. If you have checked force quantity to one box this will default to one label per item. This is good for those who just label the shelves and not every individual piece. If your parameters included purchase orders or transfer numbers the default number will be the amount that was on each document. Any other choices will default to the amount of items that are currently in inventory.
- UOM – this field represents the selling unit of measure for this item. You can choose another valid UOM by pressing the F9 key and choosing the one you want. Changing the UOM will cause the price to update automatically.
- Price – this is the price that will print on the label if you have chosen the print price option. This price is based on the selling price unless you are using the use price rules option.
- Go back – this icon will take you back the parameters screen if you would like to change some options and re-pull the list.
Press the lightning bolt to print your labels the standard label size is 2-3/4 long by 1-1/8 high.
Stock Status
The Stock Status report shows the quantities for each item at each warehouse location. Items for the report can be selected based on a range of warehouse locations, item categories, and item number ranges. A checkbox is used to determine if items with a quantity on hand of zero should be included. If this box is unchecked, a very long report may print.
- Starting and Ending Item – You can choose an item or range of items to report on
- Starting and Ending warehouse - You can choose a warehouse or range of warehouses to look in for reporting.
- Starting and Ending category – This report can be pulled by a items category or range there of
- Print Warehouse Detail – Checking this box will allow an inventory breakout per item to be printed out
- Exclude Zero Balances - If you do not want to see columns of zero amount inventories you will want to check this box. Leaving it unchecked create a very long report.
- The breakdown of quantities by warehouse can be printed when the Warehouse Detail box is checked.
- Quantities are displayed for each warehouse location an item is stocked in with totals for each item.
- The available quantity is calculated as quantity on hand + quantity on order – quantity allocated.
- Only active items are printed on the report.
Item Stock-outs
The item stock outs report shows items that are being tracked for stock outs and the number of times the item has been out of stock during the time period specified for the report. Detail can be printed which prints each stock out occurrence with the date the item was out of stock and the date which the item was then in stock again along with the number of days the item was out of stocked.
For items that are out of stock at the time the report is printed, the number of days the item is out of stock is based on the date the report is printed. The system does track day and time for the number of days an item is out of stock. Some items may show the same Stock Out and Stock in Dates, but one may show a number of days as 18.9 and another 19.0. This is a result of one item being received earlier in the day than another.
INV > Reports > Item Stock-outs
- Starting and Ending Item – You can choose an item or range of items to report on
- Starting and Ending warehouse - You can choose a warehouse or range of warehouses to look in for reporting.
- Start and End Date – the time period that you would like to pull stock outs from.
- Show Detail – Will add the detail to the report of stock out dates
Tracking stock outs is controlled on an item-by-item level by checking the "Stock outs" attribute on the items attribute tab. Once done a box will appear on the lower left corner of warehouse tab and it will track the date and time the item goes out of stock and is replenished. Checking this box is not retroactive, you will not get a history for the item upon checking the attribute box.
ABC Analysis
An ABC Analysis is an advanced inventory management function that determines the level of importance of an item on a proportional basis to the inventory's total cost. The analysis is based on item usage not quantities on hand. Items classified as an A are of high importance they usually represent 20% of the inventory items, but will equal 80% of the dollar usage Items classified as a B are of medium importance as they usually represent 30% of the items but only 15% of the dollar usage. Items classifieds as a C are of lowest importance they will equal 50% of your inventory items but not much of you inventory value.
With the majority of your inventory value wrapped up in a small amount of sales most resources should go towards managing the A items. This report defaults to the 80%/15%/5% model, but any percentage can be selected by the user. The report will analyze usage and unit costs for all inventory items and will assign the items making up the highest 80% of the total to class A. The next 15% is assigned to class B and the last 5% is assigned to class C.
The report will display the item, item description, the usage quantity, the average unit cost, the usage amount, the current and a suggested ABC code based on the average usage of the item and the total dollar usage subtotal. The ABC field on inventory items will change automatically to the suggested category by checking the Update Inventory box on the report selection screen.
INV > Reports > ABC Inventory Analysis Report
Lot Inventory
The Lot Inventory report prints each item for which lot numbers are tracked and the current quantities of each lot in inventory. All items lot items that have a quantity on hand are included on the report regardless of the item's status.
INV > Reports > Lot Inventory Report
- Starting and Ending Item – You can choose an item or range of items to report on
- Starting and Ending warehouse - You can choose a warehouse or range of warehouses to look in for reporting
- Starting and Ending Expiration Date – the date or range of dates in which the lots expire in which lots expire.
- Starting and ending sell by Dates – Most lots have a sell by date this report can be pulled by the sell by or range of sell by dates.
- Starting and Ending salesperson – You can choose to report lots by a salesperson or range of salespeople if needed.
Expired Lots
The Expired Lots report prints each item and lot that has expired either on or before a specific date or between two dates. All lot items that have a quantity on hand are included on the report regardless of the item's status.
INV > Reports > Expired Lots
- Starting and Ending Item – You can choose an item or range of items to report on
- Starting and Ending warehouse - You can choose a warehouse or range of warehouses to look in for reporting
- Expiration Date – the date in which lots expire
- Starting and Ending salesperson – You can choose to report lots by a salesperson or range of salespeople if needed.
Serial Number Inventory
The Serial Number Inventory report prints each item for which serial numbers are entered when the item is received into inventory. Choose a warehouse location and item number range for the report. Each serial number for each item in inventory is displayed. The number of serial numbers for each item should match the quantity on hand of the item.
INV > Reports > Serial Number Inventory Report
- Starting and Ending Item – You can choose an item or range of items to report on
- Starting and Ending warehouse - You can choose a warehouse or range of warehouses to look in for reporting
Dead Inventory
Dead inventory are active items, with a quantity on hand, that are sold to customers, but that have not been sold or issued to customers within a specified time frame. This report will look at inventory transactions and determines an item is dead if there are no sales order shipments, purchase order receipts, or issues to projects after the date specified on the report.
INV > Reports > Dead Inventory Report
- Start date - The amount of days you would like to go back. If there is no inventory movement within the date specified and current date the item will show on the report.
- Starting and Ending Category - A range of item categories to be included in the report
- Starting and Ending Warehouse - Warehouse locations can also be specified.
- Manufacturer – you can choose to print this report for a specific manufacturer
- Include "obsolete when out of stock items" that are on hand – by checking this box any item that is on hand in our inventory but listed as obsolete when out of stock will show on the report.
- Include items not marked as keep in stock that are on hand – When this box is checked any item that is in inventory and not allocated that does not have the attribute keep in stocked checked will show on the report.
- Use quantity available rather than quantity on hand - when checked this report will be based off of the quantity that is available rather than the quantity that is on hand. (Quantity available takes into account allocations)
The quantity on hand, cost, and extended cost are shown for each item with subtotals by item category with a grand total at the end of the report. This shows the dollar value of the dead inventory. Note that only items marked as sold to customers are stocked and active will be considered for the report. Transferring items from warehouses should not be considered a sale and will not remove an item from the dead inventory report.
Not in Warehouse
The Not in Warehouse report is used to show items that are not stocked at a specific warehouse. The report is commonly used to find items that were not initially setup properly. When running this report TRX will look at all the items in the categories specified, and tell you which ones are currently not yet created in the warehouses specified in the second range.
INV > Reports > Items Not in Warehouse
- Starting and ending category – these would be the categories of items that you would like to verify as being part of you warehouse inventory.
- Starting and Ending Warehouse Location – The warehouse(s) that you are looking for missing items in.
This example was rigged – normally non-stocked items would not appear on this report.
Price Book
Inventory Analysis Report
The inventory analysis report will give you an item breakdown of the quantity on hand, the accounting cost and the last cost. It will then calculate the average cost of your inventory on hand. If you check the "show yearly total" box you will also get the quantity sold and value of the quantity sold for a year to date and last 12 months period. We will also calculate the number of inventory turns you had over the last twelve months.
This report is an integral part of an overall inventory management plan, if you do not have a means of measure something than you cannot manage it. Being able to see information like how much inventory you are carrying, where it is and how quickly it moves is the first step in being able to stream line your inventory offerings and minimize your inventory cost without affecting you customer base.
INV > Reports > Inventory Analysis Report
Inventory turn – In layman's terms an inventory turn number is how many times do you replenish your stocking inventory. So if you decide to allocate $1000.00 of your standing inventory to item A. The inventory turn is a measure of how effective that $1000 investment is over a period of time. If over a years' time your inventory turn is one, than maybe you can re-allocate $750 of that $1000 investment someplace else and still keep the customer satisfied that you stock the item. Or maybe the turn is 10 which may seem great, unless you have periods of stock outs in which case you are not keeping your customer satisfied and you should probably increase your investment. The inventory turn should be used as measuring stick that can give you a relative point to be evaluated and not as a gage to tell you where you are.
- Manufacturer – press F9 for a list of manufacturers, choose one to run this report
- Warehouse – which warehouse are you evaluating, press F9 for a list.
- Show yearly totals – When checked this report will show yearly totals for quantity on hand and calculate an inventory turn ratio for you, when not checked we will show you the location of the items.
Inventory Special Functions
All TRX enterprise modules have a special functions screen. These screens are for the power users to setup and control how TRX molds to your company. All the setup points and option screens in the inventory module can be populated from this screen.
Export Data
One of the quickest and most efficient ways to edit or sort your inventory will be to use TRX's Export/Update data function. In TRX inventory items are defined in the enter edit screen and there are well over 50 change-able variables to each item. Not all of these variables can be changed by this export/update function but they all can be exported to txt files that can be opened in Excel so you can take advantage of advanced editing and sorting capabilities, to examine and define your inventory. The Export/Update function will allow you to export your inventory items into a text file that can be opened in a spreadsheet. From the spreadsheet you can sort or change some of the variables then that file can be re-imported back into TRX updating many of those variables in the TRX database.
INV > Inventory Special Functions > Export Data
Section 1: File information
In this section the important file information is stored and created
- Template Name - Create a name for the template that you will using, if the name already exists that template will be loaded
Note: When entering into the screen if you press the F8 key you can then use the arrow keys on your keyboard to scroll through your saved templates.
- Header Record - Select if you would like to export a header row for your file. It will create a row of column labels in the text file so you know what the column is.
- Description - Give Brief description of what your template is for. In this example we will be exporting warehouse information and updating the ware house locations of various items
- File Name - Give the file a name be sure to include the path of the file.
Note: the .TXT extension will be added automatically
Section 2: Template execution icons
In this section the screen action icons reside
- Export Template - Templates can be used in any company that is on your database. They can also be exported themselves which allows them to be created easily for use other databases. This is very useful if you are having problems with an export and TRX Integration support personnel have requested your export so they can test it.
- Generate SQL - There may be times when you need to view the SQL statement that is being used to generate the output. To view the SQL, click on Generate SQL button. A text file located in the same directory as your output file will be created with the SQL statement. This file will have the same name as your output file but with an extension of .sql
- Export Inventory – this icon will send the text file that you created out of TRX so that you can edit it.
- Update Inventory – this icon will use the file that you have active in the File Information to update your inventory
Section 3: Define Export Criteria
This section will allow you to limit the amount of items that you export into your file. Exporting the whole database into a spreadsheet can be quite unruly and most spreadsheets can only handle a limited amount of rows that your database could far exceed.
- Warehouse – Which warehouse would you like to export from
Note: if you have an item stored in more than one warehouse it will obviously be in different positions so you are best served by doing one warehouse at a time
- Vendor – Defines which vendor you would like to limit your selection too.
- Category – If you have categories defined you can select by them
- Class – If you have any class's defined you can select by them
- Manufacturer – if you have any manufacturers defined you can select by them.
- Active items only – check if you would like to limit to active items.
Note: If you include warehouse or vendor specific data in the export, such as Last PO Date, or Standard Cost, and you do not specify a vendor or warehouse, the export file will contain a record for each warehouse and vendor for each item included in the export.
Note: if you do not include a vendor in the upper template portion, be sure to select vendor as one of the field names in the lower section, otherwise the system will be unable to distinguish vendors for an item when the .txt file is imported back into TRX
Section 4: Define fields to export
This is the screen that you use to create the file fields that you are exporting and ultimately going to use to update or sort your database information.
- Field Numbers - correspond to the column number. Leaving them blanks as you choose the next column heading will allow you to use the "Renumber Fields" icon to auto number them. You can also assign your own numbering.
- TRX Field Name - is the name of the database field that you would like to export/update. There is a pull down menu that will list out your available options. Simply pull down and choose. The pull down menu has too many options to list here but you will note the layout contains a location, then a dash, then a description. That location represents the tab on the Inventory query screen, it is there so you can find the the field you are updating.
- Length – This field is only used if you are exporting a fixed length field, you should accept the default length as it will correspond to the preset database field lengths. Changing them could cause unwanted truncation or export difficulties.
- Default Value - field is used to supply a value should the data in the database be blank. For example, if you choose to include the Purchasing Unit of Measure and that field is blank, you could enter 'MISSING' in the default value field. The export file would then have the word MISSING in the Purchasing Unit of Measure column. You could sort by this field and easily find all the missing Purchase unit of measures because they would be in a row.
- Format Mask – This field is used primarily for date fields. A default format mask is entered automatically when you choose a field that is a date.
- Update on Import check box - allows you to define which fields will be updated upon re-importing of the data
Notes: Reordering the fields in the Template if you want to reorder the fields in the template without deleting them and then re-entering them on a different line you can change the field numbers. In the following example it is decided to make Vendor the first field in the export. Since Field #'s must remain unique, we change the field # for Vendor to .5 and then click on the Renumber Fields button.
Renumber Vendor to Field # .5
Click on Renumber Fields and Vendor is now the first field in the template.
Exporting a file out of TRX
To export the template, click on the Export Template button. You choose the directory that the file will be saved in by entering the path and name in the "file name field" from section one. It is highly advisable to make a note of where you are exporting your file to so when you leave TRX you will know where to look.
Importing your file back into TRX
Once you have exported you inventory file out of TRX and made all the required adjustments you will need to import it back in and update your inventory. Return to the Export/Update Inventory screen.
Note: Make sure you have marked which fields that you want to update on import
Note: If you have moved your .txt to your desktop for easy viewing, move it back to the location that was established in the file name in section 1 - file information.
After returning you will need to press the update inventory icon.
Verify that the fields were updated.
Update Item Attributes
Inventory Categories
The Single most important function of inventory categories is they will populate the default GL accounts for inventory items when they are created. So attention needs to be applied to assigning GL accounts to an inventory category. The default GL accounts can be carried through to the financial reports to allow for segmentation and analysis on the balance sheet and P&L statement. Categories are also used as a selection type on most inventory reports and to complete Physical Counts.
There is a second tab that will allow you to define what functions will affect inventory usage calculations. The Inventory Purchase Assistant sets minimum inventory levels based on usage. Some companies would like transactions like issues and transfers to affect this minimum order point and others would not. This screen gives you the option to make those decisions on a category-by-category basis.
INV > INV Special Functions > Inventory categories
- Category – Enter a Category code: you will want it to be short enough that it is not tedious to repetitively type when placing orders but concise enough that you know what it is by looking at it.
- Description – The description will define what the code is and default into reports and screens as needed
- Buyer – the buyer is a default that can be left blank if needed. Some companies have different buyers for assigned for different items: one buyer for chemicals one for equipment.
- GL Accounts – These are the default accounts that will populate into the inventory item screen during setup. It is the category that defines the default GL accounts for an item.
- Sales GL – The sales account for this inventory category
- Inventory GL – Which inventory account items in this category will hit when they are received and shipped.
- Cost GL – The cost of goods sold for items in this inventory category
- Accrual – This item category Accrual Account
Some of the more advanced concepts in the TRX Enterprise™ inventory control system are that of the Purchase assistant and the PO generator. When it comes to effective inventory management controlling your turns is essential. Too much inventory is idling capital and not enough is a potential sale out the door, empty handed. To help manage your turns we employ a purchase assistant that will measure historical vendor lead times and cross-reference against inventory usage over a period of time to define a minimum stock quantity that you should carry. This minimum inventory level is then fed into a PO generator that will poll all items for a vendor and display everything that needs to be ordered so you may capitalize on free freight when possible.
The key to this process is "usage" we allow you to define what usage is, or better stated what you would like to consider an inventory deduction. To some a vendor RMA may be considered in usage because it is leaving inventory to others it may not be because it was purchased for a reason, usually a customer specific order and then returned and they are just completing the process. You can choose how each transaction type should be handled and you can choose by individual categories.
Inventory Classifications
Inventory classes allow items to be grouped together for reporting and physical counts. Classes and Sub-Classes are optional. Sub-classes is a further sub-setting of classes so when you highlight a class in this screen the subclasses that make it up (if there are any) will appear in the subclass screen below. We do not recommend creating sub-classes with the same name for multiple classes as some reporting can be pulled based on sub-classes alone and this would cause issues.
INV > Special Functions > Inventory Classifications
- Class - represent a further segmentation of your inventory this field is a small code.
- Description – the description of the small code, by using codes you have limited typing and less room for mistakes.
- Sub-class – code that represents further segmentation of your class structure
- Description – description of the sub class code.
Super Categories
The Super Category Maintenance screen is used to define the valid values for the super category field that is declared in Inventory setup. The menu option and the name of the screen will change based on what was entered on the Inventory Setup Super Category Name field. In the following picture, Buying Groups is used as the Super Category Name. If Super Categories are used, valid values need to be created for the Super Category field before inventory items are entered. It is possible to leave the super category field blank on inventory items, but invalid values will not be allowed.
INV > Special Functions > Super Category Maintenance
- "Buying Groups" – this header will be what you have entered in the INV > Special Functions > inventory setup field called "super categories" In this example we have used Buying Groups. The information under the header is the viable options that you can choose to label individual items. This information is stored at the item level on the general tab of Item entry and query screens.
- Description – description of the variable code
Cycle Count Codes
Cycle Count Codes are used to group inventory items for physical counts. Physical counts can be done based on an items warehouse, category, class, cycle count code and/or location within a warehouse (building, room, row, shelf, and bin). Utilizing Count Codes affords the option of performing a physical count on a small portion of the inventory rather than counting the whole inventory at one time. After the codes are setup, the count code is entered on the Warehouse tab of inventory items in the box in the lower left hand corner. It is not necessary to define any cycle count codes
INV > Special Functions > Cycle Count Codes Entry/Query
At the beginning of the workday it is not unusual to have floor personnel easing into their day by milling around with coffee or casually chatting while they wait for their assignments to be handed to them. It is these ten to twenty minutes a day that can be used to complete cycle counts. By creating codes for blocks of 5 – 1o items you can do a quick freeze and print of physical count sheets and set the idle time to work. Routinely verifying and adjusting the most frequently turned items will keep your inventory in turn and avoid large adjustments at year-end.
- Count Code – A short code used to represent a small subset of items
- Count Code Description – the longer description of the code
Count codes are attached to items via the warehouse tab of the item enter/edit screen
The manufacturers table in Inv Setup allows you to assign codes to each manufacturer that you use in TRX. This information is most notable found on the general tab of the item enter change screen. If information is in those boxes the AQ cross reference table will be considerably more effective at assigning your Vendors to AQ manufacturers.
INV > Special Functions > Manufacturers
- Manufacturer – A code that acts as your manufacturer on all forms and screens, keep this code short for easy access.
- Description – the description or manufacturer name
Adding a Manufacturer
- Click on one of the Existing Manufacturers
- Click on the Green + to create a new line
- Fill it in
- Click Save or hit F10
Your active warehouses and their addresses need to be defined in TRX. Each warehouse will have a warehouse code and description as well as shipping and a mailing address's. Contact information is optional. This information will be found and can be edited in the inventory special functions menu under warehouse. The information on this screen is used in the inventory, order entry, purchasing and projects module. TRX enterprise™ keeps an item history that is specific to each warehouse. At any time for a given item you can see how many of an item is on hand, on order, or allocated for each warehouse. All this leads to a perpetual inventory that is segregated by warehouses that you set up and define here.
You will be unable to delete a warehouse one there is a transaction applied to as TRX keeps historical data but you can make a warehouse inactive so that is no longer an option to receive or transfer items into. Also under the contact information you can assign a warehouse printer for picking tickets. This way operations or salespeople can create pick tickets and this will override their default printer and print directly to the warehouse, saving someone having to manually deliver them.
INV > Special Functions > Warehouses
- Active – by unchecking this box you are telling TRX that warehouse is no longer active and should not show up any F9 lookup screens are be able to be used as an option for deliveries.
- Warehouse – this is the easy entry code that will be associated with this warehouse thorough out TRX. We recommend keeping this 1-3 characters as your users will have to enter this into every screen the warehouse needs to be referenced. So instead of having your salespeople type Little Rock every order make the code 1 or LR.
- Description – This is the actual name that will appear on reports that print out, so this is where you would define the warehouse a "main" or Little Rock "warehouse.
- Contact information – here you will add the basic contact information for the warehouse manager this is optional but will make the Purchase orders and order shipping information look complete, most will use "Warehouse Manager" instead of an actual name.
- Mailing Address – The mailing address is where any post mail would be delivered, a lot of time this will be the main office for the company or the a PO Box.
- Shipping Address – This is usually the physical address and is used for deliveries' via truck to be received.
Price Codes
Item Tiers
Inventory Setup
Every module has a control screen that allows you to choose how TRX Enterprise™ will function for your company. It is these screens that will mold TRX to suit your operating style and niche markets. I will give a brief over view of each option you have so that you may be able to make an informed decision as possible for company setup. Some setups are more involved than others but all are important and will require some fore thought. Most decisions can be changed upon, during and after training period as needed.
INV > Inventory Special Functions > INV Setup
- Costing Method - The costing method is how you inventory is valued. Choices are average, LIFO, or FIFO.
- When entering physical counts automatically display counted items. - This question deals exclusively with the inventory physical count. When this box is checked (Y) you will have a listing on the screen of all items that are being counted and the amount that are currently in inventory. If you chose not to check (N) you will enter any amounts that are different from the printed physical count sheets. Those with large amounts of inventory will tend to choose (N)
- Validate Manufacturer - This should be (Y), checking yes will create tables within TRX that link manufacturers to manufacturers codes. If you will be doing any work with POS, Projects or Auto Quotes it needs to be checked
- Use selling Price 2: This is no longer supported and will be removed.
- Automatically Number Items: When new items are created checking this box will cause TRX to automatically assign a number to the items. We recommend choosing (N). By choosing to auto number items you will be changing the AQ numbering scheme.
- Enable Memo Cost Field: Memo cost is an additional cost field that is available to users, in the past it has been used by some users as a part of various custom inventory setups.
- Allow FOB Cost Field Yet another cost field that is available to the user, it also is related to certain custom set ups.
- Next Item Number : Next number will become available to you if you opt to auto-number inventory items
- When Processing Picks Also: Levels of automation available to the user allows you process PO receipts, Process Order Shipping and Process Work Order Release when processing picks
- Process PO Receipts
- Process Order Shipments
- Process Work Order Releases
- Release Backorders When: When you have items on order that are not in inventory they will go on back order. You can set TRX to automatically release that backorder when an item is entered into inventory in each of the four ways above. It would be advisable to choose (Y) for each of the above, if it does not interfere with already established inventory controls.
- Inventory is received
- Purchase Orders are received
- Receive of Inventory Transfer
- Work order is closed