Locations are associated with more closely with employee hours and time tracking. When employees are created they are assigned a default location that is used when entering time for the employee. This helps speed up the data entry process. If you will be tracking employee hours through TRX please consult your implementation representative for a more detailed setup. But for the Purposes of creating a workable training company set up the basic locations. You can always come back and edit locations at a later time.
Entering new locations…
Choose Locations from the Special Functions submenu of the TSE menu. The locations screen will appear and automatically display any locations previously entered sorted alphabetically by location.
Enter the location code and a description for the location. The location code can be up to 10 characters and numbers. The description allows for 100 characters.
List the hours in a work day for the location
List the hours in a Pay Period for that location
Click on the Save icon on the toolbar.
Note: If there are no remaining blank lines when creating a new location press the insert record icon on the tool bar and one will be opened for you.
To remove a location, highlight it with the cursor then press the delete icon.