*Select the correct file type: “AQ Project” or “AQ FEDA” before hitting Browse to select the file. Otherwise, you will receive an error.
Processing the Update
When you hit the lightning bolt, the change record screen will come up. Here you can check, adjust, and update your items.
Header Fields
Model - Enter model number to search list of items by Model
Vendor- Enter Vendor number to search list of items by Vendor
Discount- Enter Discount to search list of items by Discount
Exit - This button will leave the update screen
Detail Fields
Item - Item number from TRX
Item Description - Item Description from TRX
Vendor - Vendor Number for the item
Sell U - Selling UOM for the item
Cost - The Cost of the item
List Price - The List price for the item
Net Price - The Net Price for the item
AQ Net Price - The Price coming from AQ Net
Disc. - The Discount for the Item
Per Off - Percentage off, based on Discount
Bottom Buttons
Process Transactions - This will Process all of the items in the screen, ignoring any items that had errors
Update All Records - This will process all items, including those with Errors