Versions Compared


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Every module has a control screen that allows you to choose how TRX Enterprise™ will function for your company. It is these screens that will mold TRX to suit your operating style and niche markets.

Table of Contents


Main Tab


  • Automatically Number Projects – Check this box if you would like TRX to automatically create sequential numbers for your projects. If this is not selected you will need to manually create your project numbers (or use AQ Project Numbers.)

  • Next Project Number – If you have activated the auto-numbering feature this is where you can see/set the next project number.

  • Use AQ project numbers - Some users prefer to name their projects in Auto Quotes and have that name follow through to TRX. Others choose to have TRX automatically number them and still some will choose neither and name the projects on entry. Checking this box will allow you to use the numbers created in AQ.

  • Warranty Signature – This feature is obsolete as we now use the project manager as the signee in the warranty letter.

  • Signature Title - This feature is obsolete as we now use the project manager as the signee in the warranty letter.

  • Freight Item – When using the Freight/Install PO feature you need to designate one of your inventory items as the freight item that will be used for Freight PO's, you enter the item number here.

  • Install Item - When using the Freight/Install PO feature you need to designate one of your inventory items as the install item that will be used for Install PO's, you enter the item number here.

  • Calculate Use Tax On – If you are charging tax based on Use Tax then you can specify here whether the calculation should be based on Actual (Standard), Last, or Average cost.

  • Transfer Project Customer – This feature is obsolete.

  • Automatically display Planned Material – If this is checked then we will automatically display all material items when opening the project material plan screen. If unchecked you need to manually select a display option to see items included in the material plan. It is recommended that you check this option.

  • Update plan when issuing/receiving material – Having this checked will display the quantity issued to the project site via drop ship / consolidator PO or pick ticket in the project material plan.

  • Show Item added in AQ – When importing a quote from AQ if you wish to see the items added from the AQ file during the import process this should be checked.

  • Force Marks on PO Lines – If checked we print "Mark carton for project" lines in the Project Purchase Order.

  • Show Warehouse Quantities on Material Plan – This option will show the quantity on hand and quantity available for material items in the PO tab of the project material plan if checked. This can decrease the time it takes to load item in the material plan so if you deal with mainly drop ship it may be best for you to leave this unchecked.

  • Mark as Change Order Default Setting – When creating new change orders we will automatically check or uncheck the "Mark as Change Order" checkbox based on if this is checkbox is checked or unchecked.

  • Turn on "Set Frt/Ins to Zero" button in the material plan – If checked we will display a button in the project material plan that will allow you to set all freight and install amounts to zero.

  • Show Accessories on the Pick Ticket – If checked we include accessories in the project pick ticket.

  • Show Accessories on the Packing Slip – If checked we include accessories in the project packing slip.

  • Show Accessories on the Invoice – If checked we include accessories in the project invoice.

  • Default Ship Option – When creating PO's from the project material plan we will automatically set the "Ship To" to the option selected here.
