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Setting Up Distribution

To use Email Distribution for A/P, you will need to setup your Vendor records, Buyer Records, create email templates, and set the default Template for Buyers.


If your email server is setup for TRX, you can take advantage of our Email Distribution. On Vendor records (A/P>Vendors>EnterP > Vendors > Enter/Edit Vendors), the Contact must have an Email address and be marked as the “Prime” contact by checking the “Prime” checkbox next to the Contact record. This will be used when Printing PO’s for this Vendor.


Buyer Contact Setup - PO Receipt

On Buyer records (PUR>PUR Special Functions>BuyersPUR > PUR Special Functions > Buyers), the Buyer must have an Email address. This will be used when that buyer’s PO is received.


Once the Email Template for PO Receipts is setup, you can set the default under PUR>PUR Special Functions>PUR PUR > PUR Special Functions > PUR Setup. Use F9 on the “Email Template” field to select your default.


The first change to use our Emailing function is when processing your Purchase Order.

After the PO prints:

  1. Hit yes when asked if it prints correctly

  2. The prompt will come up

  3. Select your Template

  4. Hit “Run Report”.


Printing/Emailing PO’s - PO Query

You can also use distribution email from the PO Query screen, if you haven’t already printed the PO.

  1. Open the PO under


  1. PUR > PO Query, or


  1. PUR > PO Query/Change

  2. Pull up your PO, and hit the clipboard at the top to print

  3. Select “Distribution Email” from the dropdown.

  4. Select your Template

  5. Hit “Run Report


Printing/Emailing PO’s - Open PO Query

The Open PO Query screen PUR>Open PUR > Open PO Query, also allows you to email the PO.

  1. Click the Printer Icon next to your PO

  2. Select “Distribution Email” from the dropdown

  3. Select your Template

  4. Hit “Run Report


Printing/Emailing PO’s - Print Purchase Orders

You can also use distribution email from the Print Purchase Orders. This is especially useful if you already printed the PO.

  1. Open the Print Purchase Orders under


  1. PUR > PO Entry Processing > Print Purchase Orders

  2. Enter criteria or leave blank for all

  3. Hit the “Print” Icon at the top or hit F10

  4. Select “Distribution Email” from the dropdown.

  5. Select your Template

  6. Hit “Run Report


Email PO Receipt - Buyer Auto-Email

When you receive a PO, we will send an email based on the “On Receipt, Email Buyer with” field on the PO record. This can be found on the PO Query/Change screen (PUR>PO PUR > PO Query), under the “Misc” tab.
