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Every module has a control screen that allows you to choose how TRX Enterprise™ will function for your company. It is these screens that will mold TRX to suit your operating style and niche markets. I will give a brief over view of each option you have so that you may be able to make an informed decision as possible for company setup. Some setups are more involved than others but all are important and will require some fore thought. Most decisions can be changed upon, during and after training period as needed.INV > Inventory Special Functions > Order Setup
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Table of Contents


  • Costing Method - The costing method is how you inventory is valued. Choices are average, LIFO, or FIFO.

  • When entering physical counts automatically display counted items. - This question deals exclusively with the inventory physical count. When this box is checked (Y) you will have a listing on the screen of all items that are being counted and the amount that are currently in inventory. If you chose not to check (N) you will enter any amounts that are different from the printed physical count sheets. Those with large amounts of inventory will tend to choose (N)

  • Validate Manufacturer - This should be (Y), checking yes will create tables within TRX that link manufacturers to manufacturers codes. If you will be doing any work with POS, Projects or Auto Quotes it needs to be checked

  • Use selling Price 2: This is no longer supported and will be removed.

  • Automatically Number Items: When new items are created checking this box will cause TRX to automatically assign a number to the items. We recommend choosing (N). By choosing to auto number items you will be changing the AQ numbering scheme.

  • Enable Memo Cost Field: Memo cost is an additional cost field that is available to users, in the past it has been used by some users as a part of various custom inventory setups.

  • Allow FOB Cost Field Yet another cost field that is available to the user, it also is related to certain custom set ups.

  • Next Item Number : Next number will become available to you if you opt to auto-number inventory items

  • When Processing Picks Also: Levels of automation available to the user allows you process PO receipts, Process Order Shipping and Process Work Order Release when processing picks

    • Process PO Receipts

    • Process Order Shipments

    • Process Work Order Releases

  • Release Backorders When: When you have items on order that are not in inventory they will go on back order. You can set TRX to automatically release that backorder when an item is entered into inventory in each of the four ways above. It would be advisable to choose (Y) for each of the above, if it does not interfere with already established inventory controls.

    • Inventory is received

    • Purchase Orders are received

    • Receive of Inventory Transfer

    • Work order is closed

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