Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Issue Stock Transfers

A more formal type of transfer is the Issue/Receive transfer procedure. This type of transfer is used when items are being transported between warehouses that are in different locations. This process uses picking and packing slips to remove inventory from one warehouse and ship and receive it at another. Much like shipping an item however you never loose possession it stays on your books. Picking tickets and packing slips can be printed for the items in transit and there is also the ability to close the transfer without receiving all of the items. They will either ship back to the origin warehouse or be written off as there could be times when items are lost stolen or damaged during the transit. 


The Outstanding Transfers report is used to print and track items that are currently in transit. And you will have to go to the Receive Transfer screen to complete the transaction. 


Receive Stock Transfers

Once the originating warehouse has issued inventory it presumably has been entered on to a track and shipped. At this point the physical inventory has been adjusted for the issuing warehouse as has the GL account. (Inventory GL was moved to the transfer GL). The inventory is on a truck now and the next step is to receive it into the destination warehouse which is done in the Receive Stock Transfer screen.


Note: Items returned will be received into the originating warehouse automatically upon processing this receipt.
Press the lightning bolt to receive the items in. 

Close Transfers

As is the case in life items will occasionally fall off a truck, when that happens the Close Transfer is used to record the transaction. Items that are put through the close transfer screen are considered lost in transit and will be written off as an inventory loss.
INV > Transfers


This screen will only accept a transfer number, you will not be able to edit the information in any way so you will need make sure that all items that can be received have been received this screen will wright off any items left on the transfer and close the transfer out. 

Outstanding Transfers

At any given time you can print a report of outstanding transfers that will list out what is currently in transit between warehouses
INV > Transfers


  • Starting and Ending Transfer number – Enter a starting and ending transfer number for the range that you would like to print out or leave blank to fill them all.


Simple Stock Transfer

Simple stock transfers are usually in house transfers for those who have multiple warehouses setup on the same physical property. A common occurrence is having a showroom setup as one warehouse and a second warehouse setup in the back to house inventory. This screen is used to make the journal entry and move the inventory all in one-step. If you have warehouses in different locations you will want to use Issue and receive transfers screens, the issue and receive transfers screen will give a two-step documented process and account for inventory in transit.


All transferred items can be queried from the INV > Inventory Transactions report you will receive a message telling you the transfer was completed. 

Open, Edit, and Delete Unshipped Transfers

Once a Transfer is shipped, you can close the transfer, but if it hasn’t been shipped, then we need to adjust in the Issue tab.

Open/Query the Transfer

  1. Select the Issue Transfers tab

  2. Hit F7 (puts screen in query mode)

  3. Enter the Transfer Number

  4. Hit F8


Edit the Transfer

Once you have the transfer open, you can edit it in the screen.


Delete the Transfer

Once it is open, you can easily delete.

  1. Make sure your Cursor is in the header section

    1. (Not the Line items)

  2. Click the Delete button

  3. Hit Yes to confirm
