
There will be times when items are received and they should not be, most often it will be from misuse of the "receive all" icon or just an honest mistake.

TRX does have a screen that will reverse some of those mistakes.

The key to this screen is the Purchase Order must not be tied to an order or a project. As long as it is an inventory purchase order individual items can be reversed as needed. This

What will happen?

If the PO is an Inventory PO (No Sales Order or Project Ties), then the process will simply reverse the GL Entries for those items, as well as, the Inventory Amounts.

This is the same for Sales Order Gen POs, just note that if you shipped on the Sales Order, you will have to handle that separately if need be. Basically, the GenPO tie to the order is ignored and treated like a Stock/Inventory PO. Any adjustments needed on the Sales Order are the responsibility of the user outside of the Reversal Feature.

If the PO contains Serialized Items, you will need to enter the Serial Numbers before you can complete the reversal.

If the PO is a DS Sales Order PO, you may continue, however, the difference you can expect from the results is the Inventory that comes back in will also send itself back out. The Sales Order will also have its Completed and Back Order Qtys updated.

Why is my PO not eligible for reversal?

A PO is not eligible for a few reasons. If you are getting an error, please consult the details below and check your POs history and setup to see what may be stopping you from proceeding.

When attempting to load the PO you wish to reverse, we will check the Main PO Criteria, as well as, the Detail Item Criteria.

If a PO passes the Main PO criteria, it still checks the eligibility of the detailed line items. At least 1 line item from the detail has to be eligible for reversal for the you to be able to continue.

Ineligible Main PO Criteria:

  1. Waybill has been invoiced (Not allowed. No plans to change. Link to Documented Workaround coming soon...)

  2. Project DS PO (Includes Project Site, Staging and Consolidator. This is expected to be allowed, to some degree, in the future).

  3. None of the individual lines items are eligible (see underlined text above).

Ineligible Detail Item Criteria:

  1. Not enough Quantity On Hand to Reverse Stock (Non-DS Lines Only)

  2. Line is a LOT Item

So long as at least 1 detail line can be reversed, the screen will populate the receipt and prime you for reversal. You will notice that any ineligible lines will be flagged red.

Only lines that initially load with the Reverse Checkbox flagged as checked are able to be unchecked or rechecked. Red lines cannot be touched.

You are able to edit the Qty in which you wish to reverse for any particular line, so long as you do not exceed what was initially received. Field must be entered as a negative.

A line that has had the original receipt qty adjusted, will have the original receipt record split into two (the reversed qty and the remaining qty). The record for the reversed will be removed from your Payables while the record for the remaining will be left open.