Voucher/Invoice for Wrong Vendor

Voucher/Invoice for Wrong Vendor

Problem Overview

If a PO is entered and received for a Vendor, but the invoice comes from a different Vendor, you aren’t able to enter a Voucher against the correct Vendor. You will need to follow this guide to apply the Vendor Invoice to the correct account.


There are two steps to correct. We need to account for the Vendor Invoice on the correct account, and we need to mark the PO Receipt as Invoiced for the wrong Vendor.

Create Voucher on the Correct Vendor

To enter the Invoice, we will need to make a voucher to the correct account, but you can’t use the PO line type, since the PO receipt wasn’t for this Vendor. Instead, use GL.

  1. Enter Voucher on Correct Vendor

    1. A/P>Vouchers>Enter Vouchers

    2. Use GL Line type

Mark PO Receipt as Invoiced

Since we won’t be creating a Voucher for the PO Receipt, we will need to mark it as invoiced to remove it from the Uninvoiced Receipts report.

  1. Go to the Invoice Receipts screen

    1. PUR>PO Receiving Processing>Invoice Receipts

  2. Enter PO, Waybill, Invoice, and Invoice Date

  3. Confirm Invoiced Cost Amount

  4. Hit the “Invoice …” button

  5. Hit “Yes” to the Prompt