Project Import
This screen replaces the AQ Import for Projects.
Screen/Field Details
Source File - This will load with the location of the file you select using Browse
AQ Project Information
Browse…(button) - This button allows you to select your AQ file
Project Name - This section will show you all of the Project Names of previously imported Projects
Include Imported Projects (checkbox) - This checkbox will show projects previously imported in the Project Name section, allowing you to search for older projects to import again
AQ Project Information - This section shows the totals for the project being imported
AQ Line Number - The AQ Line number for the line item
Model Number - This is the model number for the line item. It is used to create the item number or identify existing items in inventory
Item Number - The item number for the line item. Made from the Manufacturer name and model number, or pulled from the existing inventory record
UOM - The unit of measure for the line item
Qty - The quantity for the line item
Sell Price - The Sell Price for the line item
Net Price - The Net Price for the line item
New Items - The total of items being created on import
Review - This button will open a screen allowing you to edit the items being created
Error Count - The amount of errors in the Project file
Review (Button) - This button will open a screen allowing you to fix errors on the file
Manufacturer Errors (Tab)
AQ Import Errors
Project Name - The name of the Project
Missing Manufacturers
Manufacturer - The Manufacturer Number and Name, both what is in the file and what you what to name the Manufacturer
Xref Vendor - The Vendor in TRX you want to link to the Manufacturer
Add Mfr - Add the Manufacturer to TRX
Missing Cross-Reference
Manufacturer - The Manufacturer Number and name
Xref Vendor - The Vendor you want to link to the Manufacturer
Upd Xref - Set the Vendor to the Manufacturer
Item Errors (Tab)
AQ Import Errors
Project Name - The name of the project
Invalid Unit of Measure
Item Number - The item with an invalid Unit of Measure
Description - The description of the item
UOM - The Unit of Measure
Create Project UOM - Create the UOM on the file
Use Existing UOM - Switch to the existing UOM in the system
UOM - The Unit of Measure e.g. EA, CS
UOM Qty - The number of units per Unit of measure
Update (button) - This button will update the item with the changes entered
Duplicate or Missing AQ Line Number
Item Number - The item with an invalid Unit of Measure
Description - The description of the item
AQ Base Line (Gray) - The base line for the item from the Project file. e.g. 1, 2, 3; for AQ # 1.0, the base line is 1
AQ Sub Line (Gray) - The sub line for the item from the Project file. e.g. 0, 10, 20; for AQ # 1.20, the Sub line is 20
AQ Base Line (White) - The new base line for the item. e.g. 1, 2, 3; for AQ # 1.0, the base line is 1
AQ Sub Line (White) - The new sub line for the item. e.g. 0, 10, 20; for AQ # 1.20, the Sub line is 20
Update (Button) - Sets the AQ Line # to the Item
Discontinued Items
Item Number - The item with an invalid Unit of Measure
Description - The description of the item
AQ Base Line - The base line for the item from the Project file. e.g. 1, 2, 3; for AQ # 1.0, the base line is 1
AQ Sub Line - The sub line for the item from the Project file. e.g. 0, 10, 20; for AQ # 1.20, the Sub line is 20
Remove (Button) - Removes the Discontinued Item from the Project
Activate - Changes the item’s status to Active to be used on the project
Process (Button) - This Button will open the Process screen
Project Name - The name of the project
Customer - The Customer for this Project
Salesperson - The Salesperson for the project
Taker ID - The Taker ID for the Project
Ship/Bill To - The Ship/Bill To # from the Customer record for this project
Tax Authority - The Tax Authority for the Project
Detail - Project (tab)
Project Number - The Project Number in TRX
Process (button) - Create the Project
Project Type - The Type of Project
Project Title - The title of the Project in TRX
Project Description - The description of the project
Warehouse - The default warehouse for the project
Office - The office associated with the Project
Manager - The manager of the project
Billing Category - The Category for billing
Detail - Order (tab)
This tab is still under development.
Detail - Quote (tab)
This tab is still under development.
Select Warehouses for New Items
Press to Select (button) - Allows you to select the warehouse for new items