Hours Types

Hours Types


Setting up the hour type's field is essential to setting up the TSE module. Therefore even if you have no intention of utilizing the time sheet functions in TRX, and a lot of users do not, you must declare a few hour types. When timesheets are entered, regardless of whether it is for a project or work order, the type designation determines if it is regular hours, sick time, vacation time, etc. The Hours Types screen is used to define as many types of hours as necessary. You will need to define a minimum of four types: vacation, sick, holiday and regular. You may use any code and description for these, but they have to be entered into the TSE Setup screen. Examples of other Hour types include, overtime and comp time. These will be used in the TSE Setup screen to define default hour types. 

To enter new hours types…

  1. Choose Hours Types from the Special Functions submenu of the TSE menu. The Hours Types screen will appear and automatically display any types previously entered sorted alphabetically by type code.

  2. Enter the hours type code and a description for the type. The type code can be up to 10 characters and numbers. The description allows for 100 characters.

  3. Click on the Save icon on the toolbar.

Note: If there are no remaining blank lines when creating a new hour type press the insert record icon on the tool bar and one will be opened for you.  To remove an hour type, highlight it with the cursor then press the delete icon. 

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