View Account Transactions

Table of Contents


All transactions on a bank account can be viewed on the View Account Transactions screen but no changes can be made on this screen. Transactions can be viewed in different sort orders or you can scroll down to the specific transaction by placing sort information in any of the white header boxes on top of each column.


To View Account Transactions

  • Choose View Transactions from the Bank Accounts submenu of the BNK menu.

  • Enter the bank account in the Bank Account Field at the top of the screen. All the transactions for that account are displayed.

  • Choose to show only outstanding (reconciled) transactions by clicking on the Outstanding Transactions Only checkbox.

To Search Transactions

  • Enter the bank account in the Bank Account Field at the top of the screen.

  • Enter the search criteria in the field above the column to be searched. For example, if a transaction search is needed for a particular day, enter the date in the box above the Date column.

  • Press Enter. All transactions matching the criteria are shown.

  • You can use a combination of columns and criteria to narrow down the search by repeating the above steps. Make sure the boxes that are not part of the criteria are left blank.

To Print Transactions

  • Once the transactions are displayed on the screen, click on the Print icon on the toolbar.

  • The report will use any criteria that were entered as part of the search for the transactions on the screen.