


All Purchase orders in TRX are required to have a buyer associated with them. A buyer is considered to be the purchaser who created the Purchase order. Not all companies have or utilize dedicated purchasers so it is possible to have the salesperson default as their own buyer or have one dedicated buyer for the company. In each case that user must be defined as a buyer first in this screen.


  • Buyer – This is the code or initials that the buyer will be known as, keep this short for ease of entry.

  • First Name – the real first name of the buyer

  • Last Name – The real last name of the buyer

  • Phone – Phone number of the buyer number of the buyer, this will show up on reports and in auto emails

  • Fax - Fax number of the buyer

  • Active – Only active buyers will show up in reporting and F9 queries.

Note: TRX has a strict audit trail and once a buyer is used on a PO they can never be deleted as we need to keep them defined for historical purposes.

  • Warehouse – this is the buyers default warehouse or the one the buyer will most often be purchasing for, on Purchase orders this can be changed by pressing F9 for a list of warehouses.

  • Email Address – This email address will be used on reporting and will factor into a future email module.

PUR > Purchasing Special Functions > Buyers

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