PUR Setup

PUR Setup


Every module has a control screen that allows you to choose how TRX Enterprise™ will function for your company. It is these screens that will mold TRX to suit your operating style and niche markets. I will give a brief over view of each option you have so that you may be able to make an informed decision as possible for company setup. Some setups are more involved than others but all are important and will require some fore thought. Most decisions can be changed upon, during and after training period as needed. 


PUR > Purchasing Special Functions > Purchasing Setup
  • Automatically number Purchase orders: Checking this box will tell TRX to automatically assign the PO numbers to new purchase orders. For a starting PO number it is okay to use your company's current numbering scheme when starting out. However it is advised to make sure your PO numbering and order numbering have different amount of digits. Example start PO numbering at 10000 and order at 500000.

  • Automatically number vendors: Same concept of automatic numbering for new vendors we recommend keeping your vendor and customer numbers in different ranges.

  • Restrict PO’s to Inventory Items - Only allow existing items to be used on PO’s

  • Batch Process New Purchase orders - By choosing (checked) you will be electing to turn off the process PO button from the enter new PO screen and require you to process new PO's all at once (as a batch). This function was added for companies that need a senior member to sign off on Purchase Orders. For the most part most would choose (unchecked) so they would not be locked into batch processing. You will be able to still batch process if you choose N it will just not be mandatory.

  • Batch Process PO Receipts - Same concept as batch processing new Purchase orders (checked) Will limit you to only batch processing (unchecked) will give you the option.

  • Print Item Labels on Receipt: Item labels are essentially price tags for point of sales show rooms. If you have a large POS operation you can set up a separate printer to automatically print the item label for the items as they are received (checked) will turn this function on.

  • Track PO Revisions: For those companies that do a lot of project work and need to track purchase order changes we have created a PO revision option. This is rather detailed and we suggest gaining a level of comfort projects, change orders and purchase orders before making the plunge into PO revision tracking. If the box is checked it will turn this function on.

  • Calc Landed Cost at Receipt - This will cause PO Receipts to updated Landed Cost

  • Add “Mark for Order” text for GenPO lines - For PO lines generated from a Sales Order, text saying “Mark for Order” will show on the PO

  • Use Cross Docking - This turns on the Cross Docking feature

  • Default Partial Receive - Default whether or not you can partially receive a PO

  • Lock POs with Prepay Balance - If a PO has a prepay balance, the PO will be locked

  • Use standard unit for current costs in the Vendor Tab: This affects what is displayed in the vendor tab of an inventory item. If (checked) you will display the STD unit of measure cost. If (unchecked) the cost of the purchase unit of measure is shown in the vendor tab of the inventory item.

  • Print PO comments on purchase orders: check yes if you would like comments from your comments tab on the purchase order screen to print on the Purchase Order. This is not to be confused with the individual line item comments they will be controlled separately.

  • Run Location Report when receiving PO's. The location report is a report that will print out after receiving a Purchase Order that will tell the stockers where the item is located in the warehouse. This report is for companies with large inventories and warehouses and aids in the speed in which items are put away. If you do not have a lot of inventory or a big warehouse you will find this report to be an annoying waste of paper. (Unchecked) will print the report after every PO receipt.

  • Use manufacturer's part number when there is not a vendor Part number available: Some items will come from AQ or other sources without a manufacturer's part number. In those instances you have the option of substituting the vendor part number on forms or reports (checked) or not listing a number (un-checked)

  • Track # of Boxes on receipt: This is an inventory control measure that will require you to track and account for all individual boxes that come into the warehouse. (Checked) Will turn this feature on but be noted it is rather strict and will not be viable for most organizations.

  • Exclude items that have zero boxes entered – If you are tracking boxes and an item (such as voltage) does not have any boxes associated with it; the item will not print on the location report.

  • Enable Voucher on Receipt - This is another level of automation for smaller companies that should be approached with caution. By checking the box; when items are received an AP voucher will be created automatically to the vendor based on what was received. If checked you will also you will have more options available

    • Auto display voucher on processed receipt - Automatically display the created Voucher when processing the PO Receipt

    • Default PO’s to Voucher On Receipt - Where the Enable checkbox allows you to voucher on receipt, this defaults all POs to do so

  • On POs, use vendor's - This dropdown allows you to select Current Cost or Last Cost . Purchase orders have an option of using either the last PO cost or the current cost based on the standard unit of measure.

  • Email buyer on Receipt - This set up controls auto emailing

    • Email Template - This field is looking for a Template name, setup under Email Templates If you decide to utilize this optional setup you could create an email that will be automatically sent to the buyer to inform them that their item has been received. It must use the “Automated Template” type to be available here

    • PO Type - This dropdown allows you to select the PO Type that will be sent an email. It can be for All Purchase Orders or Exclude dropship

Purchasing Default settings

  • New Vendor Template: You have the ability to create new vendors in the Enter new PO screen or enter voucher screen. They are set up in AP > AP Special Functions > vendor templates. Here you may create a default vendor template that contains data that will be consistent for all vendors. It is a way to cut down on the repetitive work.

  • Default RMA GL Account: RMA's are return merchandise authorizations in the Purchasing module it is the mechanism that we use to take items out of inventory to send them back to the vendor. The RMA GL account can best be viewed as a holding account. The item value will reside in this account when the item is no longer in your inventory (been shipped to the vendor but not received) but you have yet to receive credit for it as of yet.

  • Default Buyer: All purchase orders must have a buyer associated with them. Buyers can be set up as a default for each vendor, but for those times when the vendor does not have one associated with it the purchasing default buyer will populate in.

  • Default Ship To: All Purchase Orders must have a Ship to address associated with them. Ship to addresses are set up in PUR>Special Functions>Ship To Addresses. As a general rule the first ship to address should be that of your main warehouse or address of your receiving department

  • Default Ship Via: All purchase orders must have a Ship Via or means of shipping attached. We will create a ship via of BEST for you and set it as default. This can be adjusted as needed after full set up by adding a Ship Via code under ORD>ORD Special Functions>ORD Definitions.

  • Expected Date Prompt - The prompt on the Expected Date

  • Default PO Print Style - This dropdown lets you set the default PO style - Automatic, Regular, and Project

  • Number of days you would like PO's to be valid: You can set you PO to not be valid after x amount of days. There is no real rule here, in general most of our clients will choose between 90 and 180 days.

  • Purchase Order terms and conditions. At a later time we will PDF you a copy of all POs and Invoices that can have terms and conditions applied to them. The placement and size limitations will be outlined for you, so you can send us a copy of the verbiage you would like added in these locations.

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