Process New Purchase Orders

Process New Purchase Orders


New Purchase orders can be processed in batch process mode or not, it is a setup and operational choice. When in batch process mode you will be required to come into this screen to process you PO's, but if not in batch process you will have the option of processing here or using the lightning bolt on the Enter New Purchase Order's screen.


  • Starting and Ending PO Date - defaults in as the current months beginning and ending date but may be changed if necessary. This screen is used for batch processing of purchase orders, if batch processing is turned on this is the only place you will be able to process PO's. Otherwise there will be a lightning bolt on the create PO screen.

  • Starting and Ending Purchase Order - leave blank to process all or pressF9 for a list of unprocessed purchase orders

  • Starting and Ending Vendor - leave blank for all or press F9 for a list of vendors

  • User ID - to processes purchase orders for that user only or leave blank for all

  • Show Prices – Unchecking this box will hide all prices on a Purchase Order

Press the Process Purchase Orders icon to create the purchase orders, the New Purchase Order Input Transaction Processing Report will display on the screen. Press the Print icon to print a hard copy of the report for review if you need one. Now the system will ask "OK to process purchase orders transactions?" Press "Yes" if you want to process; after processing a "purchase orders processed successful" message should appear on the screen If you pressed "No", none of the purchase orders will process and you can go back and make any necessary changes. 

PUR>PO Entry Processing>Process New Purchase Orders