Print Pick List

Print Pick List


After releasing work orders to production, there are two reports to aid in the gathering of component items, these are the Work Order Picking Ticket and Shop Traveler. The reports are similar in displaying the component items with the Shop Traveler also displaying the Assembly Instructions associated with the Bill of Material for the finished good item. 
Picking tickets may also be printed automatically when using the Release by Date Scheduled menu option. 

The Print Pick List window, 2.4.7 

To Print A Picking Ticket for a Work Order

  1. Choose Print Pick List from the Fabrication submenu of the PRD menu.

  2. Enter the range of work order numbers to print pick tickets for. You may choose to print all pick tickets for work orders that have yet to have a picket ticket printed by leaving the Starting and Ending Work Order fields blank.

  3. Choose the report format. Consolidate combines all of the work orders and displays component quantities as the total quantity needed for all of the work orders specified. The individual report prints a separate page per work order and lists only the components and quantities of the components for that work order. You may choose both report formats as well.

  4. Choose which quantities to use. Planned quantities are the sum totals of the components that will be required to produce the all of the finished goods on the work order. Released quantities are only those quantities of components that have been released to date on the work orders.

  5. If you have printed the pick ticket for the work orders previously, you will need to click on the Reprint button.

  6. Click on the Print button in the toolbar to print the reports.

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