Lot Number Inquiry

Lot Number Inquiry


The Lot Number inquiry screen is used to determine how a specific lot item came into and subsequently was issued from inventory. Searching can be done with just the inventory item number or lot number.

Note: Lots pre-date TRX Integrations dedication to the Food service dealer industry. This screen was developed for an organization that sold medical equipment, some of that equipment was radioactive and used in testing and calibration. The element isotopes would decay a known rate and you could not mix and match batches when calibrating machinery. Lots were developed so that items in the client's inventory could not be sold to anyone else and only used on specific machinery. To date we have not seen this correlate to Food service dealers. 

INV>Lot Number Inquiry
  • Item – This is the item that you are inquiring about, if it is not lotted you will get a notice letting you know this.

  • Lot Number – If you have the lot number and have to find the item you can enter it here.

  • Salesperson – Lots can be salesperson Specific, so you can search all lots that are associated to that sales person

  • Sell By – All lots have a sell by date you can search by this date

  • Expiration Date – All lots also have an expiration date that you can search by.

There are two sections showing Inventory receipts and Inventory issues. Each shows the date and document and comment about the receipt and subsequent issue. If no issue information is shown, the lot number is still in inventory. If a purchase order number is displayed on the receipt section, double-click on the purchase order number to drill down to the Purchase Order Query screen to view details about the purchase order the lot item was received on. If a sales order number is displayed on the issues section, double-click on the sales order number to drill down to the Order Shipping Inquiry screen to view details about the sales order the lot item was shipped to. 

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