Quick Check

Quick Check

Table of Contents



There are times when you just do not have the time to run through a quick check run or complete a regular check run. Those are usually the time the vendor is in your office, the phone is ringing, and there is a problem in the warehouse and there are angry customers on the sales floor. At times like these, quicker is better, which is why we have the quick check screen. The quick check screen is a way to cut checks one check at a time, only dealing with the issue at hand.
The quick check screen is also where you will create zero dollar checks to reverse vouchers and credit vouchers.
The Quick Check screen allows the user to specify a vendor, any unpaid vouchers or create vouchers by inputting G/L account information for that vendor and it will print and process the single check with one mouse click. This is especially useful if an invoice needs to be paid immediately and no voucher has been input.

The quick check screen is where you can cut checks to vendors on demand. 

A/P > Quick Checks


The quick check screen is divided into three sections:

  1. The bank and check information

  • Check Format - This is the check-printing format that defaults in from the A/P setup.

  • Bank - This is the bank account the check is to be drawn against. Use F9 for a list of valid bank accounts.

  • To the order of – This is the vendor to be paid. Enter the vendor number or press F9 for a list.

  • Check Date - This is the date to be printed on the check. It is also used as the transaction date for all entries in TRX Enterprise for this check.

  • Check Number - If the system is set to automatically number, a check number will appear. If the system is not set up for auto-numbering, one needs to be entered.

  • Memo – If you need notes on the check Memo line you can enter them here.

  • Amount – system default field the amount of the total amount paid from the detail will populate here

  • Pay – Also a system default field - it is the written pay line.

     2. The invoice and general ledger information for voucher creation

  • Invoice - The vendor's invoice number - This information only needs to be input if there is not an existing voucher.

  • Voucher – This is the voucher number from that you have chosen from the open voucher screen

  • Invoice Date - The vendor's invoice date - This information only needs to be input if there is not an existing voucher.

  • Expense Account - A default G/L expense account number will appear, but F9 can be pressed and a different G/L expense account number can be selected.

  • Description - This is a short description for this invoice. If a G/L Account is entered the description of the G/L Account is displayed but can be changed.

  • Balance Due - Invoice amount or portion of invoice to be paid.

  • Discount Amount – If there is a discount amount that you are eligible for you can place it here and it be inserted into the default discount G/L account.

  • Amount Paid – the amount of the individual voucher or invoice.

  • Apply discount – checking this box will apply any discount that you are eligible for from your terms conditions.

     3. The open vouchers

  • If a vendor has any available vouchers that need to be paid they will show up in this section.

  • Pay All Icons – If you are going to pay all open vouchers available for the vendor you can press the "Pay All" icon instead of checking each one individually.

Notes: The open voucher section will not appear if this is a new vendor or there are no existing vouchers for the vendor. 

To Enter Quick Checks

Go to A/P > Quick checks.

  • Enter the check information in the header section.

  • If a voucher needs to be created, enter the G/L detail lines of the voucher.

  • If a voucher will be selected from the open vouchers section,

    • double click to move it into the G/L detail lines section. If all vouchers are to be selected, click on the Pay All button.

    • If an open voucher was selected in error, highlight it and click the Delete icon. This will move it back to the open vouchers section.

  • Click on the lightning bolt to print and process the check.

To Enter ACH Payments

  • Follow all steps that you would to create a Quick Check

  • Check the ACH box on the top of the quick check screen

  • This will create a check number -999 (can be edited) and will not be registered in your check register or use a check number that you would have to void.



Check Runs can get stuck, preventing you from using Quick check. See this guide to clear it: Clear Stuck Check Run

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