Enter Query Recurring Invoices
Table of Contents
Recurring invoices are those that are used to bill customers on a regular basis. The invoice information only needs to be entered once and then when AR transactions are processed, any recurring invoices that need to be processed are included. (Assuming they include recurring invoice box is checked) You can specify when to start and stop a recurring invoice and the frequency with which it should be processed. Recurring invoices should be processed at least once for every general ledger period.
When entering a recurring invoice, do not enter an invoice number, as it will be generated automatically when it is processed. Additionally, the invoice date, discount date and due dates are calculated when the recurring invoice is processed. Recurring invoices will be dated the day on which they are processed. The terms of the document will determine the discount and due dates based on the invoice date. After processing a recurring invoice, the next date is automatically calculated based on the frequency. Stocked inventory items cannot be invoiced as with AR invoices, only non-inventory or non-stocked items are allowed on the detail lines. These are best used for lease and service contract billing.
To Enter A Recurring Invoice
Go to AR > Enter Recurring Invoice
Enter the invoice information.
Customer - This is the customer number of the specific customer to invoice. Press F9 to open the Customer Find window to search for the customer to invoice. The customer selected will provide default values for Terms, A/R account, and Salesperson.
Customer PO - Up to 30 characters representing the customer’s purchase order number, if any.
Salesperson - This is the salesperson that should receive commission for the sale. Press F9 to display a list of active salespersons. Only active salespeople can be entered.
Terms - These are the terms used to calculate the due and discount dates of the invoice. The dates are calculated based on the Invoice Date. The default value is supplied from the customer information. The user can press F9 to display a list of valid Terms.
A/R Account - This is the General Ledger account to debit for the total of the invoice. You can press F9 to open the Account Find screen. It will default to the customers default AR account. Only General Ledger accounts designated as an A/R subledger account can be entered here.
Tax Authority - This is the sales tax authority that has jurisdiction for this sale. The tax table set up for the tax authority is then used to calculate the amount of sales tax for the invoice. Press F9 to display a list of valid Tax Authorities.
Frequency - This indicates how often a recurring invoice should be processed and applied to the customer’s account.
Starts Date - This is the first date on which the recurring invoice should be processed. It must be today’s date or later
End Date - This is the last date to process the recurring invoice. It must be later than the start date.
Next Date - This is the next date the invoice should be processed. It defaults to the start date so the invoice can be processed immediately.
Bill to - This is the customer contact that should receive the document. The customer’s default billing contact will be automatically entered or press F9 to search for other contacts for this customer. Only contacts designated as a billing contact can be entered.
Ship To - This is the customer contact that will receive the goods or services specified on the document. The customer’s default shipping contact will be automatically entered or press F9 to search for other contacts for this customer. Only contacts designated as a shipping contact can be entered.
Click on Save. Use the Process AR Transactions screen to process recurring entries.
Note: The following calculated items show on the footer of the invoice screen. These are not entered directly by the user.
Taxable Amount - This is a calculated field showing the total amount of sales subject to sales tax on this invoice.
Net Amount - This is the total of all items sold on the invoice. This amount does not include sales tax.
Tax Amount - The amount of sales tax to collect and remit to the tax authority for this invoice.
Total Invoice - This is the total amount of the invoice. This is the amount the customer is expected to pay.
Recurring Invoice Detail Information
QTY - This is the quantity of the item or service. It will default to 1.
Item - Enter a non-stocked inventory item or leave it blank. If you leave it blank, you will need to enter the Sales Account.
Description - This is the item description. Enter up to 100 characters. An additional 500 characters can be entered on the comment section of the line.
Sales Account - This is the General Ledger account to be affected by the credit or debit. Only General Ledger accounts designated as a sales account can be entered. Press F9 to open the Account Find screen.
Discount - This is the dollar amount of any discount to apply to the unit price.
Tax - A checkbox denoting if this item is subject to sales tax. If the item is a non-stocked inventory item, this will default in from the item.
Unit Price - This is the unit price of the item/service being sold. If the item is a non-stocked inventory item, this is the item’s selling price. The price can be changed to any value. Price rules have no effect on recurring invoices.
Recurring Invoice Detail - Comments
The comments are where you can enter any verbiage that you would like to display in the comments section.
Recurring Invoice Detail - Costs
Cost - This is the unit cost of the item. It is used to calculate the margin amount and margin percent. If a non-stocked inventory item, the cost of the item at the Inventory default warehouse is used. Otherwise a cost needs to be entered.
Print - Check this box, if the comment for the line item is to be printed on the invoice.
Commission Calculation - This is the formula to use to calculate the commission for this line item. Its default value is from the Order Entry setup screen. See the section on Calculations and Formulas for details on the different commission calculations.
GM Modifier - This is used when using the Adjust Gross Margin Commission Calculation. Normally it is left at zero. See the section on Calculations and Formulas for details on the GM Modifier and how it is used.
Commission % - This is the percentage to use when calculating the commission for this line item. It defaults to the commission percent of the salesperson on the invoice.
Comments - The user can enter up to 500 characters for a comment on each line item.
Recurring Invoice History
The history of recurring invoices can be viewed by clicking on the H icon on the toolbar. This will display the usage of the invoice. A double click on the invoice will open the Invoice Inquiry screen to view the details of the invoice.
All recurring invoices and the usage of each can be viewed on the Recurring Invoices tab of the Account Inquiry screen.