Print Invoice
Table of Contents
All A/R documents, invoices, debit and credit memos, are printed using the Print Invoices screen. Once an invoice has been printed, it is marked as having been printed. This prevents invoices from being printed more than once, unless a reprint is necessary
To Print A/R Documents
Go to AR > Transaction Processing > Print Invoices
Enter the criteria for the documents to print.
Starting Document - This is the first document number of the first document to be printed. Leave blank to select any document number.
Ending Document - This is the last document to be printed.
Document Type - Choose to print Invoices, Debit or Credit memos or print all 3 types of documents.
Order Documents By - Allows sorting of the printed documents by invoice number or order number.
A/R Subledger - Choose to print only those documents that posted to a specific A/R account or choose all to print documents posting to any A/R sub ledger.
Userid - Use this field to print only those documents entered and processed by a specific user. Leave blank to print documents from any user.
Order Number - Use this field to print invoices created for a specific sales order. All invoices generated for the sales order will be printed.
Paper Selection - Choose to print the invoices on blank paper or a pre- printed form. (Note: Email option is not functional yet, currently being implanted)
Reprint - If the documents have been previously printed, check this box in order to reprint them. Leave this unchecked to print all unprinted documents that meet the other criteria you have entered.
Invoice Copies - The number of copies to print when printing invoices. If you use a custom invoice that prints multiple copies, this should be left at 1.
Preview - Check this box to preview invoices on the screen when printing them. Unchecking this box sends the invoices directly to the printer.
Printer - This is the print on which to print the invoices. Leave it blank to use the default printer of the PC from which documents are printing.
Click on the print or save icon on the toolbar to print.