Uninvoiced Orders Report
The Uninvoiced orders report is potentially one of the most important reports in TRX, so much so we make it part of our month end close process. By choosing the exclude unshipped orders check box you will get a report of all items that have shipped out of inventory but have not had an invoice created for them. This report stops items from falling through the cracks and not getting invoiced.
Starting and Ending Order – This report can be pulled by an order or a range of orders. Leaving these fields blank will make all orders eligible.
Starting and ending customers – This report can be pulled by a customer or a range of customers, leaving these fields blank will make all customers eligible.
A/R Subledger – You can chose which AR subledger you would like to print these reports for.
Exclude Unshipped Orders – Checking this box will give you items that have been shipped but not yet invoiced. This option is very important for the month end close.