Zero Dollar Cash Receipts

Zero Dollar Cash Receipts

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There will be cases when credit memos are created and posted to a customer’s account.  Those Credit memos can be applied to invoices or account balances through zero dollar cash receipts.  The zero dollar cash receipt will serve to apply open balances to invoices or clear items off the customer account and statement.

Creating a Zero Dollar cash Receipt

In the example above the customer had a $128.40 credit on their account and also had an invoice #7793 for $128.40.  Both of these documents were displaying on the customer account and statement even though the totals cancelled each other out. Let’s apply with a $0 dollar quick check

  1. Fill out the cash receipt screen as normal except the amount of the receipt will be zero dollars.

  2. Always choose the negative amount first

  3. Then choose the document(s) that you will be posting that amount against

The amounts balance to zero, so you can just save and process from here. This will take these documents out of your open balances.

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