Vendor Templates

Table of Contents


Vendor templates are used to streamline the process of entering new vendors. Templates are used on the Vendor Entry/Edit screen to provide default values for most of the fields. By having a variety of templates for different vendor categories, users need only enter the template number and the relevant vendor information such as name and address. 


A/P > A/P Special Functions > Vendor Templates


  • Template Name – up to 10 characters that will represent the template

  • FOB – the Freight on board code for this template

  • Terms – The terms that will be offered to vendors on the template

  • Default Buyer – Who will be the buyer for this template

  • Default expense G/L Account – what will be the default expense G/L account for vendors of this template

  • A/P G/L Account – default A/P account for this template

  • Hold Payments – Check if payments need to be held for vendors of this template

  • Print 1099's – should 1099's be printed for this vendor

  • Flex field – A/P has flex fields that can be defined in A/P setup. This is where they would show up.

To Create a Vendor Template

Go to A/P > Special Functions > Vendor Template Setup

  • Enter up to 10 characters for a template name to represent the template. If a template with this name already exists it will be displayed.

  • Enter or change the fields of the template. A field may be left blank on a template. When the template is used on the Vendor Entry/Edit screen, the user will need to supply the information.

  • All of the fields for a template do not need to be entered only the relevant fields for the type of vendor template created.

  • Click the Save icon on the toolbar.

To Change a Vendor Template

  • Go to A/P > Special Functions > Vendor Template Setup

  • Enter the template name and press enter. The template will be displayed. Press F9 for a list of existing templates.

  • Enter or change the relevant fields

  • Click the Save icon on the toolbar.

To Delete a Vendor Template

  • Go to A/P > Special Functions > Vendor Template Setup Enter the template name and press enter. The template will be displayed.

  • Click the Delete icon on the toolbar.