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  • This line was added.
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The New Order Entry screen is used to place all new order information for a customer. All orders entered within this screen must be for inventory items, stocked or non-stocked. Once an order is entered here, it must be processed before shipping or invoicing can be started. New orders can be typed directly into this screen, created by copy order, imported from Auto Quotes or converted from a TRX quote, but they all will enter this screen for review before processing into a real order.


Table of Contents



Orders entered into this screen are not real orders until they are processed, but it is important to note that in some setups the items on this screen will cause inventory allocations so you may want to delete any unprocessed orders on a regular basis. You should always tab or enter through Order Entry instead of mouse-clicking. Also once you place an item on the order and highlight it, any applicable price rule will apply to that item and show at the bottom of the screen.


  • Bill to # - This is the contact number from the customer record. Press F9 for a list of valid Bill To contacts. Contact must have the "Bill To" or "All" contact type selected

  • Ship to # - Same as Bill to but must have Ship To address checked on its customer contact type.

    • Add - This button allows you to add a Ship To contact

    • Image Modified
      • First / Last Name - The first and last name of the contact

      • Company - Name of the company on the contact record

      • Title - Title of contact

      • Address/City/State/ZIP/Country/Phone/Ext./Fax/Email - Contact info for customer

      • Tax Authority - The Tax Authority that will be used on the Order

      • Contact Type - You can select "All" or "Ship To" for the contact

  • Frt Fwd Customer – This is for shipping internationally. TRX has a way to designate customer as freight forward customers in ORD setup. These are the middlemen. So, if you were shipping to Dubai, for example, you may use a shipping company in Miami to load and ship via ocean freight. You would need both the customer and the shipper on the order as a Ship To; the freight forwarder allows you to do this.


  • Quantity Ordered – The amount of an item that you would like to order.

  • Unit – This is the unit of measure that you will be buying. This will default to the selling unit of measure, but you can change it by pressing F9 and choosing a new valid one for this item. Every item has a unit of measure setup screen. From this screen you can declare how many standard units each unit of measure contains. You can also limit the units that can be used on sales orders. So, if you do not want your sales people to sell an item by the each, you can check a box so that they can not be used on sales orders.

  • QTY BO – If there is going to be an amount that will be on back order, this will populate on its own. If you see an amount back ordered, it is good to look at substitution items. This box will turn red for any BO that is not generated by Gen PO or drop ship.

  • Warehouse – The warehouse the order is placed out of. These are branch specific in the Branch Module add on.

  • Tax – If this item is taxable this box will be checked. You are able to uncheck this box for certain items and leave others checked.

  • Disc% - You can add a line item discount with certain setups.

  • Unit Price – The selling price per unit will default in. If the salesperson has the ability to give discounts, this can be adjusted.

  • Total Price – Total Price is a TRX calculation Field. We will tally the line item on this line.

  • Item Tier - If Item Tiers are setup, the items will show Green, Yellow, or Red squares based on Tier

    • See full Tier User guide Here
