New Order Entry

New Order Entry


The New Order Entry screen is used to place all new order information for a customer. All orders entered within this screen must be for inventory items, stocked or non-stocked. Once an order is entered here, it must be processed before shipping or invoicing can be started. New orders can be typed directly into this screen, created by copy order, imported from Auto Quotes or converted from a TRX quote, but they all will enter this screen for review before processing into a real order.


Orders entered into this screen are not real orders until they are processed, but it is important to note that in some setups the items on this screen will cause inventory allocations so you may want to delete any unprocessed orders on a regular basis. You should always tab or enter through Order Entry instead of mouse-clicking. Also once you place an item on the order and highlight it, any applicable price rule will apply to that item and show at the bottom of the screen.

  • Quote - If the order was converted from the Quotes module, then the quote number will appear in the Quote # field.

  • Status - The status is a TRX populated field that relates to the shipping status of the order, there are six potential order statuses:

    • NEW - Order is ready for processing.

    • CRHOLD - Order is on credit hold.

    • BO - Part of the order has shipped; the remainder of the order is on backorder.

    • HOLD - Some of the items on the order are on backorder and partial shipment is not allowed.

    • CMP - Order has been completed and is ready to be invoiced.

    • CAN - Order has been canceled.

  • Order Number – If you have chosen the auto number feature TRX will place the next available order number in this box for you. We recommend that you always use auto numbering.

  • Order Type – This field will default to your company wide setup choice but can be changed:

    • Regular – A normal inventory order.

    • Drop ship – The order that will automatically create purchase orders that are shipped directly to client sites.

    • Special Order - This type is just for internal tracking. There is no difference, in any calculation, between this and the Regular order type.

    • Gen PO – An order type that will generate a purchase order automatically that will be for inventory stocks.

    • POS – Point of sale order, you cannot create a POS order, but if you query an order processed through POS, it will show this order type.

    • Web – Web orders do not have to be generated from online sales so web orders are another type of Regular Orders that can be manually entered.

Note: Drop ship and Gen PO can be designated on a line item. In cases where an order has multiple types of line items, you will want to use the regular type order and change the individual line items.

  • Order Date – This date will default to the current date by tabbing through the box, or you can type in a back date or future date.

  • Priority – This will set an order priority as far as shipping is concerned. If two orders have the same item and there is one in inventory, the order with the highest priority should ship first.

  • Requested - This is the date that the customer requests delivery. It will show up as the promised date on purchase orders that are tied to the order. This will default to the order date if you tab through the field.

  • Expiration – The expiration date can be placed on the order to signify the order will no longer be valid. This is for reference only and it will not cancel the order or stop you from processing in any way after the expiration date has past. It will show on some reports.

  • Customer – Enter the customer number or press F9 for a list of customers. Pressing F9 will bring up the customer find screen here.

  • Order Guide – This icon will bring up a history of items that this customer has ordered in the past and will allow you to quickly add any combination of these items to your order. See Order Guide for more information.

  • Customer PO # - This is a field where you can enter a customer PO number. Certain setups will require there be an entry here. A customer's first name can be used when a PO does not exist as a means of tracking who placed the order.

  • Terms - These will default in from the customer's setup. There is an option to lock this field so the terms cannot be changed without a manager's override.

  • FOB – FOB code will default in from the customer setup - but can be changed if needed.

  • Salesperson – A customer default salesperson will default in from the Customer's setup. This field can be locked down.

  • Tax authority – Will default in from customer setup, the sales order's tax authority of record will be the shipping address Tax authority or if a POS order it will be the Tax authority of the register setup, this field is also lockable.

  • Ship Via – The default ship via for this customer will default in but can be changed if needed

Notes: It is possible to lock Terms, Salespersons, and Tax Authorities so they cannot be changed when creating an order or make them changeable with a Managers override code. This is a setup function of TRX.

  • Partial Ship – By checking this box you will be allowing partial shipments to be made for this order. If not checked, it is all or nothing. The default position of this check box can be set in ORD > Setup.

  • Partial invoice – Checking this box will allow a partial invoice to be made. Otherwise, the user can only Invoice after all items on the order are shipped (CMP) and/or Cancelled (CAN).

  • Print price on packing slip – Checking this box will have prices print on your packing slips. Some may choose to use the packing slip as a Proforma invoice for COD orders.

Address Info

The second tab is the address info tab. This information will default in from the customers default Bill To and Ship To address information but can be changed as needed.

If you need to change either contact info you can press F9 to get a list of customer contacts. Or, if the "Ship To" contact that you need does not exist, you can create one in this screen, using the "Add" button

  • Bill to # - This is the contact number from the customer record. Press F9 for a list of valid Bill To contacts. Contact must have the "Bill To" or "All" contact type selected

  • Ship to # - Same as Bill to but must have Ship To address checked on its customer contact type.

    • Add - This button allows you to add a Ship To contact

      • First / Last Name - The first and last name of the contact

      • Company - Name of the company on the contact record

      • Title - Title of contact

      • Address/City/State/ZIP/Country/Phone/Ext./Fax/Email - Contact info for customer

      • Tax Authority - The Tax Authority that will be used on the Order

      • Contact Type - You can select "All" or "Ship To" for the contact

  • Frt Fwd Customer – This is for shipping internationally. TRX has a way to designate customer as freight forward customers in ORD setup. These are the middlemen. So, if you were shipping to Dubai, for example, you may use a shipping company in Miami to load and ship via ocean freight. You would need both the customer and the shipper on the order as a Ship To; the freight forwarder allows you to do this.

To edit/delete contacts or add "Bill To" contacts, you will need to access the Enter Edit Customers screen under A/R.

Misc. Tab

The Miscellaneous tab will store the Flex fields that you have created as well as any delivery routes for this customer and the AR account and order class that the current order belongs to.

  •  Delivery Route – Trx has a mini-module called delivery routes that has the ability to create routes for distribution. This box would show which route this customer is on.

Delivery routes can be assigned to customers and that route will flow to every order made for that customer. Once the individual orders have created pick tickets, various reports can be printed to aid in the route loading and delivery.

  • Tax-exempt # - If a customer has the taxability box unchecked on the order info tab then they will be required to have a tax-exempt number. This number is stored on the AR Account setup screen and will default into this screen when the customer is chosen.

  • AR Account – A customer will need to be assigned an AR account. When utilizing the Branch system the AR account will signify which branch the customer belongs to.

  • Non-Stocked Items on Proforma Invoice – This is an order specific command. If you know you will be creating a Proforma invoice you can choose to have any non-stocked items show on the proforma. This should almost always be checked.

  • Flex Fields – The four extra fields in the example above (Print on All - Old Order Number) are flex fields that were set up by the user. The user has five fields that it can create in the order entry setup module.

Shipping Marks

  • Shipping marks - are fields that you can enter to tie this order to a Purchase order. The verbiage you enter in this field will print out on both purchase orders and the PO receiver reports.

  • DS Ship Via - This field allows you to set the default Ship Via for any drop-ships generated off of the order.


Due to the creation of a new email distribution function, this tab and the associated parts are no longer supported.


If an order has a deposit on it, you will be able to view the information in this tab. You can place multiple deposits here, and they will total up in the Balance Due box. You will not be able to place a bigger deposit than the total of the order. When you have elected to use the credit card validation through the TRX program, you will be able to validate the credit cards from this screen.


TRX has a set up option that will allow you to apply multiple salespersons to an order for commission purposes. When turned on there will be a "multi-comm" tab that appears on the Enter New Order screen. The commission percent in this screen must total 100%. What this represents is how much of the commission each salesperson gets. The actual commission rate is determined on the line item level.

  • Salesperson - Declare the salespeople that will split commissions for this customer. You will only see this field if you have elected to have split commissions turned on in ORD> ORD Special Functions> ORD setup > "Control Points" tabs.

  • Commission % - This represents the percentage of the commission the individual sales person will get for this customer. These fields, combined, must not exceed 100% in the Total Percent field.


This tab is where you will put any order comments that you would like on your order. You can check a setup box to enable order comment print on an invoice and purchase order. If you would like to format this block of text you can double click on the comments box and an Edit screen will pop up that will allow you to format.


Regular notes can be added to an order. These will not print to any purchase orders or invoices - these are only for internal tracking. Order notes will print on some order entry reports. This is the same screen you will see on Purchasing, AR, AP and Production. You can Mark notes as public so everyone can see them, or, if left un-checked, they will only be visible to your user ID or the Enterprise user.

Doc Notes

Doc Notes can be edited and entered after an order is processed and completed, and, unlike the regular Notes, the Doc Notes can be printed on documents. This screen is part of a larger Doc Notes module that spans across Order Entry and Purchasing. The purpose is to give the user the means to use the papers that travel with equipment as a means of communication. Even after Orders, Purchase Orders, and Invoices have been completed you can create a Doc note that will print at the end of the last item in big bold letters in the middle of the sheet. 

Line Item Detail

The Line item detail section is where you get down to the detail of each sales order. Once you have entered all the header record information, your mouse will be moved down to the Line Item field. Here you will enter what is being purchased.

  • Item – You can type in an item or press the F9 key to go to the "Find Item" screen to look one up. In some setups, you will be allowed to enter items that are not in the TRX database (You will be taken to the INV Quick Add items screen to create it).

Also, if you enter an item and right click it, you will be given several menu options that will help out in various situations: Detail Search, On Order, Price Look Up, Properties, Show Quantities, and Show Substitutions.

  • Detail Search – The detail search option will open the Find Item screen

  • On Order - The On Order screen displays any open purchase orders and the date they are to be received. If more than one purchase order is open for this item, the screen will identify - by highlighting the line - which purchase order the item would be received on.

  • Price Look Up Screen - The Price Inquiry screen will identify the pricing for this item specific to this customer or customer type. The screen will only identify the lowest price available for this customer for this item.

  • Properties - The Properties screen will identify the inventory properties on this item. The screen contains tabs for general information, attributes, substitution and companion item information.

  • Show Quantities - The Quantities screen displays the warehouse, location, on hand, on order, allocated and available quantities for the item for all warehouses.

  •  Show Substitutions – If an item has a substitution item setup for it, you will be able to see it on this screen. Substitution items are items that can be sold when the regular item is out of stock. On the Sales Order Entry screen, users can pop up a list of substitute items when the item being ordered is out of stock or will be back ordered.

  • Quantity Ordered – The amount of an item that you would like to order.

  • Unit – This is the unit of measure that you will be buying. This will default to the selling unit of measure, but you can change it by pressing F9 and choosing a new valid one for this item. Every item has a unit of measure setup screen. From this screen you can declare how many standard units each unit of measure contains. You can also limit the units that can be used on sales orders. So, if you do not want your sales people to sell an item by the each, you can check a box so that they can not be used on sales orders.

  • QTY BO – If there is going to be an amount that will be on back order, this will populate on its own. If you see an amount back ordered, it is good to look at substitution items. This box will turn red for any BO that is not generated by Gen PO or drop ship.

  • Warehouse – The warehouse the order is placed out of. These are branch specific in the Branch Module add on.

  • Tax – If this item is taxable this box will be checked. You are able to uncheck this box for certain items and leave others checked.

  • Disc% - You can add a line item discount with certain setups.

  • Unit Price – The selling price per unit will default in. If the salesperson has the ability to give discounts, this can be adjusted.

  • Total Price – Total Price is a TRX calculation Field. We will tally the line item on this line.

  • Item Tier - If Item Tiers are setup, the items will show Green, Yellow, or Red squares based on Tier

    • See full Tier User guide Here

Note: On leveled tax authorities the levels are based on the line item total and not the order total. Example: The Tax authority calls for a 6% on the first 5000 and only 5% after that. So line #1 on a sales order is for $5200.00 and line #2 is for $100.00 - because calculations will be done on the line item total price and not the total: $5100.00 will be calculated at 6% and $200.00 from the first line will be calculated at the discounted 5% rate. (Instead of $5000.00 at 6% and $300.00 at 5%)


Comments can be made for specific line items and, depending on which check box you mark, will print on certain reports. The Pick Pack and invoice check boxes can be set to default as checked or unchecked in ORD setup.

PO Details

You can "tie" purchase orders to an order through the PO tab. All Purchase orders need to be made out to a vendor and need to have a buyer associated with them so that information must be added to the order on a line item level if the order is a Drop Ship, Gen PO or Auto PO type.

  • PO Option – There are five PO options: Blank - which is the default, none, drop ship, Gen PO and Auto PO. If you have a regular order type, the default line item type will be blank. If you have tied an order to a PO and need to delete an item from the PO, you will first need to break that tie to the order by setting the PO Option to "none". The "none" option will break order ties.

  • Vendor – Order ties to PO's require a vendor. This is where you would add that vendor if it did not already default in correctly. Type the vendor number or Press F9 to search for one. The preferred vendor will default in from item setup if one is declared - if no preferred vendor (or more than one) is declared a pop up box will ask you to choose one.

  • Buyer – Order ties require a buyer as well. If this does not populate correctly automatically, you will need to enter one here before a PO can be created at order processing.

  • Plus Freight – With a Dropship or Gen PO Option selected, you can select the Plus Freight checkbox. When the Voucher is created for the PO Receipt, any PO Freight line will make the item available under the Create Plus Freight Invoice screen (ORD>Order invoicing). There you can select a Sell and Invoice the Freight amounts. Plus Freight Full Manual

The miscellaneous tab is where you can set a Promise date and view the tax amount for the item as well as the status of the line item.

  • Promise Date – This date defaults to the Requested Date in the header record, but it can be changed by the user.

The cost tab will give you the margin and your margin percent. It will also give you the cost that your margin is based off of. This cost will vary from system to system as the cost that margin is based on is a setup function in ORD Setup. 

GL Accounts tab will show the default GL accounts for this item for inventory, sales and cost of goods sold. All three of these will default in from the item setup and can be changed in order entry.

The commission Calculation tab can be adjusted but will default to the calculation that is set in the ORD setup menu. Certain commission calculation types allow you to place loads on commissions that are reflected in the GM Modifier or Gross Margin Modifier, which is essentially a portion of the commission that goes to the house to cover things like overhead or support services.

Refresh Pricing -This button will refresh the pricing of all line items, as if they were just entered. This would refresh the price if you updated a price rule or the price on the item. This would not affect items manually adjusted by the user or imported from AQ.

The Order Summary section is, for the most part, a summary of what is currently on the order. However, there are four fields that you can add information to. The shipping/Install amount and the shipping/Install cost can be entered here. In most cases, you will not know this at the time of the order, but if you were to enter this in the edit invoice selection screen at invoicing and you have the "Update Order w/ Shipping Amounts from Invoice" and/or "Update Order w/ Install Amounts from Invoicing" checked in ORD Setup, the amount will write back to the order after the fact.

  • Shipping amount - This is the amount that you will be charging the customer for shipping.

  • Shipping Cost  The cost that you will be incurring from shipping.

  • Install Amount – The amount you will charge the customer for install.

  • Install Cost – The cost of the install that you will be incurring.

  • Taxable Box – if either the install or shipping is taxable in your specific taxing district, you can check this respective box to calculate the tax. They will default to checked or unchecked based on your Tax Authority.

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