Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


NOTE: If this is your first time using this feature, see Prerequisites for the required Setup.

Creating and Editing Deliveries


  1. Open Delivery Routes screen

    1. ORD>Order Shipping>Delivery Routes

  2. Enter Driver Code

    1. Manually Enter or Hit F9 for a List

  3. Route Code will Auto-generate with today’s day, number sequence, and driver Code - YYMMDD-S-DVC

    1. e.g. 230703-1-BOB for the first route for BOB on 7-3-23

  4. Hit enter through Stop # to Proforma field

  5. Enter/Select your Proforma

    1. Manually Enter or Hit F9 for a List

  6. Repeat Steps 4 and 5 for all proformas for the route

  7. Hit “Submit” button

  8. Print Reports

    1. Print Loading Manifest

      1. Hit “Print Loading Manifest” button

      2. Image RemovedImage Added
    2. Print Delivery Route

      1. Hit “Print Delivery Route” button


  1. Open Delivery Routes screen

    1. ORD>Order Shipping>Delivery Routes

  2. Go into Query mode

    1. Hit F7

  3. Look up by the Route Code

    1. Hit F9 on the Route Code field

    2. Select your Route

  4. Look up All

    1. Go into Query mode

      1. Hit F7

    2. Search all

      1. Hit F8

    3. Cycle through records

      1. Use Blue Arrows at the top of the screen

      2. Image RemovedImage Added


Step-by-Step - Editing the Route
