Delivery Mode Shipping - Setup and User Guide

Delivery Mode Shipping - Setup and User Guide

Table of Contents

Using Delivery Mode

Delivery mode allows you to save shipments as Proformas and assign them to Drivers/Routes. These Routes create a loading manifest based on the Proformas. This feature replaces the standard Order Shipping screen. When in use, orders entered as deliveries can’t be updated through the shipping screen

NOTE: If this is your first time using this feature, see Prerequisites for the required Setup.

Creating and Editing Deliveries

This section covers entering, opening, and editing Delivery Tickets

Entering Deliveries

With everything set up, we can start using the feature. We enter Deliveries like Shipments but through a different screen. These deliveries provide Pick Tickets, Delivery Tickets, and Proformas. When the proforma is printed, it will be assigned to the delivery.


  1. Go to the Enter Deliveries Screen

    1. ORD>ORD Shipping>Enter Deliveries

  2. Select your Order Number

    1. Enter manually or Hit F9 to search

  3. Set Promise Date

  4. Hit Enter through Warehouse to load the items

  5. Make any other changes

  6. Print Pick Tickets


  7. Print Delivery Ticket


  8. Print/Create Proforma


    2. This will create a Proforma number for the Order, which will become the Invoice number

Editing/Opening Saved Deliveries

If you need to make changes to your delivery, you will need to open it in the Enter Deliveries screen to edit.


  1. Go to the Enter Deliveries Screen

    1. ORD>ORD Shipping>Enter Deliveries

  2. Enter Query Mode

    1. Hit F7

  3. Select your Order Number

    1. Enter Order Number or Enter Proforma Number

  4. Execute Query

    1. Hit F8

Assigning and Editing Delivery Routes

Once the Proformas are created for your shipments, you can then assign them to a Driver/Delivery Route. This section covers creating, submitting, and editing later.

Entering Delivery Routes

Once you have Delivery tickets in the system, we can assign Proformas to a Driver/Route.


  1. Open Delivery Routes screen

    1. ORD>Order Shipping>Delivery Routes

  2. Enter Driver Code

    1. Manually Enter or Hit F9 for a List

  3. Route Code will Auto-generate with today’s day, number sequence, and driver Code - YYMMDD-S-DVC

    1. e.g. 230703-1-BOB for the first route for BOB on 7-3-23

  4. Hit enter through Stop # to Proforma field

  5. Enter/Select your Proforma

    1. Manually Enter or Hit F9 for a List

  6. Repeat Steps 4 and 5 for all proformas for the route

  7. Hit “Submit” button

  8. Print Reports

    1. Print Loading Manifest

      1. Hit “Print Loading Manifest” button

    2. Print Delivery Route

      1. Hit “Print Delivery Route” button



Open/Edit Driving Route Later

You need to Submit the Driving route to access reports and make it available for Proforma Express. If you didn’t submit when it was first entered, you will need to query the route to edit it.

Step-by-Step - Opening the route

  1. Open Delivery Routes screen

    1. ORD>Order Shipping>Delivery Routes

  2. Go into Query mode

    1. Hit F7

  3. Look up by the Route Code

    1. Hit F9 on the Route Code field

    2. Select your Route

  4. Look up All

    1. Go into Query mode

      1. Hit F7

    2. Search all

      1. Hit F8

    3. Cycle through records

      1. Use Blue Arrows at the top of the screen


Step-by-Step - Editing the Route

  1. Submit Route - If the Route wasn’t previously submitted, you can Submit it now

    1. Hit “Submit” button


  2. Un-Submit Route - A submitted route needs to be Un-Submitted to be edited

    1. Hit “Un-Submit” button


  3. Delete Route

    1. Click on the Driver Code Field

    2. Hit the Delete button at the top


  4. Remove Proforma from the Route

    1. Click on the Proforma you want to remove

    2. Hit the Delete button at the top


  5. Close out of Route

    1. Hit the Clear button



Proforma Express

The Proforma Express screen allows you to easily Ship Out your Proformas based on Route or Proforma Number.


  1. Open the Proforma Express screen

    1. ORD>Order Shipping>Proforma Express

  2. Select a Route Number or Proforma Number

    1. Manually Enter or Hit F9 to find

  3. Open the Results

    1. Hit “Select Proformas” button

  4. Select your Proformas

    1. Hit Checkbox next to proforma

    2. Hit the Blue Arrow to Check or Uncheck All

      1. If all unchecked, it will check all

      2. If you just checked one, it will check all

      3. If you just unchecked one, it will uncheck all

  5. Process Proformas

    1. Hit the Lightning Bolt

    2. Hit Yes to prompt

At this point, if you have shipping set to auto-invoice, then the Proformas have now been processed as Invoices.

If Auto-Invoicing isn’t turned on, then you will need to process these Invoices separately under Order Invoicing (e.g. Invoice Express). We recommend having it on for this feature.


In order to use Deliver Mode, you will need to turn the feature on and make sure you have defined your Delivery Routes and Drivers under ORD Definitions (ORD>ORD Special Functions>ORD Definitions). We recommend having the Auto-Invoice feature on as well. You also will need to make sure users have permission to the Delivery Mode screens.

Turn Delivery Mode on

The delivery mode feature will need to be turned on for this to work.


  1. Go to ORD Setup

    1. ORD>ORD Special Functions>ORD Setup

  2. Go under Functions Tab

  3. Check the “Use Delivery Mode for Shipping” checkbox

Turn Auto-Invoicing on (Recommended, not required)

The delivery mode feature works best when auto-invoicing is turned on.


  1. Go to ORD Setup

    1. ORD>ORD Special Functions>ORD Setup

  2. Go under Control Points Tab

  3. Check the “Automatically Invoice When Shipping” checkbox

Setup Delivery Routes

Delivery Routes need to be setup to use this feature.


  1. Go to ORD Definitions

    1. ORD>ORD Special Functions>ORD Definitions

  2. Go under Delivery Routes tab

  3. Enter Route

    1. This is the code that will be entered later. Keep it short

  4. Enter Description for Route

  5. Set Scheduled Day from the Dropdown

Setup Drivers

Drivers need to be setup to use this feature.


  1. Go to ORD Definitions

    1. ORD>ORD Special Functions>ORD Definitions

  2. Go under Drivers tab

  3. Enter Driver Code

    1. This is the code that will be entered later. Keep it short

  4. Enter Description for Driver

  5. Enter Driver Phone #

Turn Screen Permissions On

The user that will be entering Deliveries will need to have the screens checked for their group under SYS>Group Access. For a full guide on setting up users and groups, see: Setting up users in TRX


  1. Open the User Group under Group Acess

    1. SYS>Group Access

    2. Use Drop down to select Group

  2. Go under ORD tab

  3. Check The Delivery Screens

    1. Enter Delivery Tickets

    2. Delivery Routes

    3. Proforma Express

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