Manufacturers (FEDA API)
In this screen, you can download, edit, and manage your list of Manufacturers. You will need to use this to manage your list of FEDA manufacturers.
Sort - Dropdown - Sorts Manufacturers by Manufacturer Name, Manufacturer Number, or Product Prefix
Download - Button - This button will load all of the Manufacturer from FEDA
Last Download Date - Field - The last time all of the Manufacturers were downloaded
Show Hidden - Checkbox - This will show all Manufacturers with the “Hide” checkbox checked
Manufacturer - Field- The name of the manufacturer in FEDA
Mfr Number - Field - The manufacturer number in FEDA/TRX
Product Prefix - Field - These will be the letters at the front of every item for the Manufacturer. E.G. ADCR-100CP is the item 100CP for the Admiral Craft manufacturer. This may need to be adjusted to fix the connection
Last Sync Date - Field - The last time the products were synced for this manufacturer
Products - Button - This button will allow you to access a screen that is currently in development
Product Count - Field - Number of items available for the Manufacturer
Category Discounts - Button - This will open a screen to set Discounts by Category for this manufacturer
Hide - Checkbox - This checkbox will remove the Manufacturer from the list. This way you can only have Manufacturers relevant to you showing