Open Register


Before a transaction can be entered into a register a register must be opened. Opening of the register will change its status from closed to open and an opening cash drawer amount will be recorded; this will allow the user to create transactions through the POS screen. If no register is open the POS screen will be not be usable. The opening amount will be used to help the closing reconciliation.


  • Register Code - Each register you have will have a name given to it in register setup that makes it unique, you enter that name here to signify which register you are opening. You can press the F9 for a list of closed registers that can be opened.

  • Previous Till – This is the amount that the register was closed with. This will be tacked and any deviations will need to be recorded with a reason.

  • Opening Till – This is the amount that the register is opening with it will figure into the closing at the end of the day. This amount can be changed to reflect the actual amount the register will open with. If you do choose to change the amount of the opening till you well get a message telling you that you are opening with a variance and you will have to justify that variance with a reason in a popup box, or you may have to just check okay and continue on it will depend on how the system is setup. The amount of the variance will display in the over/short box below.

  • Over/Short – the difference between the opening amount and the previous closing amount Depending on your POS setup any amount will need to be justified.

POS > Registers > Open Registers