Project Status Change

Project Status Change

Table of Contents


Projects can have a status of open, closed or cancelled, in a perfect world once a status is changed on a project it would never need to be reverted back. However as we all know the business world is not a perfect world. Which is why we have the project status change screen, this screen will allow you change the status of a project, so if it was cancelled and then suddenly not cancelled you will not have to re-enter the project or redo any of the completed work on it. Same goes for project closings a project can be re-opened with or without reversing the closing entries. 


  • Project Number – Enter the number of the project that you would like to change the status of. F9 for a list of options

  • Contract amount - Once a project is chosen you will see the contract amount on this screen, this amount cannot be updated from here.

  • Status – This is a pull down menu where you will select the status that you would like to change to. Your options are reopen with no reversing entries, cancel, close, and reverse the prior close.

  • Effective Date – The effective date of the change, this will default into the current date but can be changed.

  • Project title description – The description of the project that was created on project setup, this cannot be changed here.

Press the "Change Status" icon to make your changes.

Projects>Project Status Change

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