Print Picking Tickets (ORD)
The Print Picking Tickets screen is used to print a report showing the items for orders that need to be pulled from the warehouse. The system does not require a picking ticket to be printed in order to ship an item. However, once a picking ticket is printed for an order, the Line Item Status will change to PICK and the Order Status will change to SHIP. Picking Tickets may be printed based on order date, expected date or expiration date.
The pick ticket screen will suppress any orders that do not have any ship-able items (suppresses all backordered orders). You may also select which printer the pick tickets will print on so the pick process can be triggered remotely, the process is also intelligent enough to separate warehouses on an order and print to the correct warehouses.
Warehouse Location – there can only be one warehouse per picking Ticket to pick the orders from, press F9 for a list of warehouse locations
Starting and Ending Order Numbers - Leave blank to print picking tickets for all open orders.
User ID – If you would like print picking tickets per user ID you can enter one here.
Picking ticket printer – You can declare a specific printer for picking tickets, this is useful if you have a network printer in the warehouse. Leave blank to default to your computer default printer.
Base Printing On - Drop down menu to choose what criteria to base your PO printing off of.
Order Date – When printing multiple tickets choose this option if you would like to order them by the date the order was created.
Requested date - When printing multiple tickets choose this option if you would like to order them by the date the delivery was requested.
Expiration date - When printing multiple tickets choose this option if you would like to order them by the date the order is set to expire.
Promise date (line item)- When printing picking tickets choose this option if you would like to order them by the date the order was promised, this option is based on the line item promise date..
Starting and Ending Dates – a date range to print from.
Drop Ship Items Option – You can choose how you handle drop ship items from this pull down menu.
Sort Order By – you can choose if the order prints by line item order or by location order. Locations order if you have them set up will allow for wave picking
Reprint Picking Tickets – check this box if picking tickets were printed previously and an additional copy is needed
Note: If an item was already printed on a picking ticket that item will not appear on the reprint. The reprint function is for Items that were on Backorder and are now ready to be picked.
Print – this pull down menu will let choose if you would like individual tickets or all item on one continuous sheet – used for wave picking
Print order number on summary - check this box to have order numbers print on the summary version.
Print Prices on Pick Ticket – This option will print items on pick tickets.
Recalculate back orders – This option will recalculate the reprinted pick ticket to account for back orders.
Once you have selected your criteria you can press the Printer icon to generate the picking tickets, after closing the report, you will return to the Print Picking Tickets screen and be prompted with the message "Did the picking tickets print OK?" Press "Yes" if the hard copy is correct. Press "No" and you can run the process again.