Order Entry Manual

Order Entry Manual

Load Orders

The single biggest time saver in TRX is the ability to load orders and projects directly from Auto Quotes Files. TRX will allow you to import quotes from Auto Quotes directly into the new order entry screen much the same way we allow you to enter projects. This eliminates re-typing time and human errors. The process allows you to use AQ to quote and make changes. Once you finalize the order, export the Project out of AQ and Import directly into sales orders and projects. 
TRX will create new items on the fly based on the AQ information, allow you to set attributes, and create the order for approval before processing. 

Load orders from AQ

The Load orders from AQ screen looks and acts like the load projects screen. This screen will still use project files exported from Auto quotes and stored on your server or local machine. This screen will also check the order for items that are not in your database and create them before the order is created. Once all items are checked and created, and you process the import, the order will be displayed in the "New Order Entry" screen for editing. It will not be a real order until it is processed.
ORD > Load Orders from AQ

  • Import Into – This should automatically default to sales order and you should not choose any other option in this screen

  • Source File – Much like projects, pressing the Browse Icon will open a window file search screen that will allow you to find where you stored the file from AQ.

  • Customer – Choose the customer for the order or press F9 for a list of options. The rest of the information will populate in with the customers defaults for AR customer setup. They can be changed as needed.

  • Warehouse – The warehouse the order is being shipped from. If the order is connected to a PO through Drop Ship or Gen PO, this will be the warehouse the item is being received into.

  • Salesperson – The salesperson for the sales order. This will default to the customer's default but can be changed.

  • Order Type – You can import the order as a Drop Ship or a Regular order by choosing from the drop down here.

  • Ship To – The Ship To address that the customer's order is being shipped to.

  • Bill To – The contact number that is listed as the customer's Bill To contact

  • Tax Authority – The customer's default tax authority for the Ship To address.

Once you have entered all this information, you can click the Lightning bolt to process the import. TRX will look through the file and verify that all items are already created in the database. If they are not, the program will stop the import and create them. You will get a popup screen allowing you to edit important setup information including the item's stock ability (Tangible), if it is Special Order/Custom (Obsolete When Out of Stock), and its serialization. 

Any item on the order that was not previously in the database will be available for editing. You will see the item number that was created, the AQ category, description, price, and cost.

  • Category – The items category can be changes on sales orders when creating an item. This will set the Item's Attributes and default GL accounts.

  • Class – There will not be a default class but you can add one to the item if you would like to.

  • Manufacturer – The item's manufacturer can also be edited from this screen.

  • Tangible – The Tangible attribute refers to items tangibility. If the item is tangible and could physically be placed an inventory shelf at some point, then it should be checked as stocked. Examples of items that might not be checked are: labor, freight, and warranties.

  • Obsolete When Out – this is short for "obsolete when out of stock", it is an item attribute that will set the items Status to obsolete when all items are out of inventory. This is for items that are custom. Custom items are one of a kind. Once they are out of inventory, they will most likely not come back in. We set them as obsolete so they do not print on any inventory reports, but if you import another AQ file with the item on it, we will mark the Item as active again until you receive and ship out the item.

TRX will assign a unique item to any AQ item that is imported with "CUSTOM" in the manufacturer's items field. We will use the manufacturers four-digit prefix followed by the order or project number and a  followed by a number. This keeps all custom items unique and does not mix their inventory costs.

  • Serialize – Check this box to turn on the item's serialization attribute.

  • At Receipt – This will require the user to enter the Serial number at the point of Receipt.

  • At Ship – This will require the user to enter the Serial number at the point of Shipment. If Receipt is off, then this will be the time you create the record. If Receipt is on, then you would need to choose from the existing numbers (you can use F9 in this case).

Once you have finished setting up the new items, press F10 or the save icon and leave the screen. At this point TRX has stopped importing the order and you must start the process again by clicking the Lightning Bolt icon.

Once the order is imported you will be asked if you would like to view it in enter new sales orders. This is recommended as, at this point, it is not a processed sales order and can be edited before you process it.

Order Processing

The Order Processing section of the menu provides access to screens that are used to Enter New Orders, Process Orders, and Release Orders from Credit Hold. Order entry is one of three ways in TRX to create sales orders. (POS and Service being the other two) 

New Order Entry

The New Order Entry screen is used to place all new order information for a customer. All orders entered within this screen must be for inventory items, stocked or non-stocked. Once an order is entered here, it must be processed before shipping or invoicing can be started. New orders can be typed directly into this screen, created by copy order, imported from Auto Quotes or converted from a TRX quote, but they all will enter this screen for review before processing into a real order.
ORD > Order Processing > New Order Entry

Orders entered into this screen are not real orders until they are processed, but it is important to note that in some setups the items on this screen will cause inventory allocations so you may want to delete any unprocessed orders on a regular basis. You should always tab or enter through Order Entry instead of mouse-clicking. Also once you place an item on the order and highlight it, any applicable price rule will apply to that item and show at the bottom of the screen.

  • Quote - If the order was converted from the Quotes module, then the quote number will appear in the Quote # field.

  • Status - The status is a TRX populated field that relates to the shipping status of the order, there are six potential order statuses:

    • NEW - Order is ready for processing.

    • CRHOLD - Order is on credit hold.

    • BO - Part of the order has shipped; the remainder of the order is on backorder.

    • HOLD - Some of the items on the order are on backorder and partial shipment is not allowed.

    • CMP - Order has been completed and is ready to be invoiced.

    • CAN - Order has been canceled.

  • Order Number – If you have chosen the auto number feature TRX will place the next available order number in this box for you. We recommend that you always use auto numbering.

  • Order Type – This field will default to your company wide setup choice but can be changed:

    • Regular – A normal inventory order.

    • Drop ship – The order that will automatically create purchase orders that are shipped directly to client sites.

    • Special Order - This type is just for internal tracking. There is no difference, in any calculation, between this and the Regular order type.

    • Gen PO – An order type that will generate a purchase order automatically that will be for inventory stocks.

    • POS – Point of sale order, you cannot create a POS order, but if you query an order processed through POS, it will show this order type.

    • Web – Web orders do not have to be generated from online sales so web orders are another type of Regular Orders that can be manually entered.

Note: Drop ship and Gen PO can be designated on a line item. In cases where an order has multiple types of line items, you will want to use the regular type order and change the individual line items.

  • Order Date – This date will default to the current date by tabbing through the box, or you can type in a back date or future date.

  • Priority – This will set an order priority as far as shipping is concerned. If two orders have the same item and there is one in inventory, the order with the highest priority should ship first.

  • Requested - This is the date that the customer requests delivery. It will show up as the promised date on purchase orders that are tied to the order. This will default to the order date if you tab through the field.

  • Expiration – The expiration date can be placed on the order to signify the order will no longer be valid. This is for reference only and it will not cancel the order or stop you from processing in any way after the expiration date has past. It will show on some reports.

  • Customer – Enter the customer number or press F9 for a list of customers. Pressing F9 will bring up the customer find screen here.

  • Order Guide – This icon will bring up a history of items that this customer has ordered in the past and will allow you to quickly add any combination of these items to your order. See Order Guide for more information.

  • Customer PO # - This is a field where you can enter a customer PO number. Certain setups will require there be an entry here. A customer's first name can be used when a PO does not exist as a means of tracking who placed the order.

  • Terms - These will default in from the customer's setup. There is an option to lock this field so the terms cannot be changed without a manager's override.

  • FOB – FOB code will default in from the customer setup - but can be changed if needed.

  • Salesperson – A customer default salesperson will default in from the Customer's setup. This field can be locked down.

  • Tax authority – Will default in from customer setup, the sales order's tax authority of record will be the shipping address Tax authority or if a POS order it will be the Tax authority of the register setup, this field is also lockable.

  • Ship Via – The default ship via for this customer will default in but can be changed if needed

Notes: It is possible to lock Terms, Salespersons, and Tax Authorities so they cannot be changed when creating an order or make them changeable with a Managers override code. This is a setup function of TRX.

  • Partial Ship – By checking this box you will be allowing partial shipments to be made for this order. If not checked, it is all or nothing. The default position of this check box can be set in ORD > Setup.

  • Partial invoice – Checking this box will allow a partial invoice to be made. Otherwise, the user can only Invoice after all items on the order are shipped (CMP) and/or Cancelled (CAN).

  • Print price on packing slip – Checking this box will have prices print on your packing slips. Some may choose to use the packing slip as a Proforma invoice for COD orders.

Address Info

The second tab is the address info tab. This information will default in from the customers default Bill To and Ship To address information but can be changed as needed.

If you need to change either contact info you can press F9 to get a list of customer contacts. Or, if the contact that you need does not exist, you can create in this screen, and you will have the option to either update the current information or create a new contact.

  • Bill to # - This is the contact number from the customer record. Press F9 for a list of valid Bill To contacts from the customer. A valid customer contact for Bill To address must have the Bill To check box checked on the customer contact type associated with the contact record. If the correct one does not exist, you can create it here and it will write back to the customer record.

  • Ship to # - Same as Bill to but must have Ship To address checked on its customer contact type.

  • Frt Fwd Customer – This is for shipping internationally. TRX has a way to designate customer as freight forward customers in ORD setup. These are the middlemen. So, if you were shipping to Dubai, for example, you may use a shipping company in Miami to load and ship via ocean freight. You would need both the customer and the shipper on the order as a Ship To; the freight forwarder allows you to do this.

If the contact you need is not there and you have access to the AR customer entry screen, you will be able to change the information in the address block. Once you make changes and save them, a pop up box will ask you if you would like to edit the current contact or enter your changes as a new one.

Misc. Tab

The Miscellaneous tab will store the Flex fields that you have created as well as any delivery routes for this customer and the AR account and order class that the current order belongs to.

  • Delivery Route – Trx has a mini-module called delivery routes that has the ability to create routes for distribution. This box would show which route this customer is on.

Delivery routes can be assigned to customers and that route will flow to every order made for that customer. Once the individual orders have created pick tickets, various reports can be printed to aid in the route loading and delivery.

  • Tax-exempt # - If a customer has the taxability box unchecked on the order info tab then they will be required to have a tax-exempt number. This number is stored on the AR Account setup screen and will default into this screen when the customer is chosen.

  • AR Account – A customer will need to be assigned an AR account. When utilizing the Branch system the AR account will signify which branch the customer belongs to.

  • Non-Stocked Items on Proforma Invoice – This is an order specific command. If you know you will be creating a Proforma invoice you can choose to have any non-stocked items show on the proforma. This should almost always be checked.

  • Flex Fields – The four extra fields in the example above (Print on All - Old Order Number) are flex fields that were set up by the user. The user has five fields that it can create in the order entry setup module.

Shipping Marks

  • Shipping marks - are fields that you can enter to tie this order to a Purchase order. The verbiage you enter in this field will print out on both purchase orders and the PO receiver reports.

  • DS Ship Via - This field allows you to set the default Ship Via for any drop-ships generated off of the order.


Due to the creation of a new email distribution function, this tab and the associated parts are no longer supported.


If an order has a deposit on it, you will be able to view the information in this tab. You can place multiple deposits here, and they will total up in the Balance Due box. You will not be able to place a bigger deposit than the total of the order. When you have elected to use the credit card validation through the TRX program, you will be able to validate the credit cards from this screen.


TRX has a set up option that will allow you to apply multiple salespersons to an order for commission purposes. When turned on there will be a "multi-comm" tab that appears on the Enter New Order screen. The commission percent in this screen must total 100%. What this represents is how much of the commission each salesperson gets. The actual commission rate is determined on the line item level.

  • Salesperson - Declare the salespeople that will split commissions for this customer. You will only see this field if you have elected to have split commissions turned on in ORD> ORD Special Functions> ORD setup > "Control Points" tabs.

  • Commission % - This represents the percentage of the commission the individual sales person will get for this customer. These fields, combined, must not exceed 100% in the Total Percent field.


This tab is where you will put any order comments that you would like on your order. You can check a setup box to enable order comment print on an invoice and purchase order. If you would like to format this block of text you can double click on the comments box and an Edit screen will pop up that will allow you to format.


Regular notes can be added to an order. These will not print to any purchase orders or invoices - these are only for internal tracking. Order notes will print on some order entry reports. This is the same screen you will see on Purchasing, AR, AP and Production. You can Mark notes as public so everyone can see them, or, if left un-checked, they will only be visible to your user ID or the Enterprise user.

Doc Notes

Doc Notes can be edited and entered after an order is processed and completed, and, unlike the regular Notes, the Doc Notes can be printed on documents. This screen is part of a larger Doc Notes module that spans across Order Entry and Purchasing. The purpose is to give the user the means to use the papers that travel with equipment as a means of communication. Even after Orders, Purchase Orders, and Invoices have been completed you can create a Doc note that will print at the end of the last item in big bold letters in the middle of the sheet. 

Line Item Detail

The Line item detail section is where you get down to the detail of each sales order. Once you have entered all the header record information, your mouse will be moved down to the Line Item field. Here you will enter what is being purchased.

  • Item – You can type in an item or press the F9 key to go to the "Find Item" screen to look one up. In some setups, you will be allowed to enter items that are not in the TRX database (You will be taken to the INV Quick Add items screen to create it). Also, if you enter an item and right click it, you will be given several menu options that will help out in various situations.


    • Detail Search – The detail search option will open the Find Item screen


    • On Order - The On Order screen displays any open purchase orders and the date they are to be received. If more than one purchase order is open for this item, the screen will identify - by highlighting the line - which purchase order the item would be received on.


    • Price Look Up Screen - The Price Inquiry screen will identify the pricing for this item specific to this customer or customer type. The screen will only identify the lowest price available for this customer for this item.


    • Properties - The Properties screen will identify the inventory properties on this item. The screen contains tabs for general information, attributes, substitution and companion item information.


    • Show Quantities - The Quantities screen displays the warehouse, location, on hand, on order, allocated and available quantities for the item for all warehouses.



    • Show Substitutions – If an item has a substitution item setup for it, you will be able to see it on this screen. Substitution items are items that can be sold when the regular item is out of stock. On the Sales Order Entry screen, users can pop up a list of substitute items when the item being ordered is out of stock or will be back ordered.


  • Quantity Ordered – The amount of an item that you would like to order.

  • Unit – This is the unit of measure that you will be buying. This will default to the selling unit of measure, but you can change it by pressing F9 and choosing a new valid one for this item. Every item has a unit of measure setup screen. From this screen you can declare how many standard units each unit of measure contains. You can also limit the units that can be used on sales orders. So, if you do not want your sales people to sell an item by the each, you can check a box so that they can not be used on sales orders.

  • QTY BO – If there is going to be an amount that will be on back order, this will populate on its own. If you see an amount back ordered, it is good to look at substitution items. This box will turn red for any BO that is not generated by Gen PO or drop ship.

  • Warehouse – The warehouse the order is placed out of. These are branch specific in the Branch Module add on.

  • Tax – If this item is taxable this box will be checked. You are able to uncheck this box for certain items and leave others checked.

  • Disc% - You can add a line item discount with certain setups.

  • Unit Price – The selling price per unit will default in. If the salesperson has the ability to give discounts, this can be adjusted.

  • Total Price – Total Price is a TRX calculation Field. We will tally the line item on this line.

Note: On leveled tax authorities the levels are based on the line item total and not the order total. Example: The Tax authority calls for a 6% on the first 5000 and only 5% after that. So line #1 on a sales order is for $5200.00 and line #2 is for $100.00 - because calculations will be done on the line item total price and not the total: $5100.00 will be calculated at 6% and $200.00 from the first line will be calculated at the discounted 5% rate. (Instead of $5000.00 at 6% and $300.00 at 5%)


Comments can be made for specific line items and, depending on which check box you mark, will print on certain reports. The Pick Pack and invoice check boxes can be set to default as checked or unchecked in ORD setup.

PO Details

You can "tie" purchase orders to an order through the PO tab. All Purchase orders need to be made out to a vendor and need to have a buyer associated with them so that information must be added to the order on a line item level if the order is a Drop Ship, Gen PO or Auto PO type.

  • PO Option – There are five PO options: Blank - which is the default, none, drop ship, Gen PO and Auto PO. If you have a regular order type, the default line item type will be blank. If you have tied an order to a PO and need to delete an item from the PO, you will first need to break that tie to the order by setting the PO Option to "none". The "none" option will break order ties.

  • Vendor – Order ties to PO's require a vendor. This is where you would add that vendor if it did not already default in correctly. Type the vendor number or Press F9 to search for one. The preferred vendor will default in from item setup if one is declared - if no preferred vendor (or more than one) is declared a pop up box will ask you to choose one.

  • Buyer – Order ties require a buyer as well. If this does not populate correctly automatically, you will need to enter one here before a PO can be created at order processing.

  • Plus Freight – With a Dropship or Gen PO Option selected, you can select the Plus Freight checkbox. When the Voucher is created for the PO Receipt, any PO Freight line will make the item available under the Create Plus Freight Invoice screen (ORD>Order invoicing). There you can select a Sell and Invoice the Freight amounts. Plus Freight Full Manual

The miscellaneous tab is where you can set a Promise date and view the tax amount for the item as well as the status of the line item.

  • Promise Date – This date defaults to the Requested Date in the header record, but it can be changed by the user.

The cost tab will give you the margin and your margin percent. It will also give you the cost that your margin is based off of. This cost will vary from system to system as the cost that margin is based on is a setup function in ORD Setup. 

GL Accounts tab will show the default GL accounts for this item for inventory, sales and cost of goods sold. All three of these will default in from the item setup and can be changed in order entry.

The commission Calculation tab can be adjusted but will default to the calculation that is set in the ORD setup menu. Certain commission calculation types allow you to place loads on commissions that are reflected in the GM Modifier or Gross Margin Modifier, which is essentially a portion of the commission that goes to the house to cover things like overhead or support services.

Refresh Pricing - This button will refresh the pricing of all line items, as if they were just entered. This would refresh the price if you updated a price rule or the price on the item. This would not affect items manually adjusted by the user or imported from AQ.

The Order Summary section is, for the most part, a summary of what is currently on the order. However, there are four fields that you can add information to. The shipping/Install amount and the shipping/Install cost can be entered here. In most cases, you will not know this at the time of the order, but if you were to enter this in the edit invoice selection screen at invoicing and you have the "Update Order w/ Shipping Amounts from Invoice" and/or "Update Order w/ Install Amounts from Invoicing" checked in ORD Setup, the amount will write back to the order after the fact.

  • Shipping amount - This is the amount that you will be charging the customer for shipping.

  • Shipping Cost  The cost that you will be incurring from shipping.

  • Install Amount – The amount you will charge the customer for install.

  • Install Cost – The cost of the install that you will be incurring.

  • Taxable Box – if either the install or shipping is taxable in your specific taxing district, you can check this respective box to calculate the tax. They will default to checked or unchecked based on your Tax Authority.

Process New Orders

Once all the order information has been entered in the Enter New Orders screen, the order must be processed. There are two options for order processing: You can process on the new order entry screen (as long as batch processing is turned off) by pressing the lightning bold icon, or you can use the Process New Orders screen.
ORD > Order Processing > Process New Orders

  • Order Type – The Drop down menu will allow you to select an order type to process or you can leave the default "All".

  • Starting and Ending Order – Enter an order number or a range of numbers. Leaving the field blank will select all available orders.

  • User ID – Enter you user ID to get just the orders that you processed (your user will fill in by default), or leave the field blank to process orders regardless of user.

  • Show Commissions On report – If checked, commissions will show on the Order Verification report

  • Show Item Costs on Reports – If checked, the items' costs will show on the Order Verification report.

  • Print Orders On Credit Hold – If checked, orders that are on credit hold will be included on the report.

Note: They will only appear on the report. They cannot be processed until they are removed from credit hold.

  • Process Orders – Clicking this button will process orders and prepare the verification report.

After viewing the report, you will be asked if you would like to process the orders. 'Yes' will process. 'No' will take you back to the Process New Orders screen.

Release Hold Orders

When a Customer has a credit limit in AR customer setup, they may go on hold for exceeding that limit. The Release/ Hold Orders screen is used to release orders that have been placed on credit hold because the customer's order total exceeds their credit limit. The order can be processed directly from this screen and shipped to the customer. This works on credit holds (over credit limit) and AR holds (having an overdue invoice).
TRX will let the salesperson complete the order without interruption, save it, and then call a manager who will be able to release the order from their location once the limit issue has been resolved.
ORD > Order Processing > Release/Hold Orders

  • Refresh - This button will refresh the screen with the latest status of the orders.

  • Display – The display pull-down will cull your selection in three ways: All, AR Holds, and Credit Holds.

  • Find Order - This field is used to lookup a specific Order to release.

  • Find Customer - This field will allow you to narrow down your results to just one specific Customer.

  • Customer - This field displays the Customer number - Company name. If you double click this field, you will be taken to Customer Account Inquiry screen to review the Customer's aging information.

  • Terms - This shows the Terms on the Order.

  • AR Limit - This shows the days overdue an invoice is allowed to be before the Customer's orders would go on Credit Hold.

  • Credit Limit - This is the dollar value the Customer can have on all open Orders and Invoices before their Order(s) would go on hold.

  • Hold Status - Here you can see which type of hold the Order is on: AR, Credit, or Both

  • Order # -  This is the Order # the order will have if it is processed. You can double click this field to open the unprocessed order in the New Order Entry screen.

  • Order Total - The total dollar value on the unprocessed Order.

  • CR Hold Amt - This is the amount over the credit limit that caused this Order to go on hold. It will be blank for Orders that are only on AR hold.

  • Order Date - This is the date on the unprocessed Order.

  • Release - This Check box will bring up a box for Order comments as to why it was released and any of the following buttons:

    • Release AR - This button will be available if the Order being released has an AR Credit hold and/or Both. Click it to Release from AR hold.

    • Release Credit - This button will be available if the Order being released is over the Credit Limit or Both. Click it to Release from Credit hold.

    • Release Both - This button will be available if the Order is both on AR and Credit hold. Click it to Release the Order from AR and Credit hold.

    • Cancel - This will back out from the screen, allowing you to select another order.

  • Customers Over Credit Limit - This is the number of Customers over their Credit Limit.

  • Customers Over Aging Limit - This is the number of Customer over their Aging Limit (AR Hold).

  • Customers Over Credit and Aging Limit - This is the number of Customers over Both hold limits.

Order Shipping

The Order Shipping section of the Orders module enables the user to print picking tickets for orders, enter and process new shipments, print and re-print packing slips, and print shipping labels.

Print Picking Tickets

The Print Picking Tickets screen is used to print a report showing the items for orders that need to be pulled from the warehouse. The system does not require a picking ticket to be printed in order to ship an item. However, once a picking ticket is printed for an order, the Line Item Status will change to PICK and the Order Status will change to SHIP. Picking Tickets may be printed based on order date, expected date or expiration date.
The pick ticket screen will suppress any orders that do not have any ship-able items (suppresses all backordered orders). You may also select which printer the pick tickets will print on so the pick process can be triggered remotely, the process is also intelligent enough to separate warehouses on an order and print to the correct warehouses. 
ORD > Order Shipping > Print Picking Tickets

  • Warehouse Location – there can only be one warehouse per picking Ticket to pick the orders from, press F9 for a list of warehouse locations

  • Starting and Ending Order Numbers - Leave blank to print picking tickets for all open orders.

  • User ID – If you would like print picking tickets per user ID you can enter one here.

  • Picking ticket printer – You can declare a specific printer for picking tickets, this is useful if you have a network printer in the warehouse. Leave blank to default to your computer default printer.

  • Base Printing On - Drop down menu to choose what criteria to base your PO printing off of.

    • Order Date – When printing multiple tickets choose this option if you would like to order them by the date the order was created.

    • Requested date - When printing multiple tickets choose this option if you would like to order them by the date the delivery was requested.

    • Expiration date - When printing multiple tickets choose this option if you would like to order them by the date the order is set to expire.

    • Promise date (line item)- When printing picking tickets choose this option if you would like to order them by the date the order was promised, this option is based on the line item promise date..

  • Starting and Ending Dates – a date range to print from.

  • Drop Ship Items Option – You can choose how you handle drop ship items from this pull down menu.

  • Sort Order By – you can choose if the order prints by line item order or by location order. Locations order if you have them set up will allow for wave picking

  • Reprint Picking Tickets – check this box if picking tickets were printed previously and an additional copy is needed

Note: If an item was already printed on a picking ticket that item will not appear on the reprint. The reprint function is for Items that were on Backorder and are now ready to be picked.

  • Print – this pull down menu will let choose if you would like individual tickets or all item on one continuous sheet – used for wave picking

  • Print order number on summary - check this box to have order numbers print on the summary version.

  • Print Prices on Pick Ticket – This option will print items on pick tickets.

  • Recalculate back orders – This option will recalculate the reprinted pick ticket to account for back orders.

Once you have selected your criteria you can press the Printer icon to generate the picking tickets, after closing the report, you will return to the Print Picking Tickets screen and be prompted with the message "Did the picking tickets print OK?" Press "Yes" if the hard copy is correct. Press "No" and you can run the process again.

Enter Deliveries

Enter New Shipments

Once you have an order in the system, you can complete it by shipping it in the Enter New Shipments screen. Orders are considered complete in TRX when they are fully shipped, whether they have been invoiced or paid does not factor in, that will tracked in the Accounts Receivable module.
ORD > Order shipping > Enter new Shipments

  • Order Number – In this box you can type a number or press F9 for a list of orders ready for shipping. Once an order is selected, all items for the order that have not been shipped appear on the screen

  • Warehouse – this is the warehouse that is associated with this order. this is the warehouse that is associated with this order. An order can be generated to ship out of multiple warehouses each line item is assigned a warehouse, this tell you which warehouse you are shipping from. Only line items assigned to this warehouse will appear.

  • Ship via – how are these items being shipped

  • Ship Date – you can accept the current date or make a change

  • Shipping Charges – will you be adding any shipping charges that will charged to the customer. Any charges made here will write back to the sales order.

  • Shipping cost – do you wish to record the shipping cost that is being charged to you. This will also be written back to the sales order

  • Insurance – Is there any insurance costs can be captured here

  • Install charges – Install charges can be added to the order at the point of shipping.

  • Install cost - Install costs can be added to the order at the point of shipping.

The shipping and insurance changes will follow through to the invoice and after invoicing should update the order.

  • Signature required – If checked a signature will be required on packing slips

  • Blind Packing Slip – If this is checked a blind packing slip will be created, blind packing slips will not have any of your company information, these are used if you acting as a third party shipper for you client.


The Waybills tab is where you can enter any waybill to the shipping record. The # of Boxes will default as zero, if you leave this as is and press tab you will be taken back to the detail section of the Main Tab. However if you enter a number of boxes you will be required to enter waybills for each one


Here you can enter comments that you would like to travel with the shipping record or you can check the "Print Comments on packing slip" box to have them print on the Packing slip.


The Notes tab on the Enter New Shipments screen is where you can place notes that will travel with this Shipping Record. You will be able to see when they were created and from which department they originated. You can check the public box so that all may see them, however if the notes are only for you they will only show up when it is your user ID that is accessing the record. Certain reports will report the notes that are public.

Shipping Detail

This is where you will fill in how many are actually shipping; the amount of available inventory up to the amount ordered will default to this screen. You are able to ship less than the full amount or more then the full amount if you have the correct setup in AR and ORD setup. (Partial shipping and over shipping turned on). Any zero amount items will be removed from the shipping record upon processing.

Proforma Invoices

From this screen you can also print a Proforma invoice. Proforma invoices are non-AR invoices that you can print to deliver with the items, without going to Accounts Receivable. Often used if you need to deliver an invoice with a shipment. This is not an official accounting record but looks like one, an order-shipping invoice will still need to be created.
Press the lightning Bolt to process this shipment, you will be asked if you would like to print packing slips and then the order will process and any line items that fully shipped will change to complete status. If the order is fully shipped it will become complete also.
Note: If you have the invoice at shipping option turned on an invoice will be generated, whether it prints or not is dependent upon your setup. 

Proforma Invoice

Proforma Invoices will print order shipments entries in an invoice format. The Proforma Invoice prints the shipping data and therefore, must be printed after entering new shipments but prior to processing those shipments. The Proforma Invoice never hits AR and you cannot receive monies against it, you will still need to create a regular invoice at some point. They are just so operations can send a financial record (albeit fake) along with a shipment.

  • Starting and ending Order number – you can choose an order or print a range of them, F9 will bring up a list of values and leaving the lines blank will print all available.

  • Invoice Date – Date that will print on the invoice this will default to the current date but can be changed.

  • Print Prices on Invoice – Checking this box will print prices on the Proforma invoice.

The Proforma invoice will not get an invoice number and if you need the company name on it you will need to check the "Company on Address" setup box on the AR customer Enter/edit screen. 


Process New Shipments

The Process New Shipments screen is used to process all shipments entered if you have the batch processing of order shipments turned on. If not turned on this is still an option. Once processing is complete, inventory levels are decreased by the amounts shipped, the order and line items status changes to CMP, and inventory journal entries are created.
ORD > Order Processing > Process New Shipments


Proforma Express

Print/Reprint Packing Slips

The Print/Reprint Packing Slips screen will print individual or a range of packing slips to accompany customer orders during shipping.
ORD > Order Processing > Reprint Packing Slips 

Enter the starting and ending orders numbers that you would like to have packing slips for and press the printer icon. This report is user ID specific so you will need to remove the ID to get all available orders. Reprint Packing Slips must be checked to print Packing slips that have already printed and you have the option of suppressing any backorder item information if you need to. 

Example of a Packing Slip


Print Shipping Labels

The Print Shipping label Screen will print individual or a range of shipping labels in a variety of formats. 
ORD > Order Shipping > Print Shipping Labels

  • Starting and Ending Order - You can print labels by order or range of an order, this option also has a list function so you can choose specific orders

  • Starting and Ending customer – You can choose orders that belong to a specific customer or range of customers to print labels for.

  • Shipment -

  • Number of labels – We allow you to print labels in the quantities that you need.

  • Print Return Address on Label – If you would like your return address, address of the warehouse you are shipping from, on a label you can check this box

  • Warehouse – the location for the Return address

  • Label Formats -The label formats that we support

  • Label printer – you must choose a label printer to print the labels on. Press the Pinter icon to pull up a windows based print setup screen.



The Order Invoicing section of the Orders module is used to select those orders that have been shipped for invoicing, edit invoices before they are created, and creating invoices. Invoicing in TRX is broken into multiple steps to allow for control points. First you must select an invoice and this is done in one of two screens: one for choosing as is and the other for editing. After selecting the invoice it will be available for invoice creation and once created you can print it out.
Uninvoiced orders report
Invoice, not shipped report
Select orders for invoicing
Edit Invoice Selection
Create Invoice
Print Invoice

Uninvoiced Orders Report

The Uninvoiced orders report is potentially one of the most important reports in TRX, so much so we make it part of our month end close process. By choosing the exclude unshipped orders check box you will get a report of all items that have shipped out of inventory but have not had an invoice created for them. This report stops items from falling through the cracks and not getting invoiced.
ORD > ORD Invoicing > Uninvoiced Orders Report

  • Starting and Ending Order – This report can be pulled by an order or a range of orders. Leaving these fields blank will make all orders eligible.

  • Starting and ending customers – This report can be pulled by a customer or a range of customers, leaving these fields blank will make all customers eligible.

  • A/R Subledger – You can chose which AR subledger you would like to print these reports for.

  • Exclude Unshipped Orders – Checking this box will give you items that have been shipped but not yet invoiced. This option is very important for the month end close.


Invoiced Not Shipped Report

If the Uninvoiced Report serves to protect you from losing revenues by making sure everything gets invoiced the Invoiced and not Shipped Report will serve to protect your customer by making sure they don't pay for something that has not shipped (This also protects you from losing customers.)
ORD > Order Invoicing > Invoiced not Shipped Report

  • Starting and Ending Order – This report can be pulled by an order or a range of orders. Leaving these fields blank will make all orders eligible.

  • Starting and ending customers – This report can be pulled by a customer or a range of customers, leaving these fields blank will make all customers eligible.

  • A/R Subledger – You can chose which AR subledger you would like to print these reports for.

This report shows Order number and status of the item in question, the customer, amount invoice and amount completed (shipped). This is a report you will need to watch if it starts to grow in length there may be an issue with your internal protocol. 

Select Orders for Invoicing

The Select Orders for invoicing screen allows you to select one or more orders to process for invoicing without making changes. In the event that you need or want the option of making changes you will need the edit invoice selections screen. Creating invoices is a two-step process (sometimes three). First you need to select invoices to create through the "Select orders for invoicing" or "edit invoicing selection" screen; they do the same thing except one allows you to make certain changes. Then you will need to create the invoice with the "create invoice screen" and finally print the invoice, which can be done while creating the invoice or as a separate function on the print invoice screen.

  • Staring an Ending Customer number – Enter the Starting and Ending Order number or press F9 for a list of order numbers, you can also leave blank to process ALL orders

  • Starting or Ending customer - Enter the Starting and Ending Customer number or press F9 for the Customer Find Screen, you can also leave blank to process invoices from all customers

  • AR Subledger – You can choose to create invoices for orders under a certain AR subledger

  • User ID – The create invoice screen is user specific you will need to remove your ID to get all the invoices created.

  • Include Non-Stocked Items – Non-stocked items do not ship and an item must ship to be invoiced in this screen. Checking this box will over ride that prerequisite for this screen

Click on the Select Orders button and a Select Orders for Invoices Report will display on screen. Press the Print icon to obtain a hard copy for review the system will now ask, "Ok to select orders for invoicing?" If you click on Yes, to select invoicing - the system will tell you the amount of orders that where selected for invoicing. If you click on No, the invoices will not process and changes can still be made

Edit Invoice Selection

This screen fulfills the exact same function as select orders for invoicing, with the exception that it will allow you to perform minor edits to an order before invoicing. Some users have shut this screen off for some and left it as a manager only screen others make it a requirement to run every order through this screen.
ORD > Order Invoicing > Edit Invoice selections

  • Order # - when you enter this screen you will be required to enter an order number, once doing so information including the items that were on this order will default into this screen. The edit invoice selection screen will only let you work on one order at a time.

  • Bill to – The bill to address that was on the original order, this contact can be changed.

  • Ship To – The ship to address that was on the original order this contact can be changed

  • Authority – the tax authority that was on the shipping address of the original order

  • Terms – Terms from the original order these terms can be changed (with proper user permissions) and they will affect the receivable aging.

  • AR GL – this is the accounts receivable GL account that will be hit for this order. This is important for those using the branch management system, as branches are tied to the customer by the AR GL account.

  • PO – If a PO was entered on this order it will be here or it can be typed in at this point and will write to the customer history and the invoice. PO numbers are a searchable field in AR > Customer PO query.

  • FOB – the FOB that was on the order this cannot be changed

  • Sales Person – the salesperson of record on this order it cannot be changed here.

  • Waybill – If a waybill was added at shipping this is where you will see it

When you choose the order to invoice all the line item detail will populate in to the detail fields. It is here that you can enter the qty that you would like to invoice.
Note: + 

The amount that was ordered for each line item, the amount that was completed (shipped), amount previously invoiced and the item also populate each line item. There are three tabs of detail for line item. First there is the Price tab this tab will show the:

  • Sales GL – The GL account that is being hit

  • Unit Price - In some setups this unit price cannot be changed

  • Tax – taxability is determined at the line item level you can have one item being tax and another not. What the box defaults too is determined by the customers taxability in customer setup and the tax authority of the shipping address.

  • Discount – some sales people will have the ability to give discounts, they can do so on a line item level, that discount amount will flow through to the invoice here. Some discounts are created by price rules and you will not see that discount percent here.

  • Total Price – the total price is a TRX calculated frilled and cannot be changed in this screen by the user.

The second tab of information is the costs tab, here you can see what the margin percent for your;

  • Average Cost - The accounting cost of your inventory, this may be average, LIFO or FIFO depending on your company setup.

  • Standard Cost – This is the standard cost of the item that comes from the warehouse tab under standard cost. The user can control this cost. Your margin % will be based on the method of margin calculation that is setup in ORD setup.

  • Last Cost MFG Rebate – The last cost comes from the warehouse tab via the vendor tab of this item. If the Rebate feature is enabled in ORD setup this will show the manufacturers rebate amount.

The last tab of information is the commissions Tab it will show the sales person default commission percent that was setup in ORD > Salesperson Setup, the calculation method for commissions, any modifier and the total amount of commission.
Note: if the multi-commission function is turned on the amount of commission in the commission amount box is the amount that the salespeople will split

Edit Invoice selection Summary section is where you can find the total for this order and adjust various aspects that in most cases will write back to the order. There is a Misc. $ box where you can add charges like insurance and surcharges. The shipping/install amount and shipping/install cost can be edited or added here and they will (in most Setups) write back and update the order.

  • Shipping cost – the cost that your company incurs for shipping these items

  • Install cost – The cost that your company incurs for installing the item.

  • Shipping $ – the amount that you are charging the client to ship these items, the tax check box will calculate tax on shipping when it is checked.

  • Install $ – the amount that you are charging the client to install these items, the tax check box will calculate tax on the install when it is checked.

Create Invoice

The Create Invoices process will create invoices for all orders that have been shipped and selected. The starting invoice number will default in the next Accounts Receivable invoice number. You can enter a specific order number to generate an invoice for, enter a range of orders, or leave all the parameters fields blank to process invoices for all orders that have been selected in either of the invoice selections screens.
ORD > Order Invoicing > Create Invoices

  • Invoice Date - this is the date that will show as the invoice date on the invoice, it will default to the current date but can be changed.

  • Starting and Ending Order – Invoices can be printed by order or a range of orders. Leaving these fields blank will make all orders that have had invoices selected eligible.

  • A/R Subledger – Which AR subledger would you like to create invoices for?

  • User ID – Creating invoices in User ID specific if you remove the id you can create invoices for all.

  • Create and Print Invoices – pressing this icon will create the invoice and print it out for you

  • Create Invoices – Pressing this icon will only create the invoice.

  • Preview – Checking this box will call up a preview screen that you can use to verify information on before processing

  • Invoice copies – Chose the amount of invoices that you would like to print.

  • Printer – If you are using a printer other than your default printer to print you invoices you will need to enter it here.

This is an example of the print out you will get if you check the Preview box. It is not the actual invoice it is an internal print out for you to verify information. 

Invoice Express

Print Invoices

The Print Invoices screen gives you the option to print one, a range or all invoices. You also are given the choice of printing invoices on a pre-printed form or on plain paper. The send email function is the ground work for a future module and not yet functional. You can also print theses invoices with or without back orders or with POS invoices suppressed. The print out was designed to add "flags" or symbols that are meant to represent different things like:

  • will represent the item is taxable
    ~~ will represent the item not having the attribute "keep in stock" checked. 
    ORD > Order Invoicing > Print Invoices

  • Start and Ending Invoice – Chose a single invoice or a range of invoices to print

  • Starting and Ending Customer – Invoices can be printed by customers or a range of customers.

  • Starting and Ending Customer type – you can print this report by customer type or a range of customer types; leave this field blank for all customer types.

  • Starting and Ending Date – you can choose a beginning or ending date to print this report by, or choose a quick date from the pull down menu to populate a set date in. Leaving these fields blank will print all dates.

  • Document – you can choose to print out invoices, credit memos and debit memos or all with this pull down menu.

  • AR Subledger – you can choose to print this report for all subledgers or choose a specific one from the pull down menu.

  • User ID – You can print only the invoices created by a specific user ID or leave this field blank to print all of them.

  • Order Number - You may choose the invoice for a specific order number if you do not know the invoice number

  • Type of Print – your invoices can be printed on plain paper or if you have your logo printed on color shells we can print your invoices without logos. Currently the email function is not operable.

  • Suppress POS invoices that are not on Account – For those that auto invoice and print batches at the end of the day we have added a way to exclude any invoices that were created and paid at the POS systems. Checking this box will exclude all cash terms invoices that were paid at POS.

  • Suppress Backorders –You can print the invoice to reflect the status of the order or to reflect only what is being invoiced by checking or unchecking the suppress back orders box. Checking this box will hide any backorder information.

  • Reprint Documents – If you have already printed your documents you will need to check the reprint box to get them to print again.

  • Preview – Checking this box will call up a preview screen that you can use to verify information on before processing

  • Printer – If you are using a printer other than your default printer to print you reports you will need to enter it here.

  • Invoice copies – Chose the amount of invoices that you would like to print.

Invoices can be printed at many different times in the workflow process and for the most part it is dependent on your set up as to when they will print. If you chose to create invoices at shipping you will have the option to automatically print them. Some will opt to have the AR or accounting department review, create and print them. There is a lot of flexibility on where and how you print invoices. 
Sample Invoice Below:

Order Query Change

The Order Query/Change screen enables you to view an existing order or to make changes to an order that has not been completed or cancelled. After first entering this screen you will be taken to the find order screen to choose the order that you will want to edit or change. 

The find order screen is strictly a query screen. When first entering the screen it will be blank, that is because it is waiting for you to enter information to limit your query. Pressing enter will bring up every order in your system but by entering information in the white boxes you will cull your search parameters. With parameters like customer PO and Company you can get rather specific in what you are looking for and should be able to quickly get the order you need with a little practice.
Once you find the order number that you would like to look at you can double click on the order number to bring it into the order query/change screen. 

As long as the order has the status of "New" and the order is not currently in the order-shipping screen you will be able to add or delete line items as well as make changes to the line item details, order header information or add/change shipping cost, charges and taxability.
Note: Salesperson commissions will be automatically changed as order information is changed in this screen. To view changes in commissions for a salesperson go to the View Salesperson Commission screen or review the commissions tab in the order.
The functions of the different tabs and the information in this screen have been covered in the New Order Entry section of this manual. Please refer back to that section for any questions on screen boxes or functionality. 

Order Shipping Inquiry

The Order Shipping Inquiry is one of the most underutilized screens in TRX; this screen will display the status of each line of the order queried, display shipped line items, items waiting to be shipped, Invoices and cancelled line items. Double click on any dark grey box to drill down to the supporting document.
ORD > Order Shipping Inquiry

Whenever you need to track down questions or problems that have to do with orders this is the place you should go. Everything shipping can be found here. Waybills entered at shipping are stored here, weights and freights from items box tracking and insurance charges are all visible at the order shipping query screen.

The shipments tab will tell you item by item what has shipped and when. By highlighting the item with your mouse you can get line item detail for shipping weights, insurance charges, serial numbers the warehouse it was shipped from and any extra comments made.

The On Delivery tab will provide information on items entered in our Delivery Ticket system.

Any items that have been drop shipped or put on Gen PO and received in purchasing will show up on the Purchase Orders. You will get the item name and description and the Purchase order that the item was on. The purchase order is a drill down field so you can tap into the actual document should you need to. This screen also tracks the quantity ordered vs. the quantity completed. 

If you created an invoice for this order they will be listed in the invoice tab. You are able to drill into the invoice number to see the invoice detail.

Items that have not shipped or been cancelled will populate the not shipped tab. Here you can see the individual line items status, amount shipped, and backordered.

RMA's will appear on the RMA's tab. 

Cancelled items will appear on the cancelled items tab. By highlighting the individual items you can see who cancelled them when and why.

The last tab is the notes tab this is a query view of shipment notes. The Notes tab on the Enter New Shipments screen is where you can place notes that will travel with this Shipping Record. You will be able to see when they were created and from which department they originated. You can check the public box so that all may see them, however if the notes are only for you they will only show up when it is your user ID that is accessing the record. Certain reports will report the notes that are public. 

Order Fulfillment Inquiry


Back Order Fulfillment

Cancel Order

If it becomes necessary to cancel an order which is no longer valid, you may do so in the Cancel Orders screen. Remember that once the order has been canceled, backordered items will be canceled and no items can be picked or shipped from this order. Also, once a drop ship order has been canceled, corresponding purchase orders will be canceled as well as salesperson commissions.
ORD > Cancel Order

  • Customer – enter a customer or press F9 to choose one this field can be left blank

  • Order number – enter the order number that you would like to cancel, this field must be filled in

  • Cancel date – the current will default into this screen but it can be changed

  • Cancel Reason – You must enter a cancel reason, these are pre-defined reasons you can choose one by pressing F9 for a list of options.

Copy Order

The Copy a Customer Order screen is a time saving screen, which is used when a customer places similar orders. Just copy the previous order and process as usual. This saves data entry time on Order Entry. After copying the previous order, go to the New Order Entry screen, query the order and make any necessary changes before processing the order.
This screen is very helpful when customers order multiple line items of the same products on a regular basis.
Note: Drop Ship orders cannot be copied.
ORD > Copy Orders

To use this screen you must place an order number in the Original Order # box, if you do not know it you can press F9 and choose one. Press tab and the items on that will all default into the screen below. You will not be able to make changes in this screen. The next available order number will be applied to the new order and you only have to press "copy" to create an unprocessed order. This order will open in the new order entry screen and it is here that you will be able to edit the order before processing. 

Order Document Notes

There were several situations in terms of Document Notation that require the order, invoice and purchase order to be used as a means of communication with their intended recipients. The Order Document Notes mini module was created to allow notes such as instructions or user specific tag lines to be added to documents after they had been processed which was previously not possible. Once notes are added to a document they can be reprinted and the notes will appear. Some of the highlights of the mini module are:

  • Note capability was added to orders, invoices and purchase orders

  • Templates can be made and saved to reduce entry time.

  • Templates can be either public or private.

  • Notes needed to be editable even after document processing.

The Order Document Notes screen stores the templates that can be used to create Order Document Notes.
ORD > Order Document Notes

Creating and Storing Templates

In an effort to minimize typing and order entry time we have created a F9 function that can pull in templates to the documentation notes. Instead of typing:
"Please confirm receipt of this order & advise
Shipment Date with Tracking Number by email
To bubba@bubbasbeans.com or by
Fax to 555-252-6785 Thank You!" 
On every Purchase order, you will only have to open the Document Notes, press F9 and choose the template name you assigned the note from the order entry or order query/change screen. 
The template can also be used as a template: 
"Please include the following customer information on 
all packaging slips, bills of laden, labels and invoices
This information can be stored as a template and be pulled in with F9 from the order, on the document notes tab and the user will only have to add the actual numbers by using the edit screen. To create a template:

  • Enter a code – A brief code to call the template so you do not have to type long names all the time.

  • Enter a Description - A detailed enough description so you will know what the template is for just by reading the description

  • Enter Notes - This field is just like the document notes field in order entry, you can type the note box or double click for the enter/edit format-able notes screen. The notes field only shows 2 lines for space reasons if you double click you will see the whole note. You can have up to 1000 characters per note and multiple notes per document.

  • "Print On" - Check which document you would like this document note to be eligible to print on. (Order, Purchase Order or Invoice)

  • Public – TRX will know which user is in the screen by the user ID. So by unchecking the Public box you can create notes that only a specific user can see.

Example: "INV Pay Public" will be used by anybody creating an order so it will be marked public. But "INV" will only be used by the enterprise user so that should be unchecked. - Instead of having 6 different confirmations pop up when you press F9 you will only get yours if everybody keeps their confirmation private. It is a general housekeeping function to cut down on clutter for the individual user.

  • Filters – The filters are there to help you sort through the different notes.

Press the save icon to save your note and have it as an option when you press the F9 key in order entry or order entry Query. Create Once Use Many Times 

Order Export Template

The order export template was created so the user could access data base information and export it in a text format that can be opened by excel
ORD > Order Export Template

Order RMAs

RMA's are issued for items that the customer wants to return for a variety of reasons. RMA Return Reason codes are set up first to establish a standard set of return reasons. When RMA items are received, the RMA is updated with the quantity received. Inventory quantity on hand is also increased at this time. General Ledger entries reflect the change in inventory, a credit to Accounts Receivable and debit to the Sales account. If some of the items on the RMA are not received, another RMA will be required.

Enter ORMA

The RMA Entry/Query screen is used to enter information on items being returned to your company for various reasons. This screen will assign an RMA Number (return merchandise authorization) to the items being returned; it will also assign an RMA Reason code that will show on all RMA reports. The RMA process has two parts, first you issue the authorization that may or may not be tied to a specific sales order, then on another screen, once the item(s) are shipped to your warehouse you will receive them back into inventory. - pending your reason code.
When reason codes are setup they are declared either effect inventory or not. For example if you shipped an item incorrectly you would want to restock and resell the item, however if the item was being returned because it was damaged you would not want to put it back into inventory for resale.
ORD > Order RMAs | Enter ORMA tab

  • Order Number – enter the order number that corresponds to the item being returned, this is not always necessary and is setup specific but if you do not return items specific to order you run the risk not returning the same cost that was sold

  • RMA number – this number will default in as long as you have auto numbering set for RMA's in Order setup.

  • Customer – the customer will default in with a the order but you will need to enter one if you do not choose the order number

  • Issue - you will have two option for the RMA you can do an item exchange which will allow you to bring the item back and open the order so you may edit it by adding another item. Or do a RMA credit which will allow you to create a credit memo (it does not auto create the credit memo, that must be done in AR) and apply it to the RMA. choose from the drop down menu box 'Exchange' or 'Credit'

  • RMA Date - defaults in as the current date, but may be changed

  • Date Expected – the date the item being returned is expected.

  • Date received – If the RMA has a receipt posted against it the date the last item was received will show in this box

  • RMA Status – The current status of this RMA will show here; CMP – complete, CAN – cancelled, OK-open

  • Ship Via - If the method of return shipment is known, enter it in this field

  • Ship To – The address the items will be shipped to.

  • Comments - If you have any comments that you need to travel with the RMA paperwork you can place them here.

Items To Be Returned

  • Item – where you enter the item to be returned, press F9 for a list of values

  • Return Quantity - the amount of items that you are returning

  • Unit of measure - will default in as the unit shipped

  • Warehouse – the warehouse the item is being returned to

  • RMA Reason – choose your RMA reason or Press F9 for a list of values, the reason is necessary as some reasons are setup to adjust inventory and some like broken will not as you do not want broken items being put back on the shelf to be returned.

The RMA process is a two-step process; in this screen you create the Return Merchandise Authorization for the items that will be returned and print and save it. You will need to go to Receive Customer RMA when the customer returns the merchandise to receive it.

Query ORMA

After a Customer has been issue the RMA authorization they will send the item back to you. When the item is received you should go to the Receive Customers RMA screen to accept the item into inventory. An RMA reason is applied to the return here and that reason will decide how the RMA should affect inventory. Some reasons such as Broken and item not shipped should not be restocked to inventory where as others like wrong item should.
ORD > Order RMAs | Query ORMA tab

  • RMA Number – an RMA number is issued when the RMA is created, placing that number in this box will pull up all information created in the issuing screen

Order Number, Customer, RMA date, Credit or Debit information, RMA status and date expected all default in form the issuing of the RMA.

  • Comments – Any comments that you would like to make on the RMA can be made here and they will print on the lower left hand corner of the last page to the RMA.

  • Ship Via – the means of shipping can be changed

  • Date Received – the date the RMA was received can be changed here.

  • Actual returned – this is where you enter the amount that were actually returned by the customer

  • RMA reason – this is where you can assign a reason to why the item is being returned, there is significance to this reason as it will dictate whether the item is placed back into inventory for resale or not.

Once information has been entered you can press the lightning bolt to process it and finalize the receipt. 

Salespersons and Commissions

The Salesperson and Commission section of the orders menu must be completed prior to the entry of new customers in order for the correct commission and salesperson information to appear on the orders. There are six setup tabs within this screen that control a sales person's commissions and access to various screens. Any person that will be eligible to create sales orders, projects or operate the POS register must be setup as a sales person.

Sales Person Entry/Query

The Salesperson Entry/ Query screen is used to set up all salespeople within your company. This must be done prior to entering customer information since a default salesperson will be established for each customer. Default commission percentages and commission accrual accounts and Buyers are also established within this screen.
ORD > Salesperson and Commissions > Salesperson entry/query 

To start entering a salesperson you should place your cursor on an open Salesperson Number box or press the insert record icon  to create an open field.

  • Salespersons Number – the sales person number can be an alpha or numeric code that will represent the salesperson on all AR entry fields.

  • First & Last Name – This will be the real first or last name of the sales person and it will populate into the description box whenever you use the salesperson code.

Pressing tab or enter after typing the last name will take you to the commission tab. The "active" check box will default to the checked position. Un-checking this box will cause the salespersons code not to be available when you use the F9 button for a list of variables for salespersons fields, you will not be able to remove a salesperson that has a sales history only make them inactive.

  • Accrual Account – Here you will place the default commission accrual account, this account is usually a cost of goods sold expense account for commissions

  • Expense account – This is the expense account for commissions and quite often is the same as the accrual account.

Note: The Accrual and Expense accounts will default in from the order entry setup screen; if they are not set up there they should be setup at this time. They can be changed if needed.

  • Commission percent – This is where you would add the commission percent for regular inventory orders for that salesperson.

  • D/S Commission percent – You have the option of setting a separate commission rate for drop ship orders.

Note: 10.0000 would represent a ten percent commission.

After adding your commissions and entering you will be taken to the contacts tab. Here you will enter:

  • Phone – the salespersons phone number

  • Fax - the salespersons fax

  • Email address – The salespersons email address.

The buyer XREF is the next Tab; it is here that you can assign a default buyer to a salesperson. On a drop ship or gen PO order there is a PO details tab. On that tab a buyer is declared. If you would like a buyer to default in to that field for a salesperson this is where you would set that up. A buyer is required in the PO screen, and it can be changed if needed.

  • Buyer – Buyers must be setup in purchasing special functions ahead of time, in the buyer field you can type in the buyer code or press the f9 for a list of options.

The next tab you will be directed to is the POS tab this is where you can set up a salesperson's POS permissions.

  • Password – Some will elect to have their POS systems password protected, this allows for tighter user tracking when multiple people are using the same register. Individual passwords for POS are set up and stored here.

  • Max Discount – You have the ability to set individual max discounts for each POS user. In this field enter the discount that you would like to give the salesperson.

  • Cash Out – Give this user the permission to handle register cash outs

  • Close register – Here you can give the user permissions required to close the register.

  • Accept Returns - Checking this box gives permissions to accept returns

The last two tabs that you will need to fill out for the salesperson are the comments and the Invoice comments tabs.

  • Comments – Here you can enter comments about the sales person.

  • Invoice Comments - If the salesperson would like personalized comments to print on Invoices they can add them here.

Items Commission Entry/Query

The Items Commission Entry/ Query screen is used to enter and view items that have a specified commission percentage. The commission amount set up in this screen for each item will default into the Order Entry screen when entering new order information. This will override any calculated commissions that you have applied in order entry.
ORD > Salespersons and Commissions > Items Commissions and Entry

This screen will allow you to set Spiffs or item specific specials for your sales people, anytime one of these items is placed on an order the commission percent listed here will override any other commission calculations.

  • Item – the item with the special commission attached to it, you can type it directly or press F9 for a list of items – the description will default in.

  • Commission Calculation – select which calculation method you would like to use from the drop down list, there are several to choose from.

  • Amount - If there is a specific commission amount you can enter it here.

  • Gross Margin Modifier – It a Gross Margin Modifier is required for the commission calculation you would enter that amount here.

Pricing Schedule

One of the biggest time savers in all of TRX Enterprise is price rules. Price rules coupled with the Auto Quotes interface can cut hours out of the workweek for an average company. It used to be that you would get a price sheet from a manufactures, have to look up the item, change the cost and figure your new price. This had to be done hundreds of times for a manufacturer. That does not take into account your special price sheets for high volume and contract customers that had to be created, and item labels that had to be printed for the showroom floor. The amount of manpower needed to constantly keep your inventory current still was not the biggest issue. Because every minute your inventory was not updated, your profit margin was walking out the door. 
This scenario goes the way of the dinosaur with TRX Enterprise. Now with a click of a button you can take a digital file from the Auto Quotes manufacturer updates, and within minutes, update a whole manufacture. With proper price rule setup and management those updates will instantly hit the showroom floor, sales force and project teams updating all pricing for volume customers and walk-ins alike; protecting your company's margin from walking out the door. You can even print new item labels based off the manufacturers price update. All this before you finish the morning coffee. 
In this section we will cover the theory and mechanics behind setting up price rules in TRX Enterprise. 

Section one: Price rule initial setup

Section two: Price Rule Theory

Section three: Setting up Price Rules

Section One: Price rule initial setup

Before you can start creating price rules you need to put some thought into your initial setup. There are two very important decisions you have to make that will tell TRX enterprise how to handle conflicts that will arise. By recognizing these decisions as hard fast rules you develop logic for your price rules that will be easy to understand and maintain. 

  1. Resolving conflicts lowest price vs. highest price -The concept is simple you, have two or more price rules for an item, one could be for the manufacturer and the other could be customer type and Item. Which one should TRX use? In this setup function you set a system wide rule declaring that either the highest or lowest price should be used.

Note: We only recommend using the lowest price to resolve conflicts when using the AQ Interface. This tutorial will be written with only low price logic explained so as not to create confusion. If you must choose the highest price to resolve conflicts, you do so at your own risk!
Enforce contract pricing over price rules – A contract price is considered a "Customer / Item" or a "Customer Type/Item" rule. These rules were created with special priority capability for times when an actual pre-arranged price contract with a client exists and it is NOT the lowest price rule. Checking yes allows the TRX user to maintain margins in this situation. By checking this box any customer / item rule will trump all other rules to preserve contract pricing integrity. 

Section 2: Price Rule Theory

When you first start setting up TRX and you start looking at the task of creating price rules it can look a bit overwhelming. You have a lot of items and manufactures and you may need different rules for sales orders, POS and volume. Coming up with a strategy can seem very daunting. This section is meant to give you a framework or thought process to organize your plan of attack. This is not by any means the only way to create price rules, but it is a starting point if you do not have one.
When you update your manufacturers through auto quotes you are getting new costs basis and list prices. If you create rules that work off of either one of these your TRX selling price and volume breaks will automatically update across the system when you update price rules.

  1. In order to set rules up we recommend resolving pricing conflicts to lowest price.

  2. Also, we recommend contract pricing supersede other price rules. By doing this we create an ability to have certain clients set up with static pricing if we need it.

  3. Then, base your price rules off of % mark down from list pricing. You gain better control over profit margins if mark down from list. When you mark up from cost (average, standard or last) you run the risk of penalizing the company for good purchasing and passing on that lower cost. With proper use of the Purchase assistant and PO generator you should see more inventory cost savings then before through lower on hand quantities while maintaining customer service levels.

Now that you have set up a frame, you should try to visualize your price rules and kind of a sifter. You can break the fifteen pricing types into three basic levels.

  1. The first level is general rules that cover large amounts of items. You will want to use these rules to set a base line pricing for your inventory. There is manufacturer list pricing that you get through auto quotes and then there is your list pricing that you pass to your average customer, this level should set the latter. The key here is to use broad strokes, a few rules as possible to cover everything at this level. The best rules to use to set these are:

  • Manufacture – recommended for ease of management

  • Item Category

  • Customer Type

  • Customer Type / Item Category

     2. Because you have made the choice resolve conflicting rules by lowest price you can set your list pricing and then "pull down" pricing to the second level for volume customers, volume vendors, items you need to move or stock a lot of. The second level is what you should spend time managing. These rules should be more liquid as you spot and adjust for inventory and sales trends. The best rules for this task should be:

  • Customer / Item category

  • Manufacturer/Class

  • Manufacturer/Category

  • Item Class

  • Customer / Item Class

  • Customer types / Items Class

  • Customer

     3. The final and lowest level should be "specialty" rules. Unless you have a lot of contract pricing you should not have many of these rules. This is your lowest level of pricing so they should be few and very specific. Contract pricing would fall into this group if you have pricing set to override. Also item specific rules and flyer pricing would fall here, but you do not want many of these as they are laborious to manage. Rules types best suited for this level:

  • Item

  • Customer / Item - Contract Pricing

  • Customer Type / Item – Contract Pricing

     4. There is a fourth type of rule but it does not fall into the leveling system these are the time-dated rules. They are created the same way as other rules but they have start and stop dates. They are used mainly for buying group sheets or special manufacturer deals. By setting your prices to mark down from list you can give special level three prices "sales" for when you do buy a boatload from China and the rules will automatically terminate at a predetermined time so you do not run the risk of missing rule change and loosing margin.

This was intended to be an example of how to set up a pricing rule structure and is by no means the only way. Every company has a different philosophy on pricing and we have designed our price rules to accommodate as many of them as we could. Instructions on how to create a price rule are in section 3. 

Section 3: setting up price rules

In this section we will explain how to create a price rule in TRX.
ORD > Order Entry Special Functions > Pricing Schedule

Go to ORD > Order Entry Special Functions > Pricing Schedule, you will see the above screen and your cursor will default into the start date.

  • Start Date – you will fill in a date if your price rule is to have a starting and ending date if there is not to be an ending date you do not need a starting date. This is used for specials, like buying group flyers. If this rule is meant to be perpetual you can leave it blank.

  • End Date – If the price rule will expire you can put the expiration date here.

Note: TRX Enterprise has a cancel expired price rules screen so you do not have search to delete expired price rules that will clutter up your system. 
Next you will be taken to the Pricing type pull down menu; it is here that you will declare what type of price rule you are creating. You have thirteen types of rules to choose from.

Pricing Number

Pricing Type




Very Specific Price rule for only one customer If conditions exists that a single customer has special pricing, this is your rule. Otherwise, stay away from Specific rules to handle broad categories of pricing.



Very Generic Price rule and could be difficult to manage



Broad based price rule easier to manage. Be careful not to create a rule too low as we will always resolve to the lowest price


Customer / Item

Contract Pricing that is labor intensive to manage. Use with caution only when true contract pricing exists


Customer / Item_Category

Used for Customer specific price rules that differ by category of inventory Preferred over CUSTOMER



Farther reaching than CUSTOMER alone but unlikely to fit complex pricing into one box.


Customer_Type / Item_Category

Preferred method due to the ability to handle many different customers in a customer type as well as many different categories of inventory


Customer_Type / Item

Use sparingly.


Customer_Type / Manufacturer

Another Preferred method due to the ability to handle many different customers in a customer type as well as manufacturer specific inventory


Item Class

Use sparingly


Customer / Item Class

Use sparingly


Customer Type / Item Class

Not bad but you must have a solid Class structure for your items.



Newest price rule that is excellent for setting a base line for the highest prices we will charge for walk in customers. This rule makes sure you will not charge too much on the sales floor but can be easily overridden by customer_type for those doing more volume.

After choosing your price rule type the screen has logic that will grey out any box that is not needed to create the rule. We do this so not to confuse the user and eliminate the possibility of a rule creation problem. All of your possible option boxes have F9 search capabilities for ease of use. The rule quantifiers include.

  • Customer

  • Item Category

  • Item

  • Item Class

  • Category Type

  • Manufacturer

Choose your rule quantifiers and then you are taken to the comments box it is here that you can make notes for yourself about this price rule. This comment will only available on this screen.
     In steps 1 – 5 you defined who the price rule would affect. The remaining setup will determine how it affects the price. Once you finish entering the comments you will be taken to the Low quantity box.
Low Quantity – this will determine at what break the price rule will take effect. You can set your price to change at different sales levels. The first time through this will most likely be one, but you can change the discount at different levels. (Ex 1-10 gets a 10% discount 11-     1000 gets 20%) 
Note: the system will set the high quantity for you. If you put a 1in low quantity, the high qty will be 999999, if you add a level at 10; the first row will become 1-9, the second row 10-999999. We do this to avoid holes and conflicts within price rules. 

  • Price Rule – After you choose the level you get to choose the price rule.

  • Calc Factor – the calculation factor is probably the single most confusing part of price rules, instead of explaining I will give an example: All scenarios have the same variables:

    • Cost = $50.00

    • Price = $100.00

    • Calc factor = 10.00

Price Rule


New Price

% Markup from cost using multiplier

Cost + (cost *10%)


% Markup from cost using Divisor



% Mark down from price

Price – (price*10%)


$ Mark up from cost

Cost + $10.00


$ Mark down from price

Price - $10.00


Actual price

Calc factor


This can be confusing so it is important to be sure of what you are setting up. You can check your resulting price in the results tab.

  • Price Override – This is equivalent to setting an actual price rule, if you want the price to be 19.95 put it in the price override box

  • Cost indicator – Your items have three possible costs indicators, and they are the same as your inventory warehouse. You also choose a cost indicator for your inventory in inventory set up. Choices are:

  • Calculated (AVG, Lifo, Fifo) inventory costing methods

  • Last cost – cost on the last PO

  • Standard cost – you can set standard cost in the warehouse.

  • Cost override – if you choose you can override those three choice and choose the cost

Note: We do not recommend the use of price or cost override in your price rules.

Finally, after choosing who you were going to affect and how you wanted to affect them you can see what you did to them. The results tab will show you each item the price rule affected and how the rule affected it. It is here you spot check the rule to make sure it is set up correctly. If it is a cost-based rule each warehouse could have a separate cost, you can spot check by warehouse.
Note: Spot-Checking prices by warehouse is only for reference. The rule is based on the warehouse cost (Calculated, STD or Last) of the warehouse that will ship the item. 

Expired Price Rules

Price rules have the ability to be time sensitive. They can be created for buying group specials or inventory stock reductions and have a definite start and stop date. Once a price rule has expired it will not automatically remove itself as you may want to renew it. So you will have to manually delete it and this process can be accomplished in the Expired Price Rules screen by adding an as of date and if needed a specific customer type and pressing the Remove Expired Price rules icon. You will be given a report of the price rules that you deleted so that you may verify and then asked if you would like to delete them.
ORD > Price Rules > Expired Price Rules

  • Customer type – enter a customer type that you would like to expire price rules for

  • AS of – Enter the date of any rule you would like to clear, TRX will delete any rules that expired as of the date you entered.


The order module has a variety of reports that printed out to give various views on performance. 
Print an order
Open orders
Orders by Day
Open Items
Shipping Detail
Back Ordered Items
Cancel Orders
RMA Reports
Pricing Report
Customer Item History
Under shipments

Order Dashboard

Print an Order

The Print an Order Report will print a report listing all orders processed or just the order numbers you have entered.
ORD > Reports > Print an Order 

  • Starting and Ending Order – This report can be pulled by an order or a range of orders. Leaving these fields blank will make all orders eligible.

  • Starting and Ending Date – you can choose a beginning or ending date to print this report by, or choose a quick date from the pull down menu to populate a set date in. Leaving these fields blank will print all dates.

  • Show Item Costs on report – Checking this box will include the costs on the order printout

  • Show Commissions On Report – checking this box will list out a salespersons commissions per item

  • Include POS orders – Some may want POS orders on sheets others may not.

Note: To print the Company name on the order you must check the box "Company on Address" on the Customer Entry/Query screen, contact section.

Open Orders

The Open Orders Report lists all orders that have not been completed (fully shipped). For each order, the report lists the status of the order, customer name and number, and line item details. This report should be monitored on a regular basis to make sure there are no outstanding obligations not being tended to.
ORD > Reports > Open Orders

  • Use – the sales orders on a report can be listed by order date, requested date or expirations date and the drop down menu will let you choose.

  • Starting and Ending Date – you can choose a beginning or ending date to print this report by, or choose a quick date from the pull down menu to populate a set date in. Leaving these fields blank will print all dates.

  • Starting and ending customers – This report can be pulled by a customer or a range of customers, leaving these fields blank will make all customers eligible. You also have the option of creating and saving lists of customers for quick reports.

  • Starting and Ending Sales person – This report can be pulled by a salesperson or a range of salespeople, leaving these fields blank will make all reports by any salesperson eligible and lists can be created and stored.

  • Starting and Ending Order number – This report can be printed by sales order number or a range of sales order numbers.

  • AR Subledger – When using the branch system different branches will be assigned different accounts, here you can choose if you would like to pull this report by a specific AR account.

  • Warehouse – Which warehouse should this report be printed for.

  • Sort By – this report output can be sorted by order number, salesperson, customer or date.

  • Summary Only – check this box if you do not want to see order line item detail.

  • Sort by – The sort by field will allow you to decide how the report output will be ordered. Options are date, customer name, customer number or salesperson.

  • Print line item comments – If the summary icon is not checked you have the option to get any line item comments that are on the order to print.

  • Gross Profit not printed on the Report – If you do not want gross profit information on this report you must check this box.

  • Include order notes – If public notes have been created on this order they will print on this report.

  • Exclude drop shipments - By checking this box drop shipment will excluded from this report.

  • Exclude incomplete Orders – Incomplete orders are orders that are marked as partial ship allowed and have backordered lines.


Orders by Day

The open orders by day report has been changed to be more of an "order origination report" it will list out all the orders that were created within a time frame and the status of that order. The purpose of that report is to give an at a glance view of the activity of salespeople during a time frame of your choosing. This report can also be used to aide in the creation and double-checking of commission reports or as sales meeting material. 
ORD > Reports > Orders by Day

  • Starting and Ending Date – you can choose a beginning or ending date to print this report by, or choose a quick date from the pull down menu to populate a set date in. Leaving these fields blank will print all dates.

  • Starting and ending salesperson – This report can be printed by salesperson or range of salespeople, you can create a custom list of salespeople that you can save using the list function or you can leave blank for all salespeople

  • Sort By – This report can be sorted by Order number, Order status or Salesperson

  • Show Detail –Checking this box will give you the detail of the transactions

Report contains the order number and date of the order creation. Order status cost and margin will also display and you also get a daily breakdown. This is meant to be a snap shot of sales in a time frame. 

Open Items

The open items report will give you a print out of any items in your system that have not shipped and the order that they are on. An order is considered open in TRX if the items on it have not shipped and that is tracked on the line item status. 
ORD > Reports > Open Items

Note: Invoicing does not factor into an order being open; an order status is only affected by shipping - AR and inventory do not mix in TRX.
Starting and Ending Order Date – you can choose a beginning or ending date of the order to print this report by, or choose a quick date from the pull down menu to populate a set date in. Leaving these fields blank will print all dates.

  • Starting and Ending Order – This report can be pulled by an order or a range of orders. Leaving these fields blank will make all orders eligible.

  • Classification – This report can also be pulled by Inventory Class, all defined classes will be on the pull down menu.

  • Starting and Ending Item– This report can be pulled by an item or a range of items, leaving these fields blank will make all reports by any item eligible.

This report gives the items that are open and the orders that they are on. This report should be printed regularly to make sure that all items are being shipped or being processed as shipped in TRX. 

Shipping Detail

The Shipping Detail Report lists the details of what was shipped for a specific period and/or warehouse. The report includes the date, order number, customer number, item description, quantity shipped, selling price and extended selling price. 
ORD > Reports > Shipping Detail

  • Starting and Ending Date – you can choose a beginning or ending date to print this report by, or choose a quick date from the pull down menu to populate a set date in. Leaving these fields blank will print all dates.

  • Starting and Ending Category– This report can be pulled by an item's category or a range of categories, leaving these fields blank will pull from all item categories

  • Starting and Ending Warehouse– This report can be pulled by an item's warehouse or a range of warehouses, leaving these fields blank will pull from all warehouses defined in TRX

  • Starting and Ending Salesperson - This report can be pulled by an item's salesperson or a range of salespeople, leaving these fields blank will pull from all salespeople defined in TRX

  • Subtotal by- This report can be subtotaled by ware house, shipment type or you can choose not to subtotal it.


Back Ordered Items

Back ordered items are items that have been ordered but you do not have in inventory to ship to the client. Drop ship orders will show as backordered because they will need to come directly from the vendor to the client. The Back Order Reports comes in two different flavors; By Item and By Order. Each report lists the Customer, Order and Item details. The type report selected determines how the report will be sorted.
ORD > Reports > Back Orders Report | Back Orders tab

  • Base Date On – The back orders on a report can be listed by order date, requested date or expirations date and the drop down menu will let you choose.

  • Starting and Ending Order Date – This report can be queried by the date of order or all orders within a date range. Leaving the fields blank will choose all orders.

  • Classification – This report can also be pulled by Inventory Class, all defined classes will be on the pull down menu.

  • Starting and Ending Item– This report can be pulled by an item or a range of items, leaving these fields blank will make all reports by any item eligible.

After making your selections press the print icon. 


Back orders by Item

This report can also be sorted by items. One of the bigger differences between the item and the order back order reports is the item report will give you the amount that are ordered but yet to be received which is more beneficial for the purchasing department.
ORD > Reports > Back order Reports | Back Orders By Items tab

  • Starting and Ending Sales person – This report can be pulled by a salesperson or a range of salespersons, leaving these fields blank will make all orders by any salesperson eligible.

  • Starting and Ending customers – This report can be pulled by a customer or a range of customers, leaving these fields blank will make all customers eligible.

  • Starting and Ending Item– This report can be pulled by an item or a range of items, leaving these fields blank will make all reports by any item eligible

  • Starting and Ending Order – This report can be queried by an order or a range of orders. Leaving these fields blank will pull from all orders.

  • Subtotal By – you can choose what parameter this order will subtotal by: Customer, Order, Item or Salesperson, plus there is a check box for page breaks between subtotals.

  • Exclude on order records – checking this box will exclude any items that are on order (on a PO)


RMA Reports

There are several reports that can be used to disseminate the information from the RMA process.

ORD > Reports > RMA Reports | Open RMA's

  • Starting and Ending Warehouse– This report can be pulled by an item's warehouse or a range of warehouses, leaving these fields blank will pull from all warehouses defined in TRX.


ORD > Reports > RMA Reports | RMA Receivings

Use this repot to get a report of items that have been on RMA's and received back into inventory.

  • Starting and ending customers – This report can be pulled by a customer or a range of customers, leaving these fields blank will make all customers eligible.

  • Starting and Ending Date – you can choose a beginning or ending date to print this report by, or choose a quick date from the pull down menu to populate a set date in. Leaving these fields blank will print all dates.


ORD > Reports > RMA Reports | Summaries by Item, Reason, and Customer

  • Starting and Ending Item– This report can be pulled by an item or a range of items, leaving these fields blank will make all reports by any item eligible.

  • Starting and Ending Date – you can choose a beginning or ending date to print this report by, or choose a quick date from the pull down menu to populate a set date in. Leaving these fields blank will print all dates

  • Print Items that have been returned ___ or more times – by placing a number in the blank space you will only see items that get returned frequently or more then the number you have chosen. Good for finding items that get returned a lot and tracking down the reason why.

  • Print Detail version of this report – Check box to print out the details associated with the items that were received.

RMA Reports can also be printed by Customer, Item and Reason. 

ORD > Reports > RMA Reports | Cancelled RMA's

Canceled Orders

The cancelled orders report was created specifically to get a printout of all orders that were cancelled in TRX. 
ORD > Reports > Canceled Orders

Note: An unprocessed order that gets deleted is not canceled because it never officially became an order.

  • Starting and Ending Date – you can choose a beginning or ending date to print this report by, or choose a quick date from the pull down menu to populate a set date in. Leaving these fields blank will print all dates.

  • Starting and Ending customers – This report can be pulled by a customer or a range of customers, leaving these fields blank will make all customers eligible.

  • Starting and Ending Reason – This report can be pulled by cancel reason or a range of cancel reasons. Every cancelled order must be assigned a predefined cancel reason


Pricing Report

The pricing report is sometimes also known as the price rules reports as will give a printed out break down of your price rules.
ORD > Reports > Price Rules Report

  • Starting and Ending Pricing type – This report can be pulled by a price rule type or a range of price rule types. Price rules are covered in depth in the Price Rules section.

  • Starting and Ending Item– This report can be pulled by an item or a range of items, leaving these fields blank will make all reports by any item eligible.

  • Starting and Ending Category– This report can be pulled by an item's category or a range of categories, leaving these fields blank will pull from all item categories

  • Starting and ending customers – This report can be pulled by a customer or a range of customers, leaving these fields blank will make all customers eligible.

  • Starting and ending Customer type – you can print this report by customer type or a range of customer types; leave this field blank for all customer types.

  • Starting and Ending Class – This report can also be pulled by Inventory Class; when left blank all defined classes will be on the pull down menu.

  • Manufacturer – this report can be created for a single manufacturer.

  • Starting and Ending Date – This report can be queried by a date or a range of dates. Leaving these fields blank will pull all orders

  • Sort By – Here you choose how you would like this report to sort by: Price Rule, Customer, Item and Item Category.

The report gives you Price Rule information for the parameters that you have chosen this is a good report to run to find and trouble shoot problems. 

Customer Item History

Whenever you need to see a report of your customer's purchases you can revert to the Customer Item History Report. It can be pulled by date and customer and will sort the purchase history by the customer's ship to addresses.
ORD > Reports > Customer Item History Report 

  • Starting and Ending Date – you can choose a beginning or ending date to print this report by, or choose a quick date from the pull down menu to populate a set date in. Leaving these fields blank will print all dates.

  • Starting and ending customers – This report can be pulled by a customer or a range of customers, leaving these fields blank will make all customers eligible.


Order Entry Special Functions

The Order Entry Special Functions section of the menu is used to set up mandatory sections of the Orders module. Pricing and RMA information is specified within the special function menu items and the basic order entry defaults are created in the Order Entry Setup screen. 

ORD Definitions

Ship Via Codes


The Customer Territories maintenance screen is used to set up all territories that your company will be conducting business in. These codes can be used to identify what area a customer is located in geographically. When setting up your territories think in terms of geographic sales strategy, as all of our sales reports can be pulled by territories. Set up your territories in a way that will display your sales data so that you can make informed decisions. At least one territory must be set up and it will be used in customer and customer template set up. 
ORD > ORD Special Functions > Territories 

This screen is a simple definitions screen in it you will just setup codes for various territories and define them. 

  • Territory - Enter a code for your territory that will be used on customer setup and customer template set up.

  • Description – Enter the description for that code.

  • Press F10 or the save icon to save data

RMA Reasons

RMA or Return Materials Authorization refers to the process of returning items into inventory that were issue via shipping. RMA administration typically requires the company receiving the goods to identify the goods, reimburse the person who returned the goods, and finally to sort the materials into inventory or scrap. The RMA Reason Codes screen is used to set up codes that will be used when issuing RMA's for returned items and whether these codes will effect inventory or not. 
ORD > Special Functions > RMA Reasons

  • RMA Reason – code to be used for this RMA reason

  • Adjust Inventory Quantity – check box if inventory should be adjusted when receiving the returned item. You wouldn't want a broken item being resold but the wrong item is should be restocked

  • Warehouse - . When entering a new RMA line item if the RMA reason code has a warehouse associated with it we will automatically use that warehouse for the RMA line. This will set a default reason per warehouse and it can be change.

  • Description – description of this RMA reason

Cancel Reasons

Cancel order reasons are a very basic setup table that handles one specific function: Letting you know why an order was cancelled. The cancel reasons will be entered in the cancel reasons screen in ORD > ORD Special Functions > cancel reasons. You will have the ability to cancel orders, but every cancel order must have a reason, it is needed for reporting. So you will always be able to look up which orders were cancelled when and why. 

  • A reason code - a short 1 -7 alpha numeric code for the canceling of an order

  • Description – A description of what the code means.


Order Classes

The Order Class Entry screen provides users with the capability of grouping orders together and assigning specific sales and cost of goods sold general ledger account based on the category that an order is assigned to.
ORD > Special Functions > Order Class Entry Query

This screen is the order entry version of project types, it will allow you to create a class that will change the GL codes of an order and allow for tracking of order classifications on the Balance sheet and income statement.

  • Class Code – Assign a short code to represent the class

  • Description – field that will populate into reports that will describe the code

  • Sales account – Must be a defined GL sales account, can be specifically assigned to this order class, searchable through F9

  • Include on Invoices and AR –check this box if you want the order class to show Invoices and other AR reports.

  • COGS Account – Must be a defined COGS GL account, can be specifically assigned to this order class, searchable through F9.

Delivery Routes

The delivery route screen is where your delivery routes are defined. Once it is defined in this screen the delivery route will show on the F9 list of values on any delivery route field. If you do not intend on setting up any delivery routes you will still have to create at least one to be used as a default in AR. When creating a new customer you will have the option of assigning a default delivery route to each shipping contact. So each customer can be assigned to multiple routes and the route that defaults on to the order will be decided by the shipping contact that is declared on the new order entry-shipping tab. When order routing is set up pick tickets can be set up to print by daily routes.
ORD > ORD Special Functions > Delivery Routes

You can set up an infinite number of routes in TRX but at the very least you should have one. If you do not intend on using routes just set up one called route and leave the day scheduled to any. To set up a route:

  • Route – This is where you type in the route code

  • Description - This description should be descriptive enough that you know which route it is by reading it.

  • Scheduled Day – this is a pull down menu that will allow you to pick the any day of the week that this route will be scheduled

Note: If there are no remaining blank lines when creating a shift press the insert record icon on the tool bar and one will be opened for you.  To remove a shift, highlight it with the cursor then press the delete icon. 


User Defined Validation

The User Defined Validation Setup screen is used to create codes for the user-defined fields that were set up in Order Entry Setup under the flex fields' tab. For each field that was set up and defined as a validated field (validate check box is checked in the flex field setup screen), set up a list of valid codes. This list of codes will become the list of values for the user-defined field.
ORD > Special Functions > User Defined Validation Setup

Once an order flex field has the validation field checked you will be able to open this screen to create the list of options. These are the options that will be available during a F9 search. If the flex field is listed as a validated field an entry will be required at order entry.

  • Select the User Defined Field from the drop down menu box that you would like to setup options for

  • Enter a Code – short code for easy access

  • Description – describe the code.

Order Entry Setup

Every module has a control screen that allows you to choose how TRX Enterprise™ will function for your company. It is these screens that will mold TRX to suit your operating style and niche markets. We will give a brief overview of each option you have so that you may be able to make a somewhat informed decision for your company setup. Some setups are more involved than others but all will require that you put some thought into how orders should flow through your company. Most decisions can be changed upon, during and after training period as needed.
ORD > Ordering Special Functions > Order Setup

  • Automatically number Customer Orders - Would you like for TRX to automatically number your customer orders. By checking the box TRX will auto number your orders, you may want to choose a different range of numbers than you are using for your purchase orders.

    • Next Order Number – this is where you add the next order number in your sequence. It is important that no two order numbers are the same you will get error messages if they are so you need to start your range after the last known order number in TRX.

  • Automatically number RMA's - The ORD return merchandise authorizations (RMA) are used to return customer merchandise back into inventory. We require a unique number on each one to maintain your audit trail we advise that you allow TRX to auto number.

    • Next RMA number - This is where you would add the next RMA number in your sequence.

  • Always include manufacturer's part number on Pick ticket - By checking this box the manufacturer's part number will display on the pick ticket.

  • Non Stocked Items on Proforma invoice - In TRX you can create a Proforma Invoice which can best be described as a delivery receipt with prices. This is not a formal invoice. Would you like those Proforma invoices to have non-stocked items on them so they will appear to be more like the regular invoice?

  • Create Work Orders - If you will be utilizing the production module in TRX and you check this box TRX will automatically create work orders for items that are ordered that have the attribute manufactured checked on the attributes tab. Assuming a Bill of material for the manufactured item exists.

  • Multiple Salesperson - TRX will calculate commissions for the salesperson of record for an order, however by checking this box you will have the option to split the commission among multiple salespeople. When this option is activated a new tab will appear on an order that will allow you to split commission for the order.

  • Manufacturer Rebates - Checking this box will activate the manufacturers rebate option.

  • Using external shipping software - TRX had an interface with UPS World Ship

  • Allow over shipping - By checking this box you will be allowing your shipping department to ship more items then were actually ordered. Please note this is a default setting not a global one. This function is actually controlled from customer setup, this just sets the default for new customers, and it can be changed on a customer-by-customer basis.

  • Default Partial Ship Value – All orders have allow a partial shipments box, that box will default to not being checked if this box is left unchecked.

  • Copy order comments to invoices - Would you like the comments on order to be printed on the invoice? This does not refer to the line item comments as they are controlled by the individual line but rather is for the comments for the whole order that are found on the comments tab.

  • Default salesperson as a buyer - This will affect Drop ship PO's only, if this box is checked when a drop ship PO is created the salesperson will also be placed as the buyer. The drop ship order creates the PO; therefore unless you have a specific reason to have a certain buyer listed you will probably want to check this box

  • Update Order w/shipping amounts from Invoicing - If this box is checked and you are using the edit invoice selection screen, the changes that you make to the invoice shipping amount and cost will write back to the sales order.

  • Update Order w/Install amounts from Invoicing - If this box is checked and you are using the edit invoice selection screen, the changes that you make to the invoice install amount and cost will write back to the sales order.

  • Suppress Backorders on Packing Slips and Invoices – If this box is checked you will get invoices and packing slips that print out without any reference to back orders.

  • House Sales Person -The house sales person is the default salesperson for orders, this is not mandatory but you can set a salesperson to default in for in house orders if needed.

  • Update cost from inventory when shipping and invoicing- This has to do with commissions and sales analysis. Your inventory costs are constantly changing due to vendor price changes and deals. This question determines if commission and profitability of an order is determined at the time the order is placed or at the time it is shipped and invoiced. Checking this box could be an issue as the salesperson will know what his order said when it was created and if you write back changes in cost that happened from the time the order was created to invoice there will be discrepancies that you will need to explain.

  • Route Step Name – Routing is due to be removed in version 3.2.2 so this is irrelevant.

  • PO Cost indicator – You have options on what cost will show on the purchase order: Vendor Price - Standard cost - Calculated (avg, Lifo, Fifo) – GM cost setting – Last

  • Default credit Limit - This is the default credit limit for all new customers that are created. You can specify an amount, choose no credit by entering a zero amount or leave blank for unlimited credit.

  • Resolve price rule conflicts by using - Two options: Highest rule or Lowest Rule When you create price rules there will be conflicts, as an example an item can be effected by a manufacturers rule (it's a True item) but also by a customer type rule (it's a wholesale customer). This scenario will lead to two different possible prices, which should TRX choose, the higher or lower price? We highly recommend choosing to resolve conflicts with the lowest price rule. When we teach price rules we will be using this as the best practice method and all our examples will be geared this way to make understanding easier.

  • Enforce contract Pricing - You have the ability to turn on contract pricing, when this is checked the customer/item rule will trump all other rules. The theory is if it is a contract price for a customer that is their price whether it is higher or lower. This are tedious to setup. Do you need protected contract pricing rules?


  • Default order type: When entering a new order the system needs to default to an order type this is where you will chose what it should be.

  • Forward customer type: We have freight forwarding capabilities in TRX this box will allow you to set the customer type that will be a freight forwarder. Freight forwarders are middlemen in international shipping. Your customer may be in Dubai but you use a shipping company in Miami. Both need to be on your order the shipping company in Miami will be your freight forwarder and designated so with the customer type you set up here.

  • Default Email Templates For New Orders – In the SYS menu there is an Email Controls Menu and within that an email templates setup. Here you can create a template or form letter that will automatically generate and email to any one of those three contacts.

  • Price Rule Rounding Option – There are two options here, you can choose to use the system rounding rules so whatever the price comes up to will display or you may choose to always round to a certain cents like .99 or .49.

  • Default Line item Comment Print options – here you can set the defaults for comments and where they should print. You can choose to have comments automatically print to picking tickets, packing slips and invoices by checking the box. These are just defaults and can be over ridden.

  • Require Order Numbers for RMA's - When creating an RMA you can require the RMA to be tied to an order number. When the box is checked you must tie the item you are returning to an order that it was shipped on. By checking you will not have to claim what order the item you were returning was tied to. Tying an RMA to an order will assure the correct inventory cost gets returned into inventory.

  • Require Customer PO's - When creating an order in TRX we have a field where the customers Purchase Order number can be placed. This field will be optional to the order entry person unless this box is checked.

  • Prevent processing new orders when the customer credit limit is exceeded– When checked you will not be able to process an order in order entry when a customer's credit limit has been exceeded. I will have to be processed through credit limit override screen. Most users will need this to be checked – when unchecked it turns the credit limit off.

  • Batch Process New Orders - If you choose to not to check this box there will be a lightning bolt icon on the new order entry screen and you will be able to process orders directly from the new order entry screen and have the option of batch processing them. If you chose to check this box you will not be able to process orders from the new order entry screen it will have to be done from the process orders screen.

  • Batch Process new shipments - Same concept as batch-processing orders except it is for shipping.

  • Allow adding inventory items - By checking this box you will be giving your order entry people the ability to create new inventory items from within the order entry screen. This is an inventory control point, first starting out in TRX we advise to check this box and "loosen it up" if needed later.

  • Use POS register for deposits - By checking this box you will be overriding the default order entry process of booking deposits through AR in favor of batching them through the POS system and POS close process.

  • Automatically invoice when shipping - This is an automation feature for smaller operations. By checking this box every time an order is shipped an invoice will be automatically created.

    • Print invoice - If you opt for automatically invoicing when shipping you will need to decide if an invoice should be printed as well as created.

  • Allocate unprocessed orders – When this box is checked we will create allocations for all unprocessed orders.

  • Restrict deleting line items in order Query - By choosing this control point in order entry setup you can restrict every user that does not have management ability from deleting items from order query/change screen, so once the order is created no items can be deleted unless done by a management figure.

  • Only drop ship if item meets certain criteria –

  • Default ship via value to force user to change – Turning on this feature will default the "Ship Via" in New Order Entry to "PICK" and will not let your process the order until the Ship Via is changed. This was designed to be a way to force the user to select a ship via rather than just processing the order with the default.

  • Use line item tax authority – Turning on this feature will open up a new Tax Authority field for the line items in Order Entry/Query. The value is defaulted to the order tax authority but can be changed if needed.

  • Show signature line on invoice - Turning on this feature will show a signature line on invoices generated from Order Entry.

  • Lock Unit Price - When creating an order the unit price can be locked so that the order entry person cannot change the selling price without a manager's password being entered. If you choose to lock terms a box will appear to create a managers override password.

  • Lock Terms - When creating an order the terms can be locked so that the order entry person cannot change them without a manager's password being entered. If you choose to lock terms a box will appear to create a managers override password.

  • Lock Tax authority – When creating an order the Tax Authority can be locked so that the order entry person cannot change it without a manager's password being entered.

  • Lock Salesperson - When creating an order the Salesperson can be locked so that the order entry person cannot change them without a manager's password being entered

  • Lock Line Taxable Status – When this is locked the user will not be able to check or uncheck the taxability of an item on a sales order.

  • Post RMA Credits to a Sales Return account – by default TRX will post all RMA returns to the sales account lowering sales. If you would like to have returns split out of sales and tracked in its own GL account you can check this box and have the returns post to a contra revenue account that you create. A box to choose your return account will appear upon checking the option.

  • Days past invoice due dates before orders are placed on hold – this is a means to automatically put customers on hold as soon as one of their invoices go over due "X" amount of days. You choose the amount of days and the hold can be over ridden when needed.

Note: you need to leave this blank if you choose not to use this feature placing a zero in this box will put orders on hold the day they go overdue.

  • Automatically print shipping labels – This Function will allow you to define the default status of the print shipping labels function. It can be set to not print labels or you can set the default printer label size.

  • Commission on shipping – Checking this box will include shipping in commission calculations

  • Commission on install – Checking this box will include install in commission calculations

  • Use commission Rules Calculations – not activated belongs to an upcoming enhancement.

  • Gross Margin should be calculate on - Calculated cost (average, LIFO, FIFO) Standard Cost, Last Cost - Gross margin will effect commissions and how your profitability will be calculated. It can be calculated based on your inventory cost (calculated), the standard cost that you set for inventory in the warehouse, or the last cost that the item was received at.

  • Gross Margin calculated on – choose standard, calculate or last cost

  • Default commissions calculation –

          % of Adjusted Gross Margin      % of Calculated Cost
          %of Gross Margin                    % of last cost
          Pay amount specified % of selling price
          % of standard cost 

  • Default Gross Margin Modifier - A Gross margin Modifier is a way of applying a certain percentage of gross margins to overhead costs when figuring commissions.

  • Default commissions percent – What would you like the default commission percent to be to be. This just affects salesperson setup, not order entry. Once a salesperson is created they will get an independent default value specific to them.

  • Commission on shipping charges – checking this box will factor shipping profit into commissions

  • Commission on Install Charges - checking this box will factor install profit into commissions

Default GL accounts for ordering

  • Freight Account – The GL account you will use for Freight, usually a dedicated sales account.

  • Freight insurance Account – The GL account you will use for freight insurance

  • Install Account – The GL account you will use for installation charges

  • Default Commission Accrual Account – GL account you will use for Commissions Accrual

  • Default Commission Expense Account – GL account for commissions Expense

  • Manuf. Rebate Sales Account – If you have the Rebate function turned on you will need a rebate sales account.

Flex Fields

Flex fields are user defined fields that will show up in designated modules. The user is limited to 5 in each module but they will show up in all corresponding module finds screens and they are searchable. 

Invoice Terms and Conditions

  • Terms and Conditions - are where you will create all the legal mumbo jumbo that you would like to show as boilerplate text on all your invoices and quotes.

  • Invoice text – You can create Invoice tag messages that will show on the invoice. If you would like to add sayings like Happy holidays or come back this weekend for our big inventory blowout sale you can do so here.

Sales Person Commission Setup

Trx Enterprise has robust commission tracking abilities that span over three modules. The user will have control over what commissions are calculated on, who gets commission for what invoice as well as when and how commissions are paid out. We even give you a commission suite to adjust, update and print out commission reports.


Before we go into how commissions work in TRX we must first set the modules up to calculate them. We have setup points in the following modules.

  1. Order Entry Setup Screen

  2. AR Setup Screen

  3. POS Setup Screen

  4. Order Entry Salesperson and Commission Screens

Commission Calculations

There are multiple ways that commission calculations and percentages default into an order, they have a hierarchy to establish which one gets used and when.

  1. Order Entry

  2. POS

  3. Projects

  4. Split commissions

Commission Reporting

TRX has a commission suite that will allow management to edit commissions if needed and report on and update the reporting of commissions based on when they were earned.

  1. Adjust commissions

  2. Commission Report

  3. Update Commissions

Order Entry setup points for Commissions

ORD > Order Entry Special Functions > Order Entry Setup

  • Multiple Salesperson – With TRX you can have multiple salespersons receive commissions on a sales order. This feature has two important caveats that must be understood before deciding to use.

    • First and most important at the current time this feature is not supported in the POS or Projects module it is only for order entry. You can have it turned on and use commissions in POS and Projects, but the advanced, split commission feature is not available.

    • A line item on an order will only have one commission percent applied to it. That percent will figure the total commission that is to be paid out for that line. The multi-commission option will then split that total commission by a pre-defined percentage per salesperson.

Example: There is a ten percent commission on a one hundred dollar order. The total commission would then be 10 dollars. Salesperson A gets 60% or 6 dollars and Salesperson B gets 40% or 4 dollars. In split commissions the total percent of the salespeople must always equal one hundred percent. 

  • House Salesperson – Most users will use the house salesperson as a salesperson that does not receive commission or a salesperson that has a zero percent commission rate.

  • Update Cost from Inventory when invoicing - At first glance this may not seem to effect commissions in any way, however a good salesperson will always know exactly how much they are making on a sale. If your commission percent is based off of margins and this box is checked you must be prepared to explain how the cost of the item suddenly changed from the time the salesperson sold the item to the time it was invoiced.

  • Default Commission Calculation – This box in AR setup will let you decide how you want to calculate your commission amounts on the sales order. The commission amounts are figured on a line item basis and not on the order total. Above are the options available to you.

Important note: This is a default value; this will be over written if you use an item specific commission rate from the Item commission setup screen. There is a hierarchy that will be covered a little later. 

  • Default Commission Percent – The default commission percent is the lowest priority of commission. In the event that there is not a default commission calculation or an individual Item Commission the default commission rate will be applied. It is a last resort option.

  • Commission on Shipping – Check this box if it is your practice to pay out commission on shipping charges.

AR Setup screen entries for Commissions

  • Pay commissions on Debit and Credit Memos – If this box is checked sales people will get commissions or commission reductions on all debit and credit memos (with the exception of those created in cash receipts)

  • Pay commissions on Debit and Credit Memos in Cash Receipts - If checked salespeople will get commissions on credit and debit memes that are created in cash receipts.

We separate cash receipt debit and credit memos from regular debit and credit memos. More often than not the debits and credits from cash receipts are due to write offs and therefor some do not want them classified as regular memos for commission purposes. 

POS Setup Screen Commission Setup Entries

Use customers default sales person – This check box will define if you use the customers default sales person or if you use the register user as the salesperson of commission record.

  • If unchecked the register user becomes the salesperson of record instead of the customers default salesperson.

Sales Person set up for commissions

Part of setting up commissions is setting up the sales person. In sales person set up you will control the percent of commission the sales person will get from a line item for both regular and drop ship orders. To do this you need to go to the Order Menu under sales person entry Query.
ORD > Salesperson and Commissions > Salesperson entry/query

To start entering a salesperson you should place your cursor on an open Salesperson Number box or press the insert record icon  to create an open field.

  • Salespersons Number – The sales person number can be an alpha or numeric code that will represent the salesperson on all AR entry fields.

  • First & Last Name – This will be the real first or last name of the sales person and it will populate into the description box whenever you use the salesperson code.

Pressing tab or enter after typing the last name will take you to the commission tab. The "active" check box will default to the checked position. Un-checking this box will cause the salespersons code not to be available when you use the F9 button for a list of variables for salespersons fields...

  • Accrual Account – Here you will place the default commission accrual account, this account is usually a cost of goods sold expense account for commissions

  • Expense account – This is the expense account for commissions and quite often is the same as the accrual account.

Note: The Accrual and Expense accounts will default in from the order entry setup screen; if they are not set up there they should be setup at this time. They can be changed if needed. 

  • Commission percent – This is where you would add the commission percent for regular orders for that salesperson.

  • D/S Commission percent – You have the option of setting a separate commission rate for drop ship orders.

Note: 10.0000 would represent a ten percent commission.

After adding your commissions and entering you will be taken to the contacts tab. Here you will enter:

  • Phone – the salespersons phone number

  • Fax - the salespersons fax

  • Email address – The salespersons email address.

The next tab you will run into is the buyer XREF; it is here that you can assign a default buyer to a salesperson. On a drop ship or gen PO order there is a PO details tab. On that tab a buyer is declared. If you would like a buyer to default in to that field for a salesperson this is where you would set that up. A buyer is required in the PO screen, and it can be changed if needed.

  • Buyer – Buyers must be setup in purchasing special functions ahead of time, in the buyer field you can type in the buyer code or press the f9 for a list of options.

After the buyer X-ref you will be directed to the POS tab this is where you can set up a salesperson's POS permissions.

  • Password – Some will elect to have their POS systems password protected, this allows for tighter user tracking when multiple people are using the same register. Individual passwords for POS are set up and stored here.

  • Max Discount – You have the ability to set individual max discounts for each POS user. In this field enter the discount that you would like to give the salesperson.

  • Cash Out – Give this user the permission to handle register cash outs

  • Close register – Here you can give the user permissions required to close the register.

  • Accept Returns - Checking this box gives permissions to accept returns

The last two tabs that you will need to fill out for the salesperson are the comments and the Invoice comments tabs.

  • Comments  Here you can enter comments about the sales person.

  • Invoice Comments- If the salesperson would like personalized comments to print on Invoices they can add them here.

Commissions Calculations - Order Entry

In order entry Commissions are calculated on a line item basis. A customer will have a default salesperson attached to them that will populate into the order entry screen. Whether this salesperson is changeable, changeable with a mangers override or locked is a setup function that is controlled in the module setup screens. There are several factors to consider when looking at an orders commission.
Commission Calculation – This is how the amount of commission is calculated per line item on an order. With some setups this can be edited on the order but with others it will default in. There are two levels of commission calculations or for lack of a better term; a default calculations hierarchy.

  • Level #1 – In the order above items 2 and 3 there was a specific commission amount set up for those items in the ORD > Salespersons and Commissions > Item Commissions Entry. Whenever there happens to be a specific commission assigned to an item it will override the default from Order Entry Setup. This function can be used if you would like to assign a higher commission to promote an item as in a spiff or to move dead inventory. Items assigned commissions will trump all.


  • Level # 2 – When an item does not have a specific Commission Calculation assigned to it TRX will default to the "Default Commission Calculation" that was set in Order Entry Setup screen. Therefor in this example the percent of gross margin was entered automatically. This is the most common way to attach the commission calculation to a sale.

It is important to note that this is only for how the commission will be calculated this does not affect whom it goes to and what percentage that will be used. 

  • GM Modifier – The Gross margin Modifier is a way to add a load to a commission. Some companies that pay out large commission percentages will add a load (charge) to the commission that goes to the company. You set a default Gross margin Modifier in Order entry setup.

    • Example – company A will pay out 30% commission on a sale but the will charge the salesperson a 2 point load on their commission for administrative charges. Therefor the order will figure the commission at 28% instead of thirty. (The 2% will not be diverted to a load GL account it is simply not calculated.)


  • Amount or % - This is the field that controls how much commission a salesperson will get. The commission percent or amount (it can be a dollar amount) will get populated with the same hierarchy as commission calculations, with one addition. If there is no Item commission set and the salesperson does not have a commission percent declared in the salesperson setup screen TRX will look to the "Default Commission Percent" in Order Entry Setup.

    • There for commissions are calculated as follows:

    • By the items assigned percentage. -If none exists

    • By the salespersons assigned Percentage. -If none exists

    • By the default percentage setup in Order entry Setup

  • Commission – This box has the total commission for the line item, that total will show up on the commission reports. If the system is set to use multi-salespeople then this is the number that will get divided between the salespeople at their assigned percentage.

Commissions Calculations in POS

You can also assign commissions to POS orders. Unlike sales orders you cannot use the multi-commission function of TRX, but there are ways to create multi-commissions on an order. Aside from the multi-salesperson exclusion; commissions will work the same way in POS as they do in order entry. The commission will be based off of the salesperson that is placed on the order. You will not be able to view any commission information on a POS order as you can a sales order, but all POS transactions create sales orders that can be queried for viewing purposes. 

Depending on your TRX setup choices the Salesperson can be changed on a POS transaction. 

Commissions on Projects

Projects like the POS module cannot use the advanced multiple salesperson commissions option. There is a way around this that will be covered later. You can still use the projects with the "multiple sales person" set up box checked, you will not however be able to split the project commission calculations through TRX. To split project commissions you will need to use the dual salesperson code method explained later. 

Split Commissions

There are two basic ways to handle split commissions in TRX Enterprise. For those who predominantly use the order entry screen we have a Multiple sales person function that you can turn on in AR > Special Functions > AR Setup. You can have this turned on and still use Projects and POS but the Multiple Salesperson Function does not carry over into those modules. For the users that would like multiple commissions on POS and Projects we suggest creating dual salespersons codes. This method is a little more manual then the multi -salesperson function but is viable in POS and Projects.

Multiple Salespersons

It is possible to have multiple salespersons assigned to a customer. This feature must be turned in the Order Entry setup screen by checking the, "Multiple Salespersons" tabs. When this feature is turned on a tab is displayed in the Order Entry screen. Each of the salespersons listed on this tab will then receive commission for sales orders to this customer. For each salesperson you indicate the percentage of the total commission to be paid to the individual salesperson. This should not be confused with commission percent, which is used to calculate the commission on a sales order. 

The Multi-Com tab will only become available when the "Multiple salespersons" box is checked in the Order entry setup. You will enter an order as normal and a default salesperson will populate in. Before processing the order if you would like to take advantage of the Multi-commission tab you will need to open and enter the sales people that will get commission on this order and the percentage of the commission they will get. In the example above the order had a $18o.oo commission on it. But Ron and Glen split that 80/20. 
Note: When using the Multi-commissions tab the salespeople's percentages have to equal up to 100%.
On our Commissions report we will break the commission out buy customer and salesperson. So when you print out a commission report for Ron Fox you will only see his portion of this commission. But if you print by customer you will see both salespeople and their commission percent.

Commission report by customer

Commission by sales person

Dual Sales persons Codes

The alternative to using the multiple sales person option in Order entry set up is to create dual salespeople. As an example: if user A runs the register and there are four salespeople in your organization. To split commission between the register user and the sales person you could create a salesperson code that was user A and Sales person B together. This would separate the sales on the commission reports for Salesperson A-B from the rest. The register user would need to change the salesperson on the POS sales screen and management would be required to figure the split manually from the commission report totals but this will be quicker than running all orders manually and figuring the totals out. This method is used by many users.

The same order from the first example could have been run with salesperson code G/R which is the Glen Ron Split. The commission report would have listed the sale under salesperson G/R for $180 commission. The user would then have to calculate the 80/20 split manually. 

Commission Reporting

Trx will calculate and total all commissions conveniently with a commission report. Whether or not an order's commission has been paid has to be updated by the user. We do this so you may print a commission report for evaluation purposes, and then make any updates that may be needed, and reprint. After a report is signed off on and paid out for a time period you may update the sales records that commissions have been paid.

Adjust Commissions

TRX will give you the ability to review and adjust all commission transactions on screen or you may print out the report and then go on screen to make adjustments. This screen should not be used often or for reference only. If you find yourself using it regularly it is best to find out why.
AR > Commissions > Adjust Commissions

  • Display – On screen you have four display options:

    • All – this option will show all commission entries in any status.

    • Earned – shows all commissions on orders that are earned; Trx considers any processed order that has been invoiced to be an earned commission.

    • Due – Shows all commissions that are considered to have a status due; an order that has had its invoiced payment received.

    • Paid – Any invoices that have had a commission payment already made on it

  • Sales Person/Document – You can query a specific salesperson or document by typing it into these boxes and pressing the enter key.


  • Document Type – What type of document this is; Invoice or Debit/Credit Memo

  • Total commission – this field totals the commission it is a calculation field and cannot be directly changed, you will need to change the percentage or commission amount field to edit this.

  • Comm. Amount – this field is a changeable field that represents the total amount of commission on the document

  • CommPercent – changeable field that represent the percentage of the total commission.

  • Date earned – The Invoice Date is the date that the commission is earned and shows in this field.

  • Date Due – If AR has received and processed the payment for this invoice the date will populate in here.

  • Date Paid – If you have used the "Update commission" screen to mark this invoice as paid it will show as paid here and display the date that you updated the record.

  • Status - the Status of the document in question

AR Sales Commission Report

The printing of the commission report will not update the commission status. There are a few reports in TRX that will update records, most notable the finance charges updating the customer account in certain setups when the customer account report is printed. This report does not do this so you are able to print the full report for viewing ease and then if needed make updates to the data and reprint. Also you can have the commission report figure commissions with shipping and/or tax depending on your preference. 
AR > Commission > AR Sales Commission Report 

  • Starting/Ending Salesperson – the report can be calculated for a single salesperson or a range of salespeople.

  • Commission Status:

    • Earned – select a date range to see all commissions for invoices that were created.

    • Due – Select a date range to see all invoices that were paid

*note – In order to see all "due" invoices you also have to have the "earned" box checked, it is a quirk in the report that says a commission cannot be due if it has not been earned.


    • Paid – Select a date range for all paid commissions.

  • Sub-total by sales person – Checking this box will cause the report to subtotal by Salesperson.

  • Subtotal by Customer – Checking this box will cause the report to add subtotals for customers.

  • Include shipping/Tax – Commission amounts are figured off of invoice total of line items, some customers prefer to have the tax and shipping figure in commissions. These check boxes allow you to decide.

Update Commissions

The TRX commission module will not update directly from the AP module. In order to mark commissions as paid and update the report for next time you will have to do tell TRX to do so in the following screen.
AR > Commissions > Mark Commission as paid

  • Starting/Ending Salesperson - the update can be calculated for a single salesperson or a range of salespeople.

  • Starting ending due date – the range of due commissions that you would like to update to paid

  • Date paid – You choose the date that you would like to go into history as the paid date.

  • Print Report First – If you would like to print a report before updating so that you have a record or you can verify that this is the correct update.

Customer Find Screen

There are several places in TRX where an F9 search will bring up a customer find screen that can be used to cull through the database of customers to find the one that you are looking for.

Any one of the white fields on the top half of the screen a can be used to enter search information for customers. Any Flex fields that you made in ORD > Setup for customers are also searchable fields. As in all TRX search screens the "%" is considered a wild card. So if you are unsure of the spelling or actual name you can place what you know in any of the boxes and then add the percent sign to signify that there could be anything else included from this point on.

Customer Order Guide

The customer order guide is a mini module that appears in many modules throughout TRX including order entry, POS and AR. As with all blue screens in TRX it is a query only screen and serves the purpose of giving an interactive overview of the customer's order history. There are robust filter options that allow you to quickly navigate through the history of items; and as added bonus in the POS and Order entry modules you have the option of picking items directly from the history screen and populating them to your orders.
The line items in in this screen have color-coding to alert you to when there was a price change from the last customer purchase. When yellow you are alerted that there was a price change and if red you know the price shown is actually below the cost.

Order Guide