Plus Freight

Plus Freight


If you need to bill for Freight on a DS or Gen PO item, but you don’t know how much it will be until you receive the Invoice from the Vendor, then Plus Freight may be the solution.


In Order Entry or Order Query Change, under the PO Details tab, check “Plus Freight” checkbox.

Note: Item must be set to Dropship or Gen PO to check Plus Freight

When the Vendor Invoice comes in, add a POFRT line against the PO to document your cost. This creates an entry in the “Create Plus Freight Invoices” Screen that you can bill.

Under ORD>Order Invoicing>Create Plus Freight Invoices, you will see your Voucher. Enter your amount, check the box, then hit the lightning bolt to process.

If you say no to processing, it will save the unprocessed Invoice under AR>AR Transaction Processing>Invoice Entry. Hit F7 on the Invoice Entry screen to pull up the Invoice.