Salesperson Entry/Query

Salesperson Entry/Query


The Salesperson Entry/ Query screen is used to set up all salespeople within your company. This must be done prior to entering customer information since a default salesperson will be established for each customer. Default commission percentages and commission accrual accounts and Buyers are also established within this screen.


To start entering a salesperson you should place your cursor on an open Salesperson Number box or press the insert record icon  to create an open field.

  • Salespersons Number – the sales person number can be an alpha or numeric code that will represent the salesperson on all AR entry fields.

  • First & Last Name – This will be the real first or last name of the sales person and it will populate into the description box whenever you use the salesperson code.

Pressing tab or enter after typing the last name will take you to the commission tab. The "active" check box will default to the checked position. Un-checking this box will cause the salespersons code not to be available when you use the F9 button for a list of variables for salespersons fields, you will not be able to remove a salesperson that has a sales history only make them inactive.

Commission Tab

  • Accrual Account – Here you will place the default commission accrual account, this account is usually a cost of goods sold expense account for commissions

  • Expense account – This is the expense account for commissions and quite often is the same as the accrual account.

Note: The Accrual and Expense accounts will default in from the order entry setup screen; if they are not set up there they should be setup at this time. They can be changed if needed.

  • Commission percent – This is where you would add the commission percent for regular inventory orders for that salesperson.

  • D/S Commission percent – You have the option of setting a separate commission rate for drop ship orders.

Note: 10.0000 would represent a ten percent commission.

Contact Tab

After adding your commissions and entering you will be taken to the contacts tab. Here you will enter:

  • Phone – the salespersons phone number

  • Fax - the salespersons fax

  • Email address – The salespersons email address.

Buyer XREF Tab

The buyer XREF is the next Tab; it is here that you can assign a default buyer to a salesperson. On a drop ship or gen PO order there is a PO details tab. On that tab a buyer is declared. If you would like a buyer to default in to that field for a salesperson this is where you would set that up. A buyer is required in the PO screen, and it can be changed if needed.

  • Buyer – Buyers must be setup in purchasing special functions ahead of time, in the buyer field you can type in the buyer code or press the f9 for a list of options

  • First & Last Name – This will be the first or last name of the Buyer and it will populate based on the Buyer selected


The next tab you will be directed to is the POS tab this is where you can set up a salesperson's POS permissions.

  • POS Password – Some will elect to have their POS systems password protected, this allows for tighter user tracking when multiple people are using the same register. Individual passwords for POS are set up and stored here

  • Max Discount – You have the ability to set individual max discounts for each POS user. In this field enter the discount that you would like to give the salesperson

  • Cash Out – Give this user the permission to handle register cash outs

  • Close register – Here you can give the user permissions required to close the register

  • Accept Returns - Checking this box gives permissions to accept returns

Comments Tab

  • Comments – Here you can enter comments about the sales person

  • Invoice Comments - If the salesperson would like personalized comments to print on Invoices they can add them here

Tiers Tab

  • Tier 1 Comm Percent - Commission % for Tier 1 Item Sales

  • Tier 1 D/S Comm% - Commission % for Tier 1 Dropship Item Sale

  • Tier 2 Comm Percent - Commission % for Tier 2 Item Sales

  • Tier 2 D/S Comm% - Commission % for Tier 2 Dropship Item Sale

  • Tier 3 Comm Percent - Commission % for Tier 3 Item Sales

  • Tier 3 D/S Comm% - Commission % for Tier 3 Dropship Item Sale

Multi-Comm Tab

  • Multi-Comm 1 Salesperson - The first Salesperson to get Commission on the sale

  • Multi-Comm 1 Percent - The Commission % the first Salesperson gets on the sale

  • Multi-Comm 2 Salesperson - The second Salesperson to get Commission on the sale

  • Multi-Comm 2 Percent - The Commission % the second Salesperson gets on the sale

  • Multi-Comm 3 Salesperson - The third Salesperson to get Commission on the sale

  • Multi-Comm 3 Percent - The Commission % the third Salesperson gets on the sale

Branch Tab

  • Branch - The Branch number this Salesperson is tied to

  • Branch Name - The name of the branch

De-Activate Salespeople

If a Salesperson leaves the company, you will need to reassign their open Orders, Projects, and Quotes to another Salesperson. To do so, you will need to De-Activate the Salesperson.

  1. Mark Salesperson as Inactive

    1. Uncheck the “Active” button

  2. Set Salesperson and Documents to update

    1. Use “Replace With” dropdown to select a replacement

    2. Leave Checked or Uncheck what you need to update

      1. Update Sales Orders

      2. Update Projects

      3. update Quotes

  3. Hit OK

  4. Hit Yes to prompt

Re-Activate Salesperson

If you need to re-activate a Salesperson, we will need to start by making them visible. The last row of fields on this screen are search fields. They default to the fields being blank (to search for all) and the Active Checkbox being checked.

  1. Make Inactive Salespersons visible

    1. Uncheck the “Active” checkbox on the bottom row of fields

  2. Mark Salesperson as Active

    1. Check “Active” checkbox

  3. Save

    1. Hit Save button or F10



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