


Employees must be entered prior to entering timesheets. Information such as name, address, pay rates, billing rates (for projects), and email address are maintained using the Employee Entry/Query screen. 


 To create a new employee 

  1. Choose Employees from the TSE menu. If the window is already open, click on the Clear button on the toolbar.

  2. Begin entering the data about the employee. Use the chart on the following page for detailed information on each field.

  3. Click the Save button in the toolbar to save the new employee information.

To view or change information on an employee… 

  1. Choose Employees from the TSE menu. If the window is already open, click on the Clear button on the toolbar.

  2. Click on the Enter/Execute Query button on the toolbar.

  3. Enter the search criteria in the fields you wish to search with.

  4. Click on the Enter/Execute Query button again. After the employee information is displayed, make and changes necessary. Use the chart on the following page for detailed information on each field.

  5. Click the Save button in the toolbar to save the employee information.

To delete an employee
Employees cannot be deleted once a timesheet has been entered for that employee. Rather than delete an employee, simply uncheck the active checkbox and that will prevent further timesheets from being entered. 

  1. Follow the steps above to view or change an employee.

  2. Once the employee to be deleted is displayed, click on the Delete button on the toolbar. A small dialog will ask you to confirm that you wish to delete the employee.

Use the table below for information on each field. Items in bold are required. 



Type of Data

Employee Number

The employee's number, this number will default to Social Security Number if checked on the setup of the timesheet module.

Update 20 characters


The employee's social security number

Up to 20 characters

Active Checkbox

If checked, the employee is active and timesheets can be entered for this employee.

First Name

The employee's first name

Up to 60 characters

Last Name

The employee's last name

Up to 60 characters


The first line of the employee's street address

Up to 100 characters


The 2nd line of the employee's street address

Up to 100 characters


The city portion of the address

Up to 100 characters


The state in which the employee resides

Up to 10 characters


The zip code of the employee's address

Up to 20 characters


The employee number of the employee who supervises or manages this employee, every employee must have a manager assigned and an employee can be their own manager.

An employee number use F9 to obtain a list of valid employee numbers.

Default Location

The code of the location in which the employee does most of the work which will be entered in the timesheet module This is used as a default when entering timesheets

A timesheet location code use F9 to obtain a list of valid codes.

Default Billing Rate

The default-billing rate for this employee Billing rates are used to determine the hourly rate charged on projects as well as the hourly cost factor. See Projecting Account for more detailed information on Billing Rates.

A billing rate code from Project Accounting. Use F9 to obtain a list of valid codes.

Pay Rate

This is the employee's gross hourly or salary pay rate. Use the radio button next to this field to denote if it is hourly or salary. If salary, this should be the gross amount per pay period, not annual salary.

A number in dollars and cents format.

Email Address

The employee's email address.

Up to 60 characters

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