Enter Deposit As Order is Created
Adding Deposits to Sales Orders is easy, but how you enter it will depend on the Order status. If your Order hasn’t been processed yet, then you can use the “Deposits” Tab on the New Order Entry screen to fill out the details. Once the Order is processed the Deposit is created.
Enter Deposit After Order is Created
Once the Order is processed, you will notice that you can no longer fill out the “Deposits” tab to create Deposits. You will need to either create it under A/R or POS.
Create Deposit Under A/R
You can apply a Deposit under A/R using the “Deposits” screen, under A/R>Deposits. Here, you can enter a new deposit, transfer an existing one, apply a Credit Memo as a deposit, and print Deposit related reports.
Create Deposits Under POS
Another way to apply a deposit once the order is processed, is through POS. You will need to have an intangible item setup to use as our “Deposit” item.
Then, you need to set that item under POS>POS Setup as the Deposit item. Now, when you use that item in POS, you will get the option to add a Deposit to an Order.