Lesson 02 Importing AQ File

Lesson 02 Importing AQ File


In this video, I'll be showing you how to import an order from auto quotes.

This can be achieved under ORD>Load Orders from AQ. Once in this screen, click the browse button to find our file. Then, select our file and hit open.

Once the file has loaded in, we are going to double check that the contract amount matches the auto quote file.

Once we've verified this, we're going to go ahead and select our customer by:

  • Hitting F9

  • Typing in our customer's name

  • Double clicking on the customer record

Once we've selected our customer, we're going to guarantee that our warehouse, salesperson, ship to, build to, and tax Authority are correct, then we'll click our lightning bolt.

Any items that do not currently exist will be created at this time. It is important to choose the correct category before clicking save and exit.

Once you've ensured we've got the correct category selected for our items, we're going to click our save and exit button and click our lightning bolt again to bring the order in.

Now we have a non-processed order and we have one last chance to make any changes. Here we're going to go ahead and go to our po details Tab and add some purchase orders for this by changing the PO option to gen po

Now that we've got our po options selected, we're going to go ahead and click our lightning bolt to process this sales order and the purchase orders.

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