Project Analysis

Project Analysis


The Project Analysis is one of the more frequently used reports in the project module. Throughout the project the Project Analysis report can be run to gauge it's profitability. Run the analysis report for any project to compare budget (Original AQNet Quote) vs. Actual (What happened in TRX) and identify plus or minus trends. 

You can enter a specific project number (press F9 for a list) or leave the Start Project blank to include all projects. There are 2 different formats to the report, Actual vs. AIA billing. If Actual is chosen the billed amounts only consist of regular (non-advance) invoices. If the AIA option is chosen the billed amounts are derived from AIA applications. You can choose to consolidate items if you just want to view the base items and leave out accessories or leave the consolidate items checkbox unchecked to view all items. You also can choose whether or not to include credit/debit memo's when deriving the project totals. If you choose to "Only show Planned Amounts" then we will exclude the actual billing/costing figures from the report.