Create Picking Tickets

Create Picking Tickets

Table of Contents


Project picking tickets are how TRX initiates the process of issuing materials that are included in the project material plan from inventory to the project site. Each ticket has a unique number that carries through to printing and shipping the picking ticket. 

Picking tickets for planned materials can be created through this menu item (P/A > Materials > Create Picking Ticket) or by clicking on the Create Pick Ticket button in the project material plan. Creating the Pick Ticket right from the material plan is the fastest way to do so since TRX already knows what project you are working which allows TRX to automatically populate the header fields of the pick ticket saving some data entry. 


There are three steps involved in issuing the materials to the project site, creating the Pick Ticket, printing the Pick Ticket and shipping the Pick Ticket.

Upon entering the screen you will enter the project number or press F9 for a list of active projects. You can tab through the date and ship via fields to populate the default values or change them if needed. Enter comments pertaining to the shipment if applicable. 

Project Plan Items

In this section we show all items that are eligible to be placed on the pick ticket. Items that have been added to a drop ship PO will not show in this section. The "Select All Items" button will add all items from the "Project Plan Items" section of the pick ticket to the "Items to Be Shipped" section regardless if they are in stock or not. Pressing the "Select Qty Available" button will just select items that are in stock. To select a single item double click the item number in the "Project Plan Items" section. 
If there is an item that is missing then it is likely either already on a pick ticket or on a drop ship PO.

  • You can check if it is on a PO by looking at the "PO" tab in the Project Material Plan. If the PO should not have been created as a drop ship PO you can change it to regular ship in the PO Query/Change screen by pressing the "Change DS Ship To" button and choosing a new ship to address.

  • If not on a PO then you should check and make sure there are no pending pick tickets that include this item by the method described above to view existing pick tickets.

Items To Be Shipped

Pressing the "Remove All" button will move all items from the "Items to Be Shipped" section back to the "Project Plan Items" section. To remove a single item, double click the item number in the "Items" field.

  • Verify that the Qty to Ship is the correct amount.

  • If you are tracking boxes you will see an additional field to enter the amount of boxes that will be used for the item.

  • Verify the warehouse that the item is shipping from.

  • If the item is billable make sure the billable checkbox is checked.

  • Verify the correct tax option is selected; we populate the initial value from the Project Material Plan.

When you are finished then press the "Complete" button. You will be given an option to ship or print the pick ticket.