ORD Setup

ORD Setup


Every module has a control screen that allows you to choose how TRX Enterprise™ will function for your company. It is these screens that will mold TRX to suit your operating style and niche markets. We will give a brief overview of each option you have so that you may be able to make a somewhat informed decision for your company setup. Some setups are more involved than others but all will require that you put some thought into how orders should flow through your company. Most decisions can be changed upon, during and after training period as needed.

  • Automatically number Customer Orders - Would you like for TRX to automatically number your customer orders. By checking the box TRX will auto number your orders, you may want to choose a different range of numbers than you are using for your purchase orders.

    • Next Order Number – this is where you add the next order number in your sequence. It is important that no two order numbers are the same you will get error messages if they are so you need to start your range after the last known order number in TRX.

  • Automatically number RMA's - The ORD return merchandise authorizations (RMA) are used to return customer merchandise back into inventory. We require a unique number on each one to maintain your audit trail we advise that you allow TRX to auto number.

    • Next RMA number - This is where you would add the next RMA number in your sequence.

  • Always include manufacturer's part number on Pick ticket - By checking this box the manufacturer's part number will display on the pick ticket.

  • Non Stocked Items on Proforma invoice - In TRX you can create a Proforma Invoice which can best be described as a delivery receipt with prices. This is not a formal invoice. Would you like those Proforma invoices to have non-stocked items on them so they will appear to be more like the regular invoice?

  • Create Work Orders - If you will be utilizing the production module in TRX and you check this box TRX will automatically create work orders for items that are ordered that have the attribute manufactured checked on the attributes tab. Assuming a Bill of material for the manufactured item exists.

  • Multiple Salesperson - TRX will calculate commissions for the salesperson of record for an order, however by checking this box you will have the option to split the commission among multiple salespeople. When this option is activated a new tab will appear on an order that will allow you to split commission for the order.

  • Manufacturer Rebates - Checking this box will activate the manufacturers rebate option.

  • Using external shipping software - TRX had an interface with UPS World Ship

  • Allow over shipping - By checking this box you will be allowing your shipping department to ship more items then were actually ordered. Please note this is a default setting not a global one. This function is actually controlled from customer setup, this just sets the default for new customers, and it can be changed on a customer-by-customer basis.

  • Default Partial Ship Value – All orders have allow a partial shipments box, that box will default to not being checked if this box is left unchecked.

  • Copy order comments to invoices - Would you like the comments on order to be printed on the invoice? This does not refer to the line item comments as they are controlled by the individual line but rather is for the comments for the whole order that are found on the comments tab.

  • Default salesperson as a buyer - This will affect Drop ship PO's only, if this box is checked when a drop ship PO is created the salesperson will also be placed as the buyer. The drop ship order creates the PO; therefore unless you have a specific reason to have a certain buyer listed you will probably want to check this box

  • Update Order w/shipping amounts from Invoicing - If this box is checked and you are using the edit invoice selection screen, the changes that you make to the invoice shipping amount and cost will write back to the sales order.

  • Update Order w/Install amounts from Invoicing - If this box is checked and you are using the edit invoice selection screen, the changes that you make to the invoice install amount and cost will write back to the sales order.

  • Suppress Backorders on Packing Slips and Invoices – If this box is checked you will get invoices and packing slips that print out without any reference to back orders.

  • House Sales Person -The house sales person is the default salesperson for orders, this is not mandatory but you can set a salesperson to default in for in house orders if needed.

  • Update cost from inventory when shipping and invoicing- This has to do with commissions and sales analysis. Your inventory costs are constantly changing due to vendor price changes and deals. This question determines if commission and profitability of an order is determined at the time the order is placed or at the time it is shipped and invoiced. Checking this box could be an issue as the salesperson will know what his order said when it was created and if you write back changes in cost that happened from the time the order was created to invoice there will be discrepancies that you will need to explain.

  • Route Step Name – Routing is due to be removed in version 3.2.2 so this is irrelevant.

  • PO Cost indicator – You have options on what cost will show on the purchase order: Vendor Price - Standard cost - Calculated (avg, Lifo, Fifo) – GM cost setting – Last

  • Default credit Limit - This is the default credit limit for all new customers that are created. You can specify an amount, choose no credit by entering a zero amount or leave blank for unlimited credit.

  • Resolve price rule conflicts by using - Two options: Highest rule or Lowest Rule When you create price rules there will be conflicts, as an example an item can be effected by a manufacturers rule (it's a True item) but also by a customer type rule (it's a wholesale customer). This scenario will lead to two different possible prices, which should TRX choose, the higher or lower price? We highly recommend choosing to resolve conflicts with the lowest price rule. When we teach price rules we will be using this as the best practice method and all our examples will be geared this way to make understanding easier.

  • Enforce contract Pricing - You have the ability to turn on contract pricing, when this is checked the customer/item rule will trump all other rules. The theory is if it is a contract price for a customer that is their price whether it is higher or lower. This are tedious to setup. Do you need protected contract pricing rules?

  • Default order type: When entering a new order the system needs to default to an order type this is where you will chose what it should be.

  • Forward customer type: We have freight forwarding capabilities in TRX this box will allow you to set the customer type that will be a freight forwarder. Freight forwarders are middlemen in international shipping. Your customer may be in Dubai but you use a shipping company in Miami. Both need to be on your order the shipping company in Miami will be your freight forwarder and designated so with the customer type you set up here.

  • Default Email Templates For New Orders – In the SYS menu there is an Email Controls Menu and within that an email templates setup. Here you can create a template or form letter that will automatically generate and email to any one of those three contacts.

  • Price Rule Rounding Option – There are two options here, you can choose to use the system rounding rules so whatever the price comes up to will display or you may choose to always round to a certain cents like .99 or .49.

  • Default Line item Comment Print options – here you can set the defaults for comments and where they should print. You can choose to have comments automatically print to picking tickets, packing slips and invoices by checking the box. These are just defaults and can be over ridden.

  • Require Order Numbers for RMA's - When creating an RMA you can require the RMA to be tied to an order number. When the box is checked you must tie the item you are returning to an order that it was shipped on. By checking you will not have to claim what order the item you were returning was tied to. Tying an RMA to an order will assure the correct inventory cost gets returned into inventory.

  • Require Customer PO's - When creating an order in TRX we have a field where the customers Purchase Order number can be placed. This field will be optional to the order entry person unless this box is checked.

  • Prevent processing new orders when the customer credit limit is exceeded– When checked you will not be able to process an order in order entry when a customer's credit limit has been exceeded. I will have to be processed through credit limit override screen. Most users will need this to be checked – when unchecked it turns the credit limit off.

  • Batch Process New Orders - If you choose to not to check this box there will be a lightning bolt icon on the new order entry screen and you will be able to process orders directly from the new order entry screen and have the option of batch processing them. If you chose to check this box you will not be able to process orders from the new order entry screen it will have to be done from the process orders screen.

  • Batch Process new shipments - Same concept as batch-processing orders except it is for shipping.

  • Allow adding inventory items - By checking this box you will be giving your order entry people the ability to create new inventory items from within the order entry screen. This is an inventory control point, first starting out in TRX we advise to check this box and "loosen it up" if needed later.

  • Use POS register for deposits - By checking this box you will be overriding the default order entry process of booking deposits through AR in favor of batching them through the POS system and POS close process.

  • Automatically invoice when shipping - This is an automation feature for smaller operations. By checking this box every time an order is shipped an invoice will be automatically created.

    • Print invoice - If you opt for automatically invoicing when shipping you will need to decide if an invoice should be printed as well as created.

  • Allocate unprocessed orders – When this box is checked we will create allocations for all unprocessed orders.

  • Restrict deleting line items in order Query - By choosing this control point in order entry setup you can restrict every user that does not have management ability from deleting items from order query/change screen, so once the order is created no items can be deleted unless done by a management figure.

  • Only drop ship if item meets certain criteria –

  • Default ship via value to force user to change – Turning on this feature will default the "Ship Via" in New Order Entry to "PICK" and will not let your process the order until the Ship Via is changed. This was designed to be a way to force the user to select a ship via rather than just processing the order with the default.

  • Use line item tax authority – Turning on this feature will open up a new Tax Authority field for the line items in Order Entry/Query. The value is defaulted to the order tax authority but can be changed if needed.

  • Show signature line on invoice - Turning on this feature will show a signature line on invoices generated from Order Entry.

  • Lock Unit Price - When creating an order the unit price can be locked so that the order entry person cannot change the selling price without a manager's password being entered. If you choose to lock terms a box will appear to create a managers override password.

  • Lock Terms - When creating an order the terms can be locked so that the order entry person cannot change them without a manager's password being entered. If you choose to lock terms a box will appear to create a managers override password.

  • Lock Tax authority – When creating an order the Tax Authority can be locked so that the order entry person cannot change it without a manager's password being entered.

  • Lock Salesperson - When creating an order the Salesperson can be locked so that the order entry person cannot change them without a manager's password being entered

  • Lock Line Taxable Status – When this is locked the user will not be able to check or uncheck the taxability of an item on a sales order.

  • Post RMA Credits to a Sales Return account – by default TRX will post all RMA returns to the sales account lowering sales. If you would like to have returns split out of sales and tracked in its own GL account you can check this box and have the returns post to a contra revenue account that you create. A box to choose your return account will appear upon checking the option.

  • Days past invoice due dates before orders are placed on hold – this is a means to automatically put customers on hold as soon as one of their invoices go over due "X" amount of days. You choose the amount of days and the hold can be over ridden when needed.

Note: you need to leave this blank if you choose not to use this feature placing a zero in this box will put orders on hold the day they go overdue.

  • Automatically print shipping labels – This Function will allow you to define the default status of the print shipping labels function. It can be set to not print labels or you can set the default printer label size.

  • Commission on shipping – Checking this box will include shipping in commission calculations

  • Commission on install – Checking this box will include install in commission calculations

  • Use commission Rules Calculations – not activated belongs to an upcoming enhancement.

  • Gross Margin Calculated on - Calculated cost (AVG Inventory Cost), Last Cost, Standard Cost, Landed Cost - Gross margin will effect commissions and how your profitability will be calculated. It can be calculated based on your inventory cost (calculated), the standard cost that you set for inventory in the warehouse, the last cost that the item was received at, or the landed cost which factors in shipping costs.

  • Default commissions calculation –

          % of Adjusted Gross Margin      % of Calculated Cost
          %of Gross Margin                    % of last cost
          Pay amount specified % of selling price
          % of standard cost 

  • Default Gross Margin Modifier - A Gross margin Modifier is a way of applying a certain percentage of gross margins to overhead costs when figuring commissions.

  • Default commissions percent – What would you like the default commission percent to be to be. This just affects salesperson setup, not order entry. Once a salesperson is created they will get an independent default value specific to them.

  • Commission on shipping charges – checking this box will factor shipping profit into commissions

  • Commission on Install Charges - checking this box will factor install profit into commissions

Default GL accounts for ordering

  • Freight Account – The GL account you will use for Freight, usually a dedicated sales account.

  • Freight insurance Account – The GL account you will use for freight insurance

  • Install Account – The GL account you will use for installation charges

  • Default Commission Accrual Account – GL account you will use for Commissions Accrual

  • Default Commission Expense Account – GL account for commissions Expense

  • Manuf. Rebate Sales Account – If you have the Rebate function turned on you will need a rebate sales account.

Flex Fields

Flex fields are user defined fields that will show up in designated modules. The user is limited to 5 in each module but they will show up in all corresponding module finds screens and they are searchable. 

Invoice Terms and Conditions

  • Terms and Conditions - are where you will create all the legal mumbo jumbo that you would like to show as boilerplate text on all your invoices and quotes.

  • Invoice text – You can create Invoice tag messages that will show on the invoice. If you would like to add sayings like Happy holidays or come back this weekend for our big inventory blowout sale you can do so here.

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