Enter/Edit Vendors

Enter/Edit Vendors

Table of Contents


A/P > Vendors > Enter/Query Vendors

The Enter/Query Vendor screen consists of six tabs and vendor contact information. Vendors are entered and modified using the Vendor Entry/Edit screen. All vendor information such as name, address, phone number as well as default terms, buyer, expense account for voucher entry, and all contacts for the vendor are managed on this screen. Purchasing information such as minimum order amounts, discounts and prepaid freight quantities can be added in this screen and will be used by the purchasing department in the PO Assistant and PO generator to help streamline the inventory. 
Through this screen you can also set alerts and notes for the vendor that other departments can see throughout TRX. A complete purchase order history is available via the PO History tab. Over the next couple of pages we will outline what each box contains and how it affects the vendor setup. 

Create Vendor

To create a Vendor, fill out the company information at the top, add a contact, and hit Save. You can utilize Vendor templates to streamline this process.


  1. Open the Vendor Enter/Query screen

    1. A/P>Vendors>Vendor Enter/Query

  2. Fill out Vendor Information

    1. Tab or Enter through the fields

    2. Utilize Templates to streamline the process

  3. Enter Vendor Contact

    1. Tab or Enter through the fields

    2. Set Prime and pay Contacts

  4. Save the Vendor

    1. Hit Save Button or F10

A/P>Vendors>Vendor Enter/Query

Delete/Inactivate Vendors

If a Vendor was entered by mistake or you no longer work with a vendor, you will either need to delete or inactivate the Vendor.

Delete Vendors - Vendor has NO History

If the Vendor doesn’t have any history, you will be able to delete the Vendor. Pull the Vendor up, hit the Delete button, then hit Yes to the prompt.


  1. Open the Vendor record

    1. A/P>Vendors>Vendor Enter/Query

    2. Click on Vendor # field

    3. Enter Vendor # or hit F9 for lookup

  2. Delete the Vendor

    1. Make sure Cursor is in the Header (Not on a contact)

    2. Hit the Delete button

    3. Hit Yes to the Prompt

Inactivate Vendor - No longer working with Vendor

If you need to remove a Vendor that has existing documents, you will need to inactivate. Deleting is not possible with records written to the Vendor, but marking as Inactive will remove it from the lookup as well as unmarking it as preferred vendor on any items and deleting the Vendor from your AQ cross reference. Simply open your Vendor, uncheck Active, and hit Yes to the prompt.



  1. Open the Vendor record

    1. A/P>Vendors>Vendor Enter/Query

    2. Click on Vendor # field

    3. Enter Vendor # or hit F9 for lookup

  2. Mark as inactive

    1. Uncheck the Active checkbox

  3. Confirm the change

    1. Hit Yes to the prompt

  4. Save

    1. Hit Save Button or F10


Screen Detail

This section covers every field and what they do. It is a detailed look at the screen.

Main Tab 

The Main tab of the Vendor Query screen is where the vendor set up information is stored. When entering a vendor for the first time tab through each field and enter all information available. TRX uses this information on reports, address labels and Purchase Orders.

  • Vendor Number – TRX assigns a vendor number automatically if the setup function is checked off in the A/P setup screen. You also have the option of not checking it and adding your own numbering scheme manually. This vendor number is up to 20 characters and is used on all other screens in TRX Enterprise. If vendors are automatically numbered, leave this field blank. If a number is entered, it will be ignored and replaced with the automatic number.

  • Active Check Box – If this box is checked the vendor will be considered active and you will be able to use it throughout TRX. If it is not checked the customer will not show up on any F9 searches or reports.

  • Hold Payments – If you need to suspend payments to this vendor you can check this box. Vouchers for the vendor can still be entered but they will not print on a check run until the hold on the vendor is removed.

  • Name – This would be the name of the Vendor.

  • AP Account - This is the default A/P account to use when entering vouchers for this vendor. The A/P account can be changed when entering vouchers. Press F9 to display a list of valid AP accounts. The A/P account is also a branch transaction trigger when using the Branch add on.

  • Default Charge – This is the default expense account to use when entering vouchers for this vendor. The expense can be changed when entering vouchers. The user can press F9 to display a list of valid expense accounts. This field is very rarely filled in here. An example of when to use it would be for a mortgage payment when you want to hit the mortgage expense account instead of the cost of goods sold.

  • Account # - This is where you would store the account number that the vendor has given to you.

  • Payment type – The vendor can have a default payment type set for it here, the options are Check, ACH, and Credit Cards.

  • Comments – This is where you can store general notes about the vendor, comments about the vendor can be entered up to 200 characters.

  • Terms – This is the default terms to use on vouchers and purchase orders for this vendor. The terms on vouchers and purchase orders can be modified at the time of entry as well. Press F9 for a list of valid terms.

    • This field can be locked so no one can change them. 

    • Terms are setup in A/R > Special Functions > Terms.

  • FOB - This is the default FOB code that will show on the vendors PO's. FOB codes must be defined in the SYS > FOB Codes before they can be used.

  • Vendor Types – You can segregate your vendors for reporting purposes by assigning a vendor type code. These codes are defined in Vendor Setup. This field is also used to declare which vendors are Buying Group vendors and whose vouchers will be eligible for the buying group check screen.

  • Fed. ID Number – If the customer is a tax-exempt customer you can store the Federal ID exempt number here.

  • Last PO Date – For reference purposes, we list the date of the Last PO to this vendor. This is a program function and cannot be edited.

  • Default Buyer – If there is a default buyer for this vendor that you would like to show on the purchase orders you can assign it here. Buyers are set up in PUR > Purchasing Special Functions > Buyers.

  • Alternate Pay to - This field is used if a different name is to be printed on the check for this vendor. This feature might be used if the vendor is part of a buying group and payments are made to the buying group. When leaving this field blank, checks will be written to the person in the Name Field.

  • Discount - If the vendor gives you a discount it is stored in this field.

  • Minimum Order – Some vendors may have minimum order quantity or you may have one yourself to avoid high shipping cost. Either way: that minimum is set here. This will interface with the PO generator in Purchasing.

  • PPD Frt $ - If the vendor has a set prepaid freight dollar amount it can be placed in here, this will also interface with the PO generator.

  • PPD Frt QTY – Same as prepaid freight $, just driven by quantity instead of $ amounts

  • Auto Cancel Backorder – When checked any amount remaining on an un-received PO will be cancelled upon partial receipt of the PO.

Misc. Tab.

The miscellaneous tab contains the Branch, Vendor Rank, and Vendor Code as well as any flex fields defined for the vendors. Vendor flex fields are set up in purchasing setup. The user can create up to five Flex Fields for A/P vendor Records. For more information see Flex Fields.

Alerts Tab

In the Vendor tab you have the option of setting an alert for the vendor. Vendor alerts will pop up when a vendor number is entered while:

  • Vnd - Querying the Vendor in this screen or Vendor Query (Vnd checked)

  • A/P - Entering a voucher (A/P checked).

  • P/O Inp - Creating a new PO (PO input checked)

  • P/O Rec - Receiving the A PO (P/O rec)

Alerts are a great way to remind users of specific issues regarding a vendor.

Possible Reason:

  • A/P needs to change a charge off account

  • Receiving needs to expedite a shipment

  • You would like the purchaser to request special delivery.

Alerts provide ways to communicate with your co-workers at exactly the right time. In the alert setup, alerts can be set to display only during a particular time frame by setting a start and stop date. If the start and end dates are left blank, the alert is displayed at all times. The color allows changes to the background of the alert message. You also control the text that is printed in the alert box. The alert will not prohibit the user from proceeding but they do have to stop what they are doing to clear the box. 

PO History Tab

Once a vendor has been setup and it starts accumulating a history, you will have access to the history from the Vendor Enter/Edit screen under the PO History tab. The tab displays the purchase orders that have been cut to this vendor, when they were created, their current status and PO Totals. Since the purchase order field is a dark grey it means it has the drill down capability, so you can drill down to examine the actual purchase order. 

  • Purchase Order - he PO history tab will show a list past PO's for this vendor, This field shows the PO number. This is a dark grey field so it is a drill down field that will take you to the PO if you double click on it.

  • PO Status – The status of the PO:

    • RDY - PO is waiting to be received

    • CLO - All Items on the PO are either received or cancelled so the PO is now Closed

    • CAN - The PO was cancelled.

  • PO Date – The date the PO was created.

  • Close Date – If the PO was closed (fully received) the date it was closed will be here.

  • PO Total – The total of the PO in question


The 1099 tab allows the user to setup the Vendor properly for 1099's.

  • 1099 check box - Check this box if the vendor is to receive an IRS 1099 form at the end of the fiscal year. Only Vendors with this box checked will show up on print 1099 vendor report screen and report. You can print the 1099 form report in A/P > Reports

  • Use Field #1-16 - Use these radio buttons to decide which field in the 1099 you wanted to use.

  • RNT, RLT, OTI, FTW, FBP, MHP, NEC, PLD, CIP, BLANK, EGP, GPA, SDF, STW- Based on which field you selected, TRX will put what is in that field next to the Calculate button

    • Calculate - Hitting this button will populate the field next to it with their 1099 info based on the Year selected.

  • Year - Here is where you can enter the date you wanted to create the 1099 on.

    • Print - This button will print the selection

    • Clear - This button will clear what was selected by the user.


  • Note Source – The notes module connects through many modules in TRX, so this box allows you to see where the note came from. Using this drop-down, the user can go between notes from different sources.

  • Note Date – The date the note was created.

  • User – The user that created the note

  • Note - You can create notes up to 200 characters in this box. If you double click this field, a box will come up that you can format in. There is a vendor notes report that you can print out to see all notes.

  • Public - check this box to allow all users to see this note, if left unchecked only the user that created the note and the enterprise user can view and edit.

The final tab on the Vendor Enter/Edit screen is the Notes tab. Here you can place notes that will travel with this vendor. You will be able to see when they were created and from which department they originated. You can check the public box so that all users may see them. If the notes are only for you, leave the box un-checked and the notes will only show up when your user ID is accessing the record.

Vendor Contacts

The last element of the Enter/Query Vendor screen is Vendor Contacts. Vendors can have an unlimited number of contacts, but they must have at least one and they each must have a distinct name, address and phone number. One and only one vendor is designated as the primary contact. This is the default contact for new purchase orders and will be the record we use the email address of when sending out our distribution emails. You should also only designate one contact as the payments contact. This is the address used on all A/P checks.
To create a contact you should:

  • Click on a blank contact line on the left side of the screen or click on an existing contact and click on the New Record button on the toolbar.

  • Enter the Contact Number. It is recommended to leave this blank and allow Enterprise to supply the contact number. It will look at the existing contacts and choose the next number.

  • Enter the rest of the contact information.

  • If you would like to print an address on an envelope you can press the 

     icon and the template that you have setup in SYS > Address Templates for Vendors will print to an envelope.

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