SVC Setup
- 1 Overview
- 1.1 Main Tab
- 1.1.1 Items for Service
- 1.1.2 Flex Fields
- 1.2 Flex Field Validation
- 1.1 Main Tab
The Service Setup screen is used to set fields and items for Service.
Main Tab
Items for Service
Problem Item - Intangible Item used to track the Problem of the service call
Resolution Item - Intangible Item used to track the Resolution of the service call
Flex Fields
Fields determined by the user with Validation Options per Field. 5 Flex Fields in Total
Flex Field - Editable field that will appear on the Service screen
Validation Options - The Validation option set per Flex field
None - No Validation is required, field can contain anything
User Specified - This field will need to use one of the fields entered in the Flex Field Validations tab
Inventory Item - This field will need to contain an item held in Inventory
Serial Number - This field will need to match an existing Serial Number
Mandatory - This Checkbox will make the field required.
Default Warehouse - The default Warehouse for Service Tickets
Allow Time Entry on Calls - Enables Time Entry on Calls
Flex Field Validation
This Tab Allows you to define what can be used for Flex Fields marked for User Specified Validation..
Flex Field - This dropdown allows you to select which Flex field you are editing
Code - What will be entered in the field
Description - The description of the code
Default Value - This Checkbox will set this code as the default Value