Bill Retainage

Bill Retainage


Project retainage is billed through a separate process through the Bill Retainage screen. The process of billing retainage is very similar to creating an AIA bill. 

Like AIA billings all retainage billings that are in progress are displayed when you enter the screen. If you are creating a new retainage billing click the "New AIA" button. Otherwise double click on the retainage billing that you wish to continue working on.

Entering the project number will populate the application period based on the current GL period and the invoice date is filled in with the current date. The application number will be automatically determined based on the amount of AIA's that have been previously entered against the project. If you wish to lump all material, freight, install, and tax totals into one line then check the "Rollup invoice line detail" checkbox or if you need to see the breakdown leave it unchecked. The "CMA Edition" checkbox should be checked if you wish to print the CMA (Construction Managers Assignment) edition of the AIA. 

     If you are ready to bill all of the retainage that has been held to date you can press the "Bill All" button to automatically bill the full amount of retainage for each line item. Or if you need to bill half of the retainage press the "Bill 50%" button. To bill any other percentage of retainage, enter the % in the "Percentage of Retainage to Bill" checkbox. To reset all retainage amounts entered press the "Bill None" button. 

     For each AQ Line number we display the scheduled value and previous work (the total amount that the item has been billed through AIA billings to date) for your reference. The current retainage field shows the total retainage held to date which is available to be billed. The remaining retainage is the current retainage minus the amount of retainage you have selected for billing. Verify your retainage amounts for material, freight, install, and taxes and press the lightning bolt when you are ready to process the billing.

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