Register Sales
The POS Register Sales report shows by date and register all of the items sold. Quantities, prices, and discounts are printed along with the net price. A total for each day and a grand total of the Net Price are printed. Sales tax is not included in this report.
Starting and Ending close date - Enter the date range for the report. Choose pre-selected date ranges from the drop down menu next to the date fields. The register does not have to be closed for items to print.
Starting and Ending Registers – Chose a register, range of registers or leave them blank to print sales for all registers.
Starting and Ending Item – This report can be printed for an item or range of items.
Primary Sort – This report can be sorted by Salesperson, register or date.
Secondary sort – Within the primary sort this register can have a secondary sort or be set to none.
Item detail - The Register sales report can be printed in summary format by unchecking the Item detail checkbox. The summary format prints each net sale plus sales tax rather than each item.
Register summary version – Checking this box will summarize by register.