Assign User To Groups
Once you have established your groups in Group Setup and set up your users in User setup it will be time to assign the users to groups. A list of available users will be on the top left of the screen. Choose the group you will be populating with the pull down menu on the right and move users into or out of that group by highlighting them and using the arrows in the middle to move. If you need to see what; if any groups the user belong to you can do so on the bottom of the screen by selecting the users name from the drop down menu.
To assign a user to a group you will need to:
Pick a group from the pull down menu above the block on the upper right of the screen.
Mouse over and click on one of the available users on the screen to the upper left, causing them to be highlighted.
Press the icon with the single arrow pointing at the group block on the right and press it, the highlighted name will move and be assigned to the group in the pull down menu.