User Setup
The user setup screen is used to set up each user that will need access to some or all of the areas of TRX Enterprise™. In this screen you set up and edit the users ID, Password and company they will be working in, as well as the report mode and time zone.
Field Breakdown - Header
Basic Info
Userid - The User name used throughout the system and at login
Power User - This checkbox grants the user extra Enterprise privileges
Password/Confirm Password - The password for the user. Fill out to change
Expire Password - This checkbox will have the user reset their password on the next login.
Company - The Company the user is in
First/M/Last - First name, middle initial and last name of the user
Address 1&2 - Address of the User
City/State/Zip - City, State, and Zip of User
Email - The user’s Email
UPS Station - If you use the UPS integration, you can assign them to a Station
Online Support Controls (JIRA)
Activate Support Tickets - Allow the user to create JIRA Support tickets through TRX
JIRA User ID - The User ID for their Jira Account
JIRA Password - The password for their Jira Account
User-Company Controls
Branch - The Company Branch they are in. If you have one location, then use the one for all
Salesperson List - Salesperson lists can be saved. You can set a saved list as the default for this user
Lock List - This checkbox will force the saved Salesperson list to be used by the user
Save Search Criteria
Save Find Item Criteria - This Checkbox will save the last search in Item find
Save Find Customer Criteria - This Checkbox will save the last search in Customer find
Save Find Vendor Criteria - This Checkbox will save the last search in Vendor find
Multiple Sessions
Allow Multiple Sessions - This checkbox will allow the user to be logged in on more than one tab/browser/machine
Warn on Session Kill - This checkbox will warn when you are killing a session when there are multiple
Field Breakdown - Footer
User ID Search/Select
USERID - The white field will search the list of Users, the Gray field is displaying the Userid
Company - The Company info is spread between two fields
Company # - The Company Number/Code of the User
Company name - The full Company Name of the User
Licensed Users - Number of total users you can have in TRX
Named Users - Number of users currently in use
Available - The number of users still available
Create New User
The user setup screen is used to set up each user that will need access to some or all of the areas of TRX Enterprise™. In this screen you set up the users ID, Password and company they will be working in, as well as contact info, settings, and some permissions. This may need to be done by a user with Enterprise access.
For complete User Setup Guide, see Setting up users in TRX
Go the User Setup screen
SYS > User Setup
Enter user ID for new user
Example naming Conventions
[First Name][Last Initial] EX: JOHNS
[First Initial][Last Name] EX: JSMITH
[Last Name][First Initial] EX: SMITHJ
[First name] EX: JOHN
Enter the password for the user to initially enter TRX
Use ‘trx’ without quotes
Set expire password so they can choose their own
Re-enter the password for confirmation
Select the company the user will be working in
Enter Contact Info
Name/Address/Email etc.
Set the Branch
Set checkboxes based on your needs
Hit Save or F10
Repurpose/Delete Existing User
If you need to give a user to someone else, you will need to delete the existing user and create a new one. This will need to be done by a user with Enterprise access.
Go the User Setup screen
SYS > User Setup
Select your User at the bottom
Double-click on user name
Hit the Delete button at the top
Hit ‘Yes’ to prompt
Now, you can just follow the Create the New Users to create your new User.