Query Customers
The query customer screen may look like it is exactly the same as the Enter/Query customer screen. That is because it is, with a few major exceptions. One of the major tenants of TRX enterprise is control, we spent copious amounts of time and effort establishing an audit trail and permissions set that would not let those that should not be making changes, make changes. This screen exemplifies that, it allows you to assign many users the ability to see customer data in the query screen, but a smaller subset will have the ability to change data by having access to the customer entry edit screen. You should notice the Pencil with a no access sign icon on the tool bar. If you have access to the customer Entry/query screen where changes can be made, you can press this icon and you will be taken to that green screen. Those without permission will not. This screen has the exact same information as the Customer Edit/Query green screen.
Please see the Enter/Edit Customer section for details on the fields.