Copy Branch Setup


The Copy Branch Setup screen allows you to create a new branch using the settings from an existing one.


Screen Overview

Enter the Branch you want to copy from or hit F9 to find it. Fill out all of the fields and use all relevant dropdowns. From there, hit the “Create New Branch” button to Complete it.


  • Copy Branch From – The settings will be copied from this Branch to the new one.

  • New Branch Information - These fields will be used to create the Header record for the Branch

    • Branch – This will be the Branch Number throughout the system. It is an Alpha-Numeric field (letters and numbers allowed)

    • Company Name – The Company name of the Branch

    • Address 1 – The Branch’s Address

    • Address 2 – Branch's extended address i.e. room number

    • City – Branch's city

    • State – Branch's State

    • Zip – Branch's Zip

    • Phone – Branch’s Phone number

    • Fax – Branch’s Fax number

    • Fed. ID. Number – Federal Identification number for the Branch

  • Branch Segment Override – This section allows you to select the Segments for the GL Accounts, based on your setup

    • New Seg 1-3 – These dropdowns will show based on your GL Setup. There will only be as many as you have filled out

  • Construct EEC Code – This section allows you to construct EEC Codes for your branch

    • EEC Seg 1-4 – These dropdowns allow you to select a Segment from setup, a GL Account, or a SUB Account to be used in creating unique EEC Codes for the Branch

  • Create New Branch – This button will take what you entered and setting from the selected Branch to create a new Branch