Transaction history

Transaction history

This screen will show you all the Credit Card Transactions for a given Customer and allow you to Reverse any transaction manually.

****For a full guide on setting up and using Credit Cards in TRX, Click Here.****

A/R>Credit Cards>Transaction History

Reversing Transactions

This screen allows you to look up CC transactions as well as reverse them


  1. Open the Transaction History screen

    1. A/R>Credit Cards>Transaction History

  2. Select your Customer

    1. Enter Customer # or Hit F9 to lookup

    2. Hit Enter to load Transactions

  3. Reverse the Transaction

    1. Hit the “Rev” button next to the transactions

    2. Hit Yes to the prompt

Demonstration of a Reversal

Field Breakdown

  • Customer - Enter the Customer number and hit Enter to load the Transactions

Customer Credit Card Payment History

This section Displays all the transactions for the Customer. It allows you to find Card Type and Last 4 digits from a previous transaction as well as reverse the transactions

  • Date - The date of the Transaction

  • Authorizer - The Credit Card Authorizer used for the Transaction

  • Reference - Where this transaction came from

  • Card Type / Number - Defaults blank. Double click to load from API

  • Amount - The amount of the transaction

  • Status - Current Status of the Transaction

    • Captured - This means the transaction has been received

    • Voided - This means the transaction has been reversed

  • Rev (button) - This button allows you to reverse the transaction on this screen



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